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Saalvage committed Jun 18, 2022
1 parent 0663959 commit b7c21ec
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Showing 18 changed files with 257 additions and 221 deletions.
125 changes: 123 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,7 +1,128 @@
# Change Log

## [2.4.8]( (2022-01-10)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.4.9]( (2022-06-18)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**
- Visual Studio's Test Explorer and Resharper C\+\+'s Unit Test Explorer don't see Doctest's tests \#661 ([KulaGGin](
- How to get detailed information about testcases failing due to thrown exceptions? \#660 ([NiklasKappel](
- Add clang\-tidy integration and fix all warnings \#659 ([Saalvage](
- Avoid static init problem in insufficient\_procs\(\) \(MPI\) \#657 ([starintheuniverse](
- Use MPI\_Isend in MpiConsoleReporter to avoid deadlock \#656 ([starintheuniverse](
- Deadlock in MpiConsoleReporter when root rank fails assert \#655 ([starintheuniverse](
- Cleanup of DOCTEST\_DO\_BINARY\_EXPRESSION\_COMPARISON\. Fixes \#651 \#652 ([iboB](
- Comparison with implicit cast from non\-const value can't be decomposed \#651 ([iboB](
- Local structured bindings cannot be used in CHECK macros \(since 2\.4\.8\) \#647 ([pragmaxwell](
- Add tests for DOCTEST\_CONFIG\_USE\_STD\_HEADERS \#643 ([Saalvage](
- Stringification amendments \#642 ([Saalvage](
- Clean up defines a bit; Implement \#439 \#641 ([Saalvage](
- Fix \#508 \#640 ([Saalvage](
- Fix \#508 \#639 ([Saalvage](
- New doctest version gives me an error: reference to local binding '\.\.\.' declared in enclosing function 'DOCTEST\_ANON\_FUNC\_16' \#638 ([a4z](
- The tutorial example does not work \(linker errors\) with clang 10 \#637 ([sixcy](
- Implementing \`DOCTEST\_ASSERT\_IMPLEMENT\_1\` as lambda prevents testing structured bindings \#636 ([ChrisThrasher](
- re\-re\-remove overly restrictive minimum version of meson \#635 ([eli-schwartz](
- Fix move\-only types failing to decompose correctly \#634 ([Saalvage](
- Weird compilation error when using CHECK\_THROWS/CHECK\_THROWS\_AS on Visual Studio 2019 with no exceptions \#633 ([yeputons](
- Error triggered by comparing typeid with new doctest 2\.4\.8 \#632 ([JazzSuite](
- Improve Mac PowerPC support \#631 ([ryandesign](
- issue introduced in 2\.4\.7 \#630 ([onqtam](
- Decompose expressions containing the spaceship operator \#629 ([falbrechtskirchinger](
- added nolint for cert\-err58 \#628 ([serguei-k](
- Fix properties not being passed in doctest\_discover\_tests \#626 ([quantumsteve](
- Config no multithreading \#625 ([Saalvage](
- wasm\*\-support? \#624 ([FrozenSource](
- Fix MPI extension to work with no parallel tests \#623 ([BerengerBerthoul](
- string comparison leads to gotting stuck \#622 ([laoshaw](
- doctest\_discover\_tests no longer sets ENVIRONMENT variables for discovered tests\. \#621 ([quantumsteve](
- Add contains option to checks\. \#620 ([MFraters](
- Feature request: CHECK\_THROWS\_WITH with contains option \#619 ([MFraters](
- Add alias target for doctest\_with\_main \#617 ([jessestricker](
- Allow escaping backslash with backslash in filters \(\#614\) \#616 ([yeputons](
- Fix operator<< \#615 ([Saalvage](
- Correct minor typos \#613 ([utilForever](
- Fix MPI extension to work if launched without mpirun/mpiexec \#612 ([BerengerBerthoul](
- Fix mpi subcase \#611 ([BerengerBerthoul](
- compilation error with custom operator== defined in namespace \#610 ([zvyagin1](
- Regression: Clang\-Tidy warnings in 2\.4\.8 \#607 ([nlohmann](
- Internal compiler error with GCC 7\.5 \#606 ([foonathan](
- tagging convension has changed? \#605 ([kloczek](
- Update Doctest in vcpkg to 2\.4\.8 \#604 ([gc435](
- Add IsNaN operator\! \#603 ([Saalvage](
- Ignored generated files from CMake, OSX, Xcode, and VS \#602 ([LeonBrands](
- Move roadmap and wipe it clean \#601 ([Saalvage](
- removes a duplicate word 'most' in configuration\.md \#599 ([krishnakumarg1984](
- Fix subcase reentry \#598 ([Saalvage](
- Loop\-generated \`SUBCASE\`s are not run \#597 ([yeputons](
- Void \#596 ([Saalvage](
- Add flag that forces custom stringification methods to be provided \#595 ([Saalvage](
- Fix coverage \#594 ([Saalvage](
