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Scaffolding database


cd \CoreDMS.DBCreation
dotnet run -- -s C:\dev\CoreDMS\sql -f C:\dev\CoreDMS\CoreDMS.DBCreation\DMS.db


cd \CoreDMS.DBCreation
dotnet run -- -s /mydev/CoreDMS/sql -f /mydev/CoreDMS/CoreDMS.DBCreation/DMS.db

Building application

dotnet publish --configuration Release /p:AssemblyVersion:<insert version here>

Starting application

Directories for uploaded and processed files must be created manually before starting the application.

Create a copy of appsettings.template.json and it appsettings.json and adjust the values according to environment.

dotnet CoreDMS.dll

Running as Windows service

As different NuGet packages are not compatible with using target framework net461 there is right now no way to built a native Window Service.

Propably when .NET Core 2.1 is released native Windows services support should be available according to this issue on Github.

In the meantine you can use NSSM which enables you to run almost any .EXE file as a service. To get started simply download NSSM and follow the instructions of NSSM.

Building the binaries can be done using the command:

dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64

Afterwards the created files should be copied to the directory from where the service should be executed and the appsettings.json should be changed according to the environment.

Installing Windows service

mkdir C:\CoreDMS
cd CoreDMS
New-Item -Name service.log -ItemType File # create empty file so stdout and stderr can be redirected
.\nssm.exe install CoreDMS C:\CoreDMS\CoreDMS.exe
.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppDirectory C:\CoreDMS
.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppStdout C:\CoreDMS\service.log 
.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppStderr C:\CoreDMS\service.log

.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppEnvironmentExtra COREDMS_LogDir=C:\CoreDMS\logs\
.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppEnvironmentExtra COREDMS_Uploads=C:\DMS\upload\
.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppEnvironmentExtra COREDMS_Processed=C:\DMS\out\
.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppEnvironmentExtra COREDMS_DbFile=C:\DMS\dev_database.sqlite
.\nssm.exe set CoreDMS AppEnvironmentExtra COREDMS_Applicationurl=

Removing Windows

.\nssm.exe remove CoreDMS