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Add isAggegregateType and isInstantiationOf to phobos.sys.traits.
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isAggregateType is the same as isAggregateType from std.traits but with
tweaked documentation and examples.

isInstantiationOf is the equivalent of std.traits' isInstanceOf. The
documentation and tests have been updated, and an overload for partial
instantiation has been added.

The reason for the name change is that "instance" is not normally used
with templates (instantiation is typically considered to be the correct
term). Rather, instance is normally used to indicate that a value is an
instance of a particular type. So, using isInstanceOf to check whether a
type is an instantiation of a particular template seems like a misuse of
the term and like it could easily cause confusion. The downside of
course is that the new name is longer and harder to type, but while it's
a trait that is necessary in some situations, IMHO, it's not needed
frequently enough for the longer name to be a problem - particularly
when it's a clearer name.

I did try to simplify isInstantationOf's implementation so that it
didn't need an alias overload, but I failed, because apparently, when
typeof is used on the instantiation of a function template, the fact
that it's a template instantation is lost. So, unfortunately, we're
forced to operate on the function's symbol rather than its type to
detect whether it's an instantation of a particular template. The
documentation has been updated to include that information.

I also tried to then make the alias overload not need a helper template
so that fewer template instantiations would be needed, but that didn't
work either, because the alias overload needs a template specialization
to work, and I couldn't find a way to write an is expression that would
have the same effect. So maybe, someone can improve the implementation
later if they can figure that out, but since it's the same
implementation as std.traits, we're not any worse off. And the overload
which operates on aggregate types probably sees a lot more use anyway.
  • Loading branch information
jmdavis committed Apr 17, 2024
1 parent c489361 commit 2bdb77c
Showing 1 changed file with 262 additions and 0 deletions.
262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions phobos/sys/traits.d
Expand Up @@ -51,8 +51,10 @@
$(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Templates))
$(TR $(TD Categories of types) $(TD
$(LREF isAggregateType)
$(LREF isDynamicArray)
$(LREF isFloatingPoint)
$(LREF isInstantiationOf)
$(LREF isInteger)
$(LREF isNumeric)
$(LREF isPointer)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +111,33 @@
module phobos.sys.traits;

Whether the given type is an "aggregate type" - i.e. a struct, class,
interface, or union.
enum isAggregateType(T) = is(T == struct) || is(T == class) || is(T == interface) || is(T == union);

@safe unittest
struct S {}
class C {}
interface I {}
union U {}

static assert( isAggregateType!S);
static assert( isAggregateType!C);
static assert( isAggregateType!I);
static assert( isAggregateType!U);
static assert( isAggregateType!(const S));
static assert( isAggregateType!(shared C));

static assert(!isAggregateType!int);
static assert(!isAggregateType!string);
static assert(!isAggregateType!(S*));
static assert(!isAggregateType!(C[]));
static assert(!isAggregateType!(I[string]));

Whether the given type is a dynamic array (or what is sometimes referred to
as a slice, since a dynamic array in D is a slice of memory).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1309,6 +1338,239 @@ enum isPointer(T) = is(T == U*, U);

Evaluates to $(D true) if the given type or symbol is an instantiation of
the given template.
The overload which takes $(D T) operates on types and indicates whether an
aggregate type (i.e. struct, class, interface, or union) is an
instantiation of the given template.
The overload which takes $(D Symbol) operates on function templates,
because unlike with aggregate types, the type of a function does not retain
the fact that it was instantiated from a template. So, for functions, it's
necessary to pass the function itself as a symbol rather than pass the type
of the function.
The overload which takes $(D Symbol) also works with templates which are
not types or functions.
The single-argument overload makes it so that it can be partially
instantiated with the first argument, which will often be necessary with
template predicates.
template isInstantiationOf(alias Template, T)
if (__traits(isTemplate, Template))
enum isInstantiationOf = is(T == Template!Args, Args...);

/++ Ditto +/
template isInstantiationOf(alias Template, alias Symbol)
if (__traits(isTemplate, Template))
enum impl(alias T : Template!Args, Args...) = true;
enum impl(alias T) = false;
enum isInstantiationOf = impl!Symbol;

/++ Ditto +/
template isInstantiationOf(alias Template)
if (__traits(isTemplate, Template))
enum isInstantiationOf(T) = is(T == Template!Args, Args...);

template isInstantiationOf(alias Symbol)
enum impl(alias T : Template!Args, Args...) = true;
enum impl(alias T) = false;
enum isInstantiationOf = impl!Symbol;

