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Development Environment

dotcomboom edited this page Apr 30, 2020 · 5 revisions

File Structure

The AutoSite Visual Studio solution is comprised of three projects:

  • Apricot: AutoSite's core build engine.
  • AutoSite Core: A barebones console-based application that uses Apricot to build a site. Useful for scripting and more CLI-savvy folk.
  • AutoSite: The full AutoSite GUI application, made with Winforms.
    • The dist folder contains files pertaining to Windows 10 manifests that should be included with each release.
    • The folder also includes AutoSite's icon autosite.ico and screenshots used in the readme.
      • Also included is AutoSitePy.exe; this is a packaged up (using pyinstaller) version of the legacy AutoSite, and is not necessarily required.

Additionally, the Documentation folder at present stores some very rough, incomplete documentation; that itself is an AutoSite site folder.


The above references can be obtained from their respective sources, though they have been included in the repository for the sake of convenience.

  • Apricot.dll (product of building the Apricot project): Used by AutoSite and AutoSite Core

Visual Studio and .NET Framework

AutoSite is built with Visual Studio 2010 Express and Visual Studio 2019 Community. As both versions of the IDE use the same solution and project format, either one can be used.

Apricot, AutoSite Core, and AutoSite all presently target .NET Framework 2.0.

Assembly information and version scheme

  • Version numbers are stored in the Assembly Version fields and are displayed by AutoSite and AutoSite Core.
  • For Release Candidate releases, the Description field is presently used. These are also displayed, following the version number.