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Releases: django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk

Support for "My Tickets" view

29 Nov 14:44
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New Features:

  • Added "My Tickets" menu option - retrieves all tickets that the logged in user submitted
  • Disabling teams based functionality is managed by a single flag (see documentation)

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Show username in nav header
  • Switch to class based views
  • Fix unassigned KB items not visible when teams functionality is disabled


17 Oct 10:44
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Release Highlights

  • Provide a mechanism to deploy Helpdesk as a standalone app in docker.
  • Completely rework the email parsing handler to ensure that attachments in various forms are relaibly captured.
  • Enhance documentation around teams and provide a simple directive to disable teams.
  • Expunge emails from inbox immediately after the delete call is made to prevent duplicate ticket problems
  • Add support for using Amazon SES
  • Document the default attachment extensions supported.

Details Of Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.5.0...v1.0.0

0.5.0 release

16 Jun 07:58
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This release includes a large number of bugfixes and updates since the 0.4.1 release.

Supports Django 3.2 LTS, but highly recommended to migrate to 4.2 LTS.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.5.0

0.4.1 bugfix release

02 Jul 10:45
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Fixes some issues with imports in 0.4.0.

Also adds some addition API functionality and tests.

0.4.0 feature release

12 Jun 07:18
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This release integrates all of the bugfixes and features of the 0.3 release, and adds support for Django 4.0. We still recommend using Django 3.2 LTS for stability, but early adopters may of course now start using Django 4. We will continue updating django-helpdesk version 0.4 with bugfixes until Django 4.2 LTS is released, to ensure that all users have a smooth migration path.

We do not expect many new features in the 0.4 release series for this reason, since we're mostly doing Django 4 support and cleanups. New features are targeted for the 0.5 release, release date TBD.

0.3.5 bugfix release

12 Jun 07:15
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This release primarily adds the ability to maintain users to the API. This feature is not enabled by default so existing installations should be unaffected if the API is not enabled.

0.3.4 release

23 Apr 06:14
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This release is somewhat unusual as it includes a couple of new features:

  • API based on django rest framework
  • Additional settings for customization

Includes also some typical bugfixes.

However, the unittests have some kind of error and the API tests won't pass. Testers say it works so I decided to release it now rather than waiting to figure out how to use django rest framework tests correctly, but that's something to work on.

0.3.3 bugfix release

20 Mar 02:55
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tag 0.3.3 bugfix release

0.3.2 bugfix release

22 Nov 04:41
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This release includes #985 bugfix which may help prevent a XSS security issue.

0.3.1 bugfix release

19 Nov 05:41
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Fixes a few small but important bugs:

  • Fix issue with file validator for email attachments
  • Clean html entities in new ticket fields
  • Fix minutes representation in time spent on tickets
  • Updated Celery syntax for latest version of celery