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I was very happy to wander across this processor,amber

You can see from the description that it is an armv2 compatible processor
which is the predecessor to the ARM family of processors that is in
many of the electronic devices we use on a daily basis.

You can definitely see the similarities and a few differences.  The
program memory space is smaller.   The program counter is very different,
flags and mode are part of the program counter in an arm2 (making the
program space smaller), the armv4 and newer that we are used now, have a
separate place to store this information leaving almost all of the
program counter to be address (the lsbit indicates thumb mode vs arm
mode).  Another noticeable difference is the armv2 only supports 32 bit
and 8 bit accesses (ldr, ldrb, str, strb) where the modern arm also
supports a 16 bit load/store (ldrh, strh).

The wikipedia page has a link to scans of the old armv2 document:

the amber project has done a pretty good job of recreating the important
parts of that, in particular the instruction set:,filedetails?repname=amber&path=%2Famber%2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Famber-spec.pdf

The reason why I am so happy to find this is that every time I have
shown a programmer what it is like to see their code executing in a
simulation, being able to see all the memory accesses, registers, etc.
They have enjoyed it and taken to it quickly as it can be addictive.
Then negative side to it is that if you are working on a chip and
spend that year or two in simulation, when the silicon arrives and you
cant look inside you feel a bit lost for a while.  Sure, for things
that you can simulate in a few million clock cycles, something that
doesnt take forever or fill up the hard disk with the output, you can
return to the simulator.

No different here, for short programs that do not produce a huge waveform
file or take forever to simulate, you simulate with the waveforms
turned on and can examine what is going on, when the programs start to
have some length to them, it becomes too painful to output waveforms
for all of it so you have to use some simulation tricks to only
show part of the sim in waveforms or use other ways of looking at what
is going on.

For now I have started with the amber23 which uses a 3 stage pipeline
and has a unified instruction and data cache.

Now most folks that deal with making chips or fpgas have access to the
pay-for tools like Modelsim.  Now there are ways to get eval or trial
copies of these tools.  But there are a couple of free, open source tools
that handle verilog.  One I like in particular is Verilator

Verilator, the way I am using here, generates C++ from the verilog.
From which you can do a couple of things.  One is another thing I like
to show folks, which is combining software with simulated hardware.
There is no reason for the software teams to wait for silicon or for
the pcboard to arrive to start writing code that talks to the hardware.

At the momment I have software that attaches to the core at the
memory interface known as wishbone bus.

Some day I may change that such that the memory/rom are in synthesizable
verilog and the software connects to the hardware through a uart or

The amber project has a number of peripherals, I have not included
any of them.  I have defined my own memory space, which is very limited
at the moment.  Rom starts at 0x00000000, and for now is 64Kbytes,
ram starts at 0x40000000 and for now is 64KBytes.  I modified the amber
processor to allow anything under 0x80000000 to be cacheable if the
cache is enabled, leaving 0x80000000 and above for peripherals.

So for these examples you are going to need two things first is
verilator, second is a toolchain.

Getting and installing verilator is described on their website:


git clone   # Only first time
cd verilator
git pull        # Make sure we're up-to-date
git tag         # See what versions exist
autoconf        # Create ./configure script
unsetenv VERILATOR_ROOT  # For csh; ignore error if on bash
unset VERILATOR_ROOT  # For bash
make  # this can take a while
make install

There is a Makefile in the amber23 directory.  After getting, building
and installing verilator, change to the amber23 directory and type

The binary for now is amber23/obj_dir/Va23_core

The binary expects an intel hex formatted file on the command line
which includes the ARM2 binary to run.

Any time if/when you change vmain.cpp you need to re-build that binary.

The second thing you will need is a toolchain.  Eventually I will
copy some instructions for making your own tools from the gnu sources,
for now just go get the lite version of the code sourcery tools.

Mentor Graphics has bought/assimilated Code Sourcery but still offers
the toolchain and the free lite version.  You may have to wander around
a bit to find the lite version and probably give up an email address
where they send you a link to the download.

My samples are written such that no gcclib nor C library calls are used
so it doesnt matter if you get the linux (arm-none-linux-gnueabi) or
just eabi (arm-none-eabi) versions.  Modify the ARMGNU parameter
in the Makefile or specify it as an environment variable.

blinker01 is borrowed from another one of my samples where it blinks
an led.  dont have gpio on this (yet) but it does serve as a starting
point for seeing this thing in action.

