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A feature to put a failed build into a holding pattern, extends IRC b…
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…ot to hold and free builds
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Douglas Hubler committed Aug 5, 2009
1 parent e17a4dd commit 8d0c97d
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Showing 2 changed files with 223 additions and 0 deletions.
207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions buildbot/steps/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
import datetime
from twisted.python import log
from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, FAILURE
from buildbot.status.base import StatusReceiver
from buildbot.process.buildstep import BuildStep
from buildbot.status.words import IRC, IrcStatusFactory, IRCContact, IrcStatusBot
from twisted.internet import reactor

class HeldBuilds(StatusReceiver):
"""Can hold a build when a given build step failed. This gives someone some time
to repair the build and allow it to continue by potentially unpausing or letting it
timeout. These step is best used when IRC module is deployed or some API that can
interact with hold steps to hold and free them.

def __init__(self):
self.held = []
self.observers = []

def getHeldBuilds(self):
return self.held

def clearFinishedBuilds(self):
for hold in self.held:
if (

def subscribe(self, observer):
""" observer needs to implement this method:
def buildHeld(self, holdStep)
to recieve hold build events
log.msg('Adding observer %s' % str(observer))

def unsubscribe(self, observer):

def add(self, hold_step):
log.msg('Adding hold step %s' %
for observer in self.observers:

def getById(self, id):
for hold in self.getHeldBuilds():
if == id:
return hold
return None

def stepFinished(self, build, step, results):
log.msg('Removing hold step %s' %

_held_builds = HeldBuilds()
def heldBuilds():
"""Singleton access to held builds"""
return _held_builds

class HoldBuild(BuildStep):
"""This will stall a build for a fixed periodic of time. If specified this will only
hold if a previous step has failed. This can be used to debug a broken build before the
system is finishes any other steps, such as teardown steps. Notifications can be handled
by subscribing to class returned in global registry: heldBuilds(). One such module that
gets held build information is IRC bot that will post messages that a build is being held
and users and interact with held build."""

name = 'hold'
haltOnFailure = True
flunkOnFailure = True

def __init__(self, stepToWatchForFailure=None, timeout=2700, **kwargs):
""" timeout - default is 45min because you pay same for 1st hour of EC2 so if an average test takes
10 min to start and 5 minutes, that leaves 45 minutes to $ free
stepToWatchForFailure - is a step in this builder by this name should fail, then this will conditionally hold
otherwise this will not hold. If no step is given, this will ALWAYS hold
BuildStep.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.addFactoryArguments(timeout=timeout, stepToWatchForFailure=stepToWatchForFailure)
self.defaultTimeout = timeout
self.timer = None
self.stepToWatchForFailure = stepToWatchForFailure
self.doStepIf = self.shouldHold

def id(self):
# don't need to add step name because a build can only be held once and so builder name is unique and a lot
# faster to type

def shouldHold(self, stepInstance):
if self.stepToWatchForFailure is None:
return True
for step in
if step.getName() == self.stepToWatchForFailure:
return (step.getResults()[0] == FAILURE)
return False

def start(self):

def interrupt(self, reason):

def stopExistingTimer(self):
if self.timer:
self.timer = None
self.step_status.setText(["delay", "interrupted"])

def hold(self, timeout=None):
"""Useful for APIs like IRC bot that wish interact with build in progress
if timeout is not None:
self.timeout = timeout
self.timeout = self.defaultTimeout
self.step_status.setText(["delay", "%s secs" % self.timeout])
log.msg('setting timer')
self.startTime =
self.timer = reactor.callLater(self.timeout, self.done)

def free(self):
"""Useful for APIs like IRC bot that wish interact with build in progress

def done(self):
self.timer = None

def decodeTimeToSeconds(encodedTime):
units = encodedTime[-1]
factorTable = {
's': 1,
'm': 60,
'h': 3600,
'd': 86400}
if (units not in factorTable):
raise Exception("'%s' does not include a recognized unit of time such as: s, m, h and d. Example: 3h" % encodedTime)
return factorTable[units] * int(encodedTime[:-1])

class IRCContactWithHold(IRCContact):

def __init__(self, channel, dest):
log.msg('Contact created')
IRCContact.__init__(self, channel, dest)
# MEMLEAK(?): subscribing but not clear where to unsubscribe

def buildHeld(self, heldStep):
then = heldStep.startTime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=heldStep.timeout)
self.send('Holding %s until %s' % (, then.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')))

def command_HOLD(self, args_string, who):
args = args_string.split(None, 2)
if len(args) == 0:
if len(args) == 2:
timeout = decodeTimeToSeconds(args[1])
timeout = None
holdStep = self._findHoldStep(args[0])
if holdStep:

command_HOLD.usage = "hold [<build step>] [<time to hold e.g. 1h>] ... - Hold, rehold a build or list all held builds. "\
"Pass no arguments for a list of all the currently held builds. If you hold an already held system, "\
"it will reset the timeout. Examples of time can be an integer immediately followed by d, h, m or s with "\
"no space in between."

def listHeldBuilds(self):
builds = heldBuilds().getHeldBuilds()
if len(builds) == 0:
self.send('No held builds')
for hold in builds:

def command_FREE(self, hold_step_id, who):
holdStep = self._findHoldStep(hold_step_id)
if holdStep:;
self.send('Releasing held build %s' % hold_step_id)

command_FREE.usage = "free <build step> ... - Free the build allowing it to go immediately to the next build step."

def _findHoldStep(self, id):
holdStep = heldBuilds().getById(id)
if holdStep is None:
self.send('Could not find held build step %s' % id)
return holdStep

class IrcStatusBotWithHold(IrcStatusBot):
contactClass = IRCContactWithHold

IrcStatusFactory.protocol = IrcStatusBotWithHold

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions buildbot/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_hold -*-

from twisted.trial import unittest

from buildbot.steps.hold import decodeTimeToSeconds

class IRCContactWithHoldTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testDecodeTimeToSeconds(self):
self.failUnless(1, decodeTimeToSeconds('1s'))
self.failUnless(60, decodeTimeToSeconds('1m'))
self.failUnless(3600, decodeTimeToSeconds('1h'))
self.failUnless(3600*24, decodeTimeToSeconds('1d'))
self.assertRaises(Exception, decodeTimeToSeconds, '1')
self.assertRaises(Exception, decodeTimeToSeconds, '10')
self.assertRaises(Exception, decodeTimeToSeconds, 'abc')

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