- TEST CODECOV PR BEHAVIOR \#593 ([Saalvage](
- Ignore CMake and MacOS generated files \#592 ([LeonBrands](
- Feature request: option to disable fallback "\{?\}" stringifier \#591 ([YarikTH](
- Add tests for default stringification result of doctest \#590 ([YarikTH](
- Feature config ret vals \#589 ([Saalvage](
- Support pretty printing of container based on heuristics \#587 ([YarikTH](
- Refactor stringification \#585 ([Saalvage](
- Feature: Better NaN \#584 ([Saalvage](
- Nan check \#582 ([Saalvage](
- Update roadmap following maintainer change \#581 ([eyalroz](
- Regression between 2\.4\.6 and 2\.4\.7 \#571 ([YarikTH](
- build failure with gcc\-11\.2 when using user declared operator<<\(ostream, vector\) \#551 ([nlitsme](
- variable maximum is assigned 6206517616395625 instead of the actual return value which is 5\.0 \#530 ([kk723](
- toString can call existing user\-defined toString through ADL incorrectly \#508 ([zeux](
- \[Coverity\] Concurrent data access violations \(MISSING\_LOCK\) doctest\.h: 5838 in doctest::<unnamed>::ConsoleReporter::test\_case\_start\(const doctest::TestCaseData &\)\(\) \#486 ([jiridanek](
- Provide an error message if REQUIRE \(or other disabled assertion macros\) are used when exceptions are disabled \#439 ([alexeyr](
- Conflict with templated toString function \#420 ([TillHeinzel](
- \-tc does not work with comma in names \#398 ([martinus](
- Compile error on MSVC2019 with any macro which involves stringification of std::string \(asserts, INFO, etc\.\) when <ostream> isn't included \#381 ([nyanpasu64](
- the dll example doesn't run correctly on Windows with MinGW \#375 ([GregKon](
- add basic conan recipe \#354 ([trondhe](
- CHECK\_MESSAGE\(\) should accept temporaries \#337 ([eyalroz](
- stringify of cstring literals doesn't work out of the box with separate test\_driver\.cpp \#329 ([teichert](
- warning : function declared 'noreturn' should not return \[\-Winvalid\-noreturn\] \#307 ([Vexthil](
- Test cases containing a comma cannot be run individually \#297 ([Tradias](
- \[bug\] Can't compile the tests because of mutex, that is declared in the doctest \#242 ([BrunaoW](
- The \`CHECK\` macro conflicts with Boost\.Beast \(and surely others\) \#234 ([reddwarf69](
- Feature request: check if a \`float\` or \`double\` is NaN \#105 ([iamthad](

**Merged pull requests:**
- Add clang\-tidy integration and fix all warnings \#659 ([Saalvage](
- Avoid static init problem in insufficient\_procs\(\) \(MPI\) \#657 ([starintheuniverse](
- Use MPI\_Isend in MpiConsoleReporter to avoid deadlock \#656 ([starintheuniverse](
- Cleanup of DOCTEST\_DO\_BINARY\_EXPRESSION\_COMPARISON\. Fixes \#651 \#652 ([iboB](
- Add tests for DOCTEST\_CONFIG\_USE\_STD\_HEADERS \#643 ([Saalvage](
- Stringification amendments \#642 ([Saalvage](
- Clean up defines a bit; Implement \#439 \#641 ([Saalvage](
- Fix \#508 \#640 ([Saalvage](
- re\-re\-remove overly restrictive minimum version of meson \#635 ([eli-schwartz](
- Fix move\-only types failing to decompose correctly \#634 ([Saalvage](
- Improve Mac PowerPC support \#631 ([ryandesign](
- added nolint for cert\-err58 \#628 ([serguei-k](
- Fix properties not being passed in doctest\_discover\_tests \#626 ([quantumsteve](
- Config no multithreading \#625 ([Saalvage](
- Fix MPI extension to work with no parallel tests \#623 ([BerengerBerthoul](
- Add contains option to checks\. \#620 ([MFraters](
- Add alias target for doctest\_with\_main \#617 ([jessestricker](
- Allow escaping backslash with backslash in filters \(\#614\) \#616 ([yeputons](
- Fix operator<< \#615 ([Saalvage](
- Fix MPI extension to work if launched without mpirun/mpiexec \#612 ([BerengerBerthoul](
- Fix mpi subcase \#611 ([BerengerBerthoul](
- Add IsNaN operator\! \#603 ([Saalvage](
- Move roadmap and wipe it clean \#601 ([Saalvage](
- removes a duplicate word 'most' in configuration\.md \#599 ([krishnakumarg1984](
- Fix subcase reentry \#598 ([Saalvage](
- Add flag that forces custom stringification methods to be provided \#595 ([Saalvage](
- Fix coverage \#594 ([Saalvage](
- Ignore CMake and MacOS generated files \#592 ([LeonBrands](
- Feature config ret vals \#589 ([Saalvage](
- Refactor stringification \#585 ([Saalvage](
- Feature: Better NaN \#584 ([Saalvage](