The amber spec document shows a little about running gtkwave, another
open source tool that completes the package.  I have made the software
that wraps around the hardware (vmain.cpp) with some peripherals that
print stuff out so arguably you dont have to look at the internals
of the chip to use this simulator.  Eventually I will make a version
of vmain that does not produce a vcd file, to be used this way.

With ubuntu or linux mint you can simply apt-get install gtkwave.  If you
cant yum or apt-get or emerge gtkwave then just get the sources and build

After you build the simluator Va23_core, build the blinker01 example
blinker01.hex, then run Va23_core /path/to/blinker01.hex it will
create a file named test.vcd.  Use gtkave to see what is going on

gtkwave test.vcd

A very quick crash course.  The top left area has an SST box that
is like a file directory if you will of the chip design.  When you
click on the word TOP, the lower left box now shows a list of signal
names.  Click on one of them to highlight it then ctrl-a to highlight
all of them then press the append button to add those signals to the
main waveform window.

The bulk of your time will be examining waveforms, these are internal
signals, registers, and busses.  lets add two more things then talk
about blinker01.  Now there have been subtle but steady improvements
to gtkwave so depending on what version you have the controls are
in the sample places but are a little more artsy as you get newer.
So basically you want to expand the TOP level design which shows a
v.  Expand that and you see u_coprocessor, u_decode, u_execute, and
u_fetch.  Expand u_execute and select u_register_bank.  And you get
a bunch of signals in the signal box below.  Another feature of gtkwave
is in the filter box type in r2 and it should isolate 2 signals
r2 and r2_out.  Select and add both of those.  You do have to remember
to empty the filter box if/when you navigate somewhere else or want
to see more of the signals in this space.

Once you have the signals you want in the window the bulk of your time
will be selecting events with single left mouse button clicks and then
using the zoom in and zoom out controls, which are usually on the
leftish side of the toolbar, and usually look like magnifying glasses
but that is one thing that varies among gtkwave versions, the look of
those icons.  You can also zoom in/out from the menu.  Depending on what
I am doing I usually use the other zoom that is a zoom to fit, puts
the whole sim across the window, then you might be able to see the
event you are looking for, click on/near it and use the zoom in (+) to
zoom in on the signals.  With this blinker01 sim, that doesnt show
what we are looking for.  Instead zoom out a bit (-) until the o_wb_we
signal has the handful of blips up front and then across the screen
there are some spread out pretty wide.

A feature of these kinds of waveform tools is you want to click to the
left or right of an edge on the signal of interest and with practice
you can get the tool to snap the highlight line to that edge.  If it
is an edge you want to see, otherwise miss an edge and it will put the
line where you clicked.  So click just to the left of one of those
blips of o_wb_we and then zoom in until you can see the values in
r2 and r2_out counting down as they approach that blip.

if you look at the blinker01 code, there is a main loop where r2 counts
from 0x30 down to 0x00 then a write happens to 0xFFFFF430 or 0xFFFFF434.

So the next thing to do is zoom in a little more until you can read the
numbers on the o_wb_adr signal.   And if you are in this main loop
then it should be one of those addressses 0xFFFFF430 or 0xFFFFF434.

The last thing in this crash course is there is a window between
the signal selection stuff on the left, and the main waveform stuff
on the right and most of the screen.  This is the list of signal names
you are looking at, depending on how big your screen is and how these
got spaced when you ran, you might need to use the slider at the bottom
to show you that it shows you the values for those signals based on the
cursor (vertical line in the waveform window) position.

Okay one more thing.  We were looking at o_wb_we, if in that signals
window you select o_wb_we then you can use the find next edge or find
previous edge controls.  Like the zoom controls the icons differ from
gtkwave to gtkwave, on mine they look like a left and right arrow, not
the arrow with a line stop at the end but the set without.  You can go
from one write (o_wb_we = 1) to the next and see the o_wb_addr chang
between those two addresses.

blinker02 demonstrates some byte accesses, it appears that this processor
puts the same byte on all four lanes.  Some processors will put the
byte in the same place no matter what the address is, for example the
lower 8 data bits.  And some will put the byte in the byte lane based
on the address, so if the lower two address bits are 0b01 then the
byte to write will be in bits 15 to 8.  And sometimes the other bits
are zero or sometimes the other bits are stale/garbage from some other
transaction.  And the purpose of the blinker02 example was to figure
out how this processor write bytes and the lane it uses to read from
so that the software memory simulation (vmain.cpp) would work properly.

