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Scripts feedback mail sender

Torrib edited this page Oct 15, 2013 · 9 revisions

The sript feedback_mail_sender should be run once a day.

General Info

It loops trough active feedback relations and generates mails to be sent based on the following information:

  • The first mail is sent the day after the event, if the content object has a start_date, or the day after the feedback relation is created.
  • Notifications are sent the two days before the feedback deadline is passed.
  • One final notification is sent the day of the feedback deadline.
  • After the feedback deadline has passed the remaining users are given a mark and a notification is sent.

The respoinsible(see feedback_mail) gets a notification when the the first and the final mail is sent.

Technical Info

To send mail notifications the object connected to the feedback relation should use the following methods:


  • feedback_users
  • Returns a list of the users thats suposed to answer the feedback schema
  • feedback_title
  • Returns a string representing what the feedback is about
  • feedback_mail
  • The mailadress to the ones responsible for the feedback.


  • feedback_date
  • Returns the start date of the "event" if this field is missing, the first notification will be sent the day after the feedback is made