- Nan check \#582 ([Saalvage](

## [v2.4.8]( (2022-01-10)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions doc/html_generated/assertions.html
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Currently [**logging macros**](logging.html) cannot be used for extra context for asserts outside of a test run. That means that the ```_MESSAGE``` variants of asserts are also not usable - since they are just a packed ```INFO()``` with an assert right after it.

## String containment

```doctest::Contains``` can be used to check whether the string passed to its constructor is contained within the string it is compared with. Here's a simple example:

REQUIRE("foobar" == doctest::Contains("foo"));

It can also be used with the ```THROWS_WITH``` family of assertion macros to check whether the thrown exception [translated to a string](stringification.html#translating-exceptions) contains the provided string. Here's another example:
REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(func(), doctest::Contains("Oopsie"));

## Floating point comparisons

When comparing floating point numbers - especially if at least one of them has been computed - great care must be taken to allow for rounding errors and inexact representations.
Expand All @@ -156,6 +169,20 @@

When dealing with very large or very small numbers it can be useful to specify a scale, which can be achieved by calling the ```scale()``` method on the ```doctest::Approx``` instance.

## NaN checking

Two NaN floating point numbers do not compare equal to each other. This makes it quite inconvenient to check for NaN while capturing the value.
CHECK(std::isnan(performComputation()); // does not capture the result of the call

**doctest** provides `doctest::IsNaN` which can be used in assertions to check if a float (or any other floating point fundamental type) is indeed NaN, outputting the actual value if it is not.
CHECK(doctest::IsNaN(performComputation()); // captures the result!

`IsNaN` is able to capture the value, even if negated via `!`.


- Check out the [**example**](../../examples/all_features/assertion_macros.cpp) which shows many of these macros
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions doc/html_generated/build-systems.html
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The latest released version of doctest can be obtained from here:

You can substitute ```master``` with ```dev``` or a tag like ```1.2.9``` for a specific version in the URL above.
You can substitute ```master``` with ```dev``` or a tag like ```v1.4.8``` for a specific version in the URL above.

### CMake

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- vcpkg
- hunter
- conan
- Homebrew (`brew install doctest`)

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion doc/html_generated/commandline.html
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**Bool options** - they expect ```1```/```yes```/```on```/```true``` or ```0```/```no```/```off```/```false``` after the ```=``` sign - but they can also be used like flags and the ```=value``` part can be skipped - then ```true``` is assumed.

**Filters** - a comma-separated list of wildcards for matching values - where ```*``` means "match any sequence" and ```?``` means "match any one character".
To pass patterns with intervals use ```""``` like this: ```--test-case="*no sound*,vaguely named test number ?"```. Patterns that contain a comma can be escaped with ```\``` (example: ```--test-case=this\,test\,has\,commas```).
To pass patterns with intervals use ```""``` like this: ```--test-case="*no sound*,vaguely named test number ?"```. Patterns that contain a comma or a backslash can be escaped with ```\``` (example: ```--test-case=this\,test\,has\,commas\,and\,a\\\,backslash\,followed\,by\,a\,comma```).
If a backslash is followed by neither ```\``` nor ```,``` it's left as is, e.g. ```--test-case="Test that \ works correctly"```.
Be careful: your shell may use ```\``` for escaping as well, so `\` may actually get consumed by the shell instead of doctest.

All the options can also be set with code (defaults/overrides) if the user [**supplies the ```main()``` function**](main.html).

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