hello_world is the first C example in this series.  And some of the
peripherals I added come into play.  First off if you read or write
address 0xF0000000 I stop the simulation.  Hardware runs forever until
you turn it off.  You may not be doing anyting or seeing any changes
on your screen, but you can be sure there is a lot going on with that
processor.  Since this sim generates an output file test.vcd if you
run forever it will fill up your disk with that file.  And make it
too big to view with gktwave.  So to control that I created a way
to stop/halt.  If you write to 0xE0000000 vmain.cpp will print out
that value, a single write prints a hex value, you can also of course
look for writes to 0xE0000000 in the sim to debug or watch your
program run.  And I have made a uart like tx register, when you write
to 0xD0000000 vmain.cpp will print the character in the lower 8 bits.
Since this is not real hardware and doesnt have to spin a bunch of
clocks to send that character you dont have a tx empty bit to
poll on.  With real hardware or a simulation of real hardware you cant
blast bytes to a uart this fast.

tea01.  So had to use the waveforms to debug a problem here.
The original a23_decode.v had this
always @*
    casez ({instruction[27:20], instruction[7:4]})
        12'b00010?001001 : itype = SWAP;
        12'b000000??1001 : itype = MULT;
        12'b00?????????? : itype = REGOP;
        12'b01?????????? : itype = TRANS;
        12'b100????????? : itype = MTRANS;
        12'b101????????? : itype = BRANCH;
        12'b110????????? : itype = CODTRANS;
        12'b1110???????0 : itype = COREGOP;
        12'b1110???????1 : itype = CORTRANS;
        default:           itype = SWI;
Which verilator didnt like, complained about duplicate case statements
like 0x9 for example.  I tried this
    casez ({instruction[27:20], instruction[7:4]})
        12'b00010?001001 : itype = SWAP;
        12'b000000??1001 : itype = MULT;
        12'b00??????0??0 : itype = REGOP;
        12'b00??????0??1 : itype = REGOP;
        12'b00??????1??0 : itype = REGOP;
        12'b01?????????? : itype = TRANS;
        12'b100????????? : itype = MTRANS;
        12'b101????????? : itype = BRANCH;
        12'b110????????? : itype = CODTRANS;
        12'b1110???????0 : itype = COREGOP;
        12'b1110???????1 : itype = CORTRANS;
        default:           itype = SWI;
And it stopped complaining, but when it hit an orr instruction using
registers or a certain mix of registers, it actually decodes as an swi
which, I had not setup a full exception table so it started the
program again, and again, and again. And this appears to be the problem
with the verilog:
    casez ({instruction[27:20], instruction[7:4]})
        12'b00010?001001 : itype = SWAP;
        12'b000000??1001 : itype = MULT;
        12'b00??????0??0 : itype = REGOP;
        12'b00??????0??1 : itype = REGOP;
        12'b00??????1??0 : itype = REGOP;
        12'b001?????1??1 : itype = REGOP;
        12'b01?????????? : itype = TRANS;
        12'b100????????? : itype = MTRANS;
        12'b101????????? : itype = BRANCH;
        12'b110????????? : itype = CODTRANS;
        12'b1110???????0 : itype = COREGOP;
        12'b1110???????1 : itype = CORTRANS;
        default:           itype = SWI;
I left an obvious case out.  The next problem is the 200000 cycles in
vmain.cpp were not enough.  To run tea01 with a vcd output, you need to
comment out the if(ticks>200000) line.  For running programs that are
big/long enough that the sim is slow and waveform file starts to get
large, I have an alternate build for the simulator
make -f Makefile.forever
It sims faster, does not stop until you stop it with a write to 0xF0000000
and does not produce waveforms.

Apparently I had already chucked some of the cache.  Tried to get it
working (with verilator) and failed, so I chucked it, if you try to
turn it on, it doesnt do anything you keep on running without.  Maybe
someday I will add it back.  Maybe amber25 with separate caches will
"just work" with verilator.

Amber25 is more complicated to be sure, and verilator didnt like the
cache there either, so I removed it but not completely, needs more
surgery to be completely removed.  The memory system on amber25 is an
128 bit wide data bus, I think I have it working but prefer the bus on


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