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Welcome to iCAS

Please head over to our documentation.

Making changes to the API documentation

For changes to the freeform part of the documentation (anything under src/), sphinx-build version 6.1.3 is required.


make install-version

to make sure the necessary html files are generated properly.

For changes to the API reference endpoints, change the .yaml file(s) directly under the /openapi folder. The component schemas are organized in separate folders per logical domain, with the request and responses models decoupled. There is no need to run anything to have the changes properly rendered in this case.

To help you understand the OpenAPI specification, you can interactively explore it. Version 3.0.0 of the OpenAPI specification is currently used. The most popular IDEs for development have an OpenAPI plugin, which helps with validation issues and visual inspection of the API. Here is one for IntellJ IDEA. Alternatively, the web Swagger editor can help to surface any errors quickly, but is limited to a single file.

Release follows standard procedure: add changes to new branch, create a PR and get required approvals, finally merge to gh-pages.

Please make sure to resolve any linter errors and warnings before merging changes to the main gh-pages branch.

(c) 2015 - The iCAS Team