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Version 9

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@chinuhub chinuhub released this 14 Oct 17:17

ePADD 9 documentation

Releases for the appraisal, processing, delivery and discovery modules.

More about installation can be found here.

Release Notes

ePADD version 9.0 includes all of the features from 9.0 Alpha and additionally includes:


Ability to import and export sidecar files in the Appraisal module.
A 'Browse all messages' button has been added to the main screen.
The ability to delete a collection has been added.


Fixed embargo duration data type.
Fixed some issues with annotations
Fixed logging issue, which resulted in some logging messages being lost. This improves the ability to reproduce issues reported by users.
Fixed an issue which resulted in the advanced search in labels not working.
Resolved an issue resulting in certain characters not working in Mbox file names.
The epadd launcher from the system tray is now working.
Resolved an issue which resulted in not being able to return to the 'Edit Metadata' page after going to the main ePADD page.
The file is now correctly being created during installation.
Fixed an issue resulting in the toolbar missing when returning to the main screen from the 'Edit Metadata' screen.