/// Examples of templated types.
@safe unittest
static struct S(T) {}
static class C(T) {}

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(S, S!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(S, S!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(S, S!string));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(S, const S!string));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(S, shared S!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(S, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(S, C!int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(S, C!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(S, C!(S!int)));

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(C, C!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(C, C!string));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(C, const C!string));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(C, shared C!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(C, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(C, S!int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(C, S!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(C, S!(C!int)));

static struct Variadic(T...) {}

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!()));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!(int, string)));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!(int, string, int)));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, const Variadic!(int, short)));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, shared Variadic!(int, short)));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, S!int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, C!int));

static struct ValueArg(int i) {}
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, ValueArg!42));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, ValueArg!256));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, const ValueArg!1024));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, shared ValueArg!1024));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, S!int));

int i;

static struct AliasArg(alias Symbol) {}
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(AliasArg, AliasArg!42));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(AliasArg, AliasArg!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(AliasArg, AliasArg!i));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(AliasArg, const AliasArg!i));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(AliasArg, shared AliasArg!i));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(AliasArg, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(AliasArg, S!int));

// An uninstantiated template is not an instance of any template,
// not even itself.
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(S, S));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(S, C));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(C, C));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(C, S));

// Variables of a templated type are not considered instantiations of that
// type. For templated types, the overload which takes a type must be used.
S!int s;
C!string c;
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(S, s));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(C, c));

// Examples of templated functions.
@safe unittest
static int foo(T...)() { return 42; }
static void bar(T...)(T var) {}
static void baz(T)(T var) {}
static bool frobozz(alias pred)(int) { return true; }

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(foo, foo!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(foo, foo!string));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(foo, foo!(int, string)));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(foo, bar!int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(foo, bar!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(foo, bar!(int, string)));

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(bar, bar!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(bar, bar!string));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(bar, bar!(int, string)));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(bar, foo!int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(bar, foo!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(bar, foo!(int, string)));

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(baz, baz!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(baz, baz!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(baz, foo!(int, string)));

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(frobozz, frobozz!(a => a)));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(frobozz, frobozz!(a => a > 2)));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(frobozz, baz!int));

// Unfortunately, the function type is not considered an instantiation of
// the template, because that information is not part of the type, unlike
// with templated structs or classes.
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(foo, typeof(foo!int)));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(bar, typeof(bar!int)));

// Examples of templates which aren't types or functions.
@safe unittest
template SingleArg(T) {}
template Variadic(T...) {}
template ValueArg(string s) {}
template Alias(alias symbol) {}

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(SingleArg, SingleArg!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(SingleArg, SingleArg!string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(SingleArg, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(SingleArg, Variadic!int));

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!()));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!string));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, Variadic!(short, int, long)));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(Variadic, SingleArg!int));

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, ValueArg!"dlang"));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, ValueArg!"foobar"));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, string));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(ValueArg, Variadic!string));

int i;

static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Alias, Alias!int));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Alias, Alias!42));
static assert( isInstantiationOf!(Alias, Alias!i));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(Alias, int));
static assert(!isInstantiationOf!(Alias, SingleArg!int));

/// Examples of partial instantation.
@safe unittest
static struct SingleArg(T) {}
static struct Variadic(T...) {}

alias isSingleArg = isInstantiationOf!SingleArg;
alias isVariadic = isInstantiationOf!Variadic;

static assert( isSingleArg!(SingleArg!int));
static assert( isSingleArg!(const SingleArg!int));
static assert(!isSingleArg!int);
static assert(!isSingleArg!(Variadic!int));

static assert( isVariadic!(Variadic!()));
static assert( isVariadic!(Variadic!int));
static assert( isVariadic!(shared Variadic!int));
static assert( isVariadic!(Variadic!(int, string)));
static assert(!isVariadic!int);
static assert(!isVariadic!(SingleArg!int));

T foo(T)(T t) { return t; }
T likeFoo(T)(T t) { return t; }
bool bar(alias pred)(int i) { return pred(i); }

alias isFoo = isInstantiationOf!foo;
alias isBar = isInstantiationOf!bar;

static assert( isFoo!(foo!int));
static assert( isFoo!(foo!string));
static assert(!isFoo!int);
static assert(!isFoo!(likeFoo!int));
static assert(!isFoo!(bar!(a => true)));

static assert( isBar!(bar!(a => true)));
static assert( isBar!(bar!(a => a > 2)));
static assert(!isBar!int);
static assert(!isBar!(foo!int));
static assert(!isBar!(likeFoo!int));

Evaluates to an $(D AliasSeq) containing the members of an enum type.
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