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dsimard edited this page Oct 19, 2010 · 3 revisions


jsKata.nofreeze avoids freezing by splitting long processes into smaller ones.



sleepFor integer (default 1) : How many milliseconds should it sleeps
chunkSize integer (default 10) : How many executions before sleep
stops [functions] : Contains all the stop functions started in a different processes


forloop(wh, inc, fct, options{sleepFor:integer, chunkSize:integer}, stopCallback) returns {stop:function}

wh function (should return boolean) : The while condition
inc function : The increment
fct function : The function to execute
options hash : Options

sleepFor integer : How many milliseconds should it sleeps
chunkSize integer : How many executions before sleep

stopCallback hash : Called when the process is stopped
stop function : Call this function to stop the process

This function looks like the basic for except that wh and inc are functions. Instead of

for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

you write

var i = 0;
  function() {return i < 1000}, 
  function() {i++},
  function() {alert(i)}

forCount(maxCount, fct(index), options, stopCallback) return {stop:function}

maxCount integer : couting up to this number
fct function : The function to execute
index integer : The current index of the loop
options hash :

beginAt integer : From which number should the count begin (default 0)
see options in forloop

This is a simpler loop.

for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

would become

var i = 0;
  function() {alert(i)}

infinite(fct, options, stopCallback) returns {stop:function}

fct function : The function to execute
options hash of [sleepFor|chunkSize] : To override defaults
stopCallback hash : Called when the process is stopped
stop function : Call this function to stop the process

Starts an infinite loop.

each(obj, fct(index, item), options, stopCallback) returns {stop:function}

obj array or object : Can be an array or an object
fct function : The function to execute
index integer : The current index of the loop
item object : The current object of the loop
options hash of [sleepFor|chunkSize] : To override defaults
stopCallback hash : Called when the process is stopped
stop function : Call this function to stop the process

Loop through each of the element of an array.


Stop all the processes


no callbacks