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better naming for authz tests, only do one assert per test
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Dustin J. Mitchell committed Feb 21, 2010
1 parent 24b4b6b commit 0f1da80
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 41 deletions.
114 changes: 73 additions & 41 deletions buildbot/test/unit/
Expand Up @@ -22,71 +22,103 @@ def authenticate(self, user, pw):

class TestAuthz(unittest.TestCase):

def testDefaults(self):
def test_actionAllowed_Defaults(self):
"by default, nothing is allowed"
z = Authz()
failedActions = []
for a in Authz.knownActions:
assert not z.actionAllowed(a,
StubRequest('foo', 'bar'))
if z.actionAllowed(a, StubRequest('foo', 'bar')):
if failedActions:
raise unittest.FailTest("action(s) %s do not default to False"
% (failedActions,))

def testPositive(self):
def test_actionAllowed_Positive(self):
"'True' should always permit access"
z = Authz(forceBuild=True)
assert z.actionAllowed('forceBuild',
StubRequest('foo', 'bar'))

def testAuthPositive(self):
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('foo'),
def test_actionAllowed_AuthPositive(self):
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('jrobinson'),
assert z.actionAllowed('stopBuild',
StubRequest('foo', 'bar'))
StubRequest('jrobinson', 'bar'))

def testAuthNegative(self):
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('foo'),
def test_actionAllowed_AuthNegative(self):
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('jrobinson'),
assert not z.actionAllowed('stopBuild',
StubRequest('not-foo', 'bar'))

def testAuthFunction(self):
for expected in True, False:
myargs = []
def myAuthzFn(*args):
return expected
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('uu'),
StubRequest('uu', 'shh'), 'a', 'b'),
self.assertEqual(myargs, ['uu', 'a', 'b'])

def testAdvertise(self):
z = Authz(
forceBuild = False,
forceAllBuilds = True,
stopBuild = 'auth',
stopAllBuilds = lambda u : False)
StubRequest('apeterson', 'bar'))

def test_actionAllowed_AuthCallable(self):
myargs = []
def myAuthzFn(*args):
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('uu'),
z.actionAllowed('stopBuild', StubRequest('uu', 'shh'), 'arg', 'arg2')
self.assertEqual(myargs, ['uu', 'arg', 'arg2'])

def test_actionAllowed_AuthCallableTrue(self):
def myAuthzFn(*args):
return True
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('uu'),
StubRequest('uu', 'shh')))

def test_actionAllowed_AuthCallableFalse(self):
def myAuthzFn(*args):
return False
z = Authz(auth=StubAuth('uu'),
StubRequest('uu', 'shh')))

def test_advertiseAction_False(self):
z = Authz(forceBuild = False)
assert not z.advertiseAction('forceBuild')

def test_advertiseAction_True(self):
z = Authz(forceAllBuilds = True)
assert z.advertiseAction('forceAllBuilds')

def test_advertiseAction_auth(self):
z = Authz(stopBuild = 'auth')
assert z.advertiseAction('stopBuild')

def test_advertiseAction_callable(self):
z = Authz(stopAllBuilds = lambda u : False)
assert z.advertiseAction('stopAllBuilds')

def testNeedAuthForm(self):
z = Authz(
forceBuild = False,
forceAllBuilds = True,
stopBuild = 'auth',
stopAllBuilds = lambda u : False)
def test_needAuthForm_False(self):
z = Authz(forceBuild = False)
assert not z.needAuthForm('forceBuild')

def test_needAuthForm_True(self):
z = Authz(forceAllBuilds = True)
assert not z.needAuthForm('forceAllBuilds')

def test_needAuthForm_auth(self):
z = Authz(stopBuild = 'auth')
assert z.needAuthForm('stopBuild')

def test_needAuthForm_callable(self):
z = Authz(stopAllBuilds = lambda u : False)
assert z.needAuthForm('stopAllBuilds')

def testConstructorExceptions(self):
def test_constructor_invalidAction(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Authz, someRandomAction=3)

def testMethodExceptions(self):
def test_advertiseAction_invalidAction(self):
z = Authz()
self.assertRaises(KeyError, z.advertiseAction, 'someRandomAction')

def test_needAuthForm_invalidAction(self):
z = Authz()
self.assertRaises(KeyError, z.needAuthForm, 'someRandomAction')

def test_actionAllowed_invalidAction(self):
z = Authz()
self.assertRaises(KeyError, z.advertiseAction, 'joe')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, z.needAuthForm, 'joe')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, z.actionAllowed, 'joe', StubRequest('snow', 'foo'))
self.assertRaises(KeyError, z.actionAllowed, 'someRandomAction', StubRequest('snow', 'foo'))

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