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docs: (core/i18n): [translate] Done (#1194)
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DarrenWong authored and fengmk2 committed Jul 18, 2017
1 parent 410633b commit 894005c
Showing 1 changed file with 137 additions and 0 deletions.
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/en/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
title: I18n Internationalization

For developing the multi-language application, build-in I18n support by [egg-i18n]( plugin

## Default Language

Default `en-US`. Assume that we want to switch the default language to Simplified Chinese:

// config/config.default.js
exports.i18n = {
defaultLocale: 'zh-CN',

## Switch Language

Here we have some ways to switch the application's current language (Modified records will set to the cookie `locale`), the next request will use the language setting directly.

Priority from high to low:

1. query: `/?locale=en-US`
2. cookie: `locale=zh-TW`
3. header: `Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.5`

If want to modify parameter name of query or cookie

// config/config.default.js
exports.i18n = {
queryField: 'locale',
cookieField: 'locale',
// Cookie default expired after one year, the unit is ms if set as Number
cookieMaxAge: '1y',

## Writing I18n Multi-language Documents

Configuration of multi-language are independent, stored in `config/locales/*.js`

- config/locales/
- en-US.js
- zh-CN.js
- zh-TW.js

Not only take effects in the application directory, but also in the directory of framework or plugin `config/locales`

__Note: It's locales, not locals.__


// config/locales/zh-CN.js
module.exports = {
Email: '邮箱',

Or using JSON file:

// config/locales/zh-CN.json
"Email": "邮箱"

## Getting Multi-language Texts

Use `__` (Alias: `gettext`) function to get the multi-language texts under locales directory

__Note: `__` is two underscores__

Take above multi-language configuration as example:

// zh-CN => 邮箱
// en-US => Email

If texts contain format function like `%s``%j`, we can call by the way similar to [`util.format()`](

// config/locales/zh-CN.js
module.exports = {
'Welcome back, %s!': '欢迎回来,%s!',

ctx.__('Welcome back, %s!', 'Shawn');
// zh-CN => 欢迎回来,Shawn!
// en-US => Welcome back, Shawn!

Support array, subscript and placeholder, such as

// config/locales/zh-CN.js
module.exports = {
'Hello {0}! My name is {1}.': '你好 {0}! 我的名字叫 {1}。',

ctx.__('Hello {0}! My name is {1}.', ['foo', 'bar'])
// zh-CN => 你好 foo!我的名字叫 bar。
// en-US => Hello foo! My name is bar.

### Use in Controller

module.exports = function* (ctx) {
ctx.body = {
message: ctx.__('Welcome back, %s!',
// or use gettext, it is a alias of __ function
// message: ctx.gettext('Welcome back',
user: ctx.user,

### Use in View

Assume we are using template engine [Nunjucks](

<li>{{ __('Email') }}: {{ }}</li>
{{ __('Welcome back, %s!', }}
{{ __('Hello {0}! My name is {1}.', ['foo', 'bar']) }}

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