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Johan Kiviniemi edited this page Dec 26, 2012 · 6 revisions

Manual Evaluations

This page contains manual evaluations of various interesting function calls to demonstrate what is going on in the internals of Lens.

Note 1: Some functions have been simplified by making them less generic or shorter-but-less-efficient than the actual versions in Lens for pedagogical reasons. See the Lens source code for the actual implementations.

  • ConstAccessor
  • IdentityMutator


both . both

(Based on pre-3.8, 2012-12-26)

both . both

-- both f (x,y) = (,) <$> f x <*> f y
both . (\f (x,y) -> (,) <$> f x <*> f y)

\f -> both (\(x,y) -> (,) <$> f x <*> f y)

\f -> (\g (ab,cd) -> (,) <$> g ab <*> g cd) (\(x,y) -> (,) <$> f x <*> f y)

\f -> \(ab,cd) -> (,) <$> (\(a,b) -> (,) <$> f a <*> f b) ab
                      <*> (\(c,d) -> (,) <$> f c <*> f d) cd

\f ((a,b),(c,d)) -> (,) <$> ((,) <$> f a <*> f b)
                        <*> ((,) <$> f c <*> f d)


view (iso (*10) (/10)) 5

(Based on pre-3.8, 2012-12-26)

view (iso (*10) (/10)) 5

-- view l = getConst . l Const  -- (See note 1)
getConst $ iso (*10) (/10) Const 5

-- iso sa bt = lmap sa . rmap (fmap bt)
getConst $ (lmap (*10) . rmap (fmap (/10))) Const 5

getConst $ lmap (*10) (rmap (fmap (/10)) Const) 5

-- lmap f sa = sa . f
-- rmap f bt = f . bt
getConst $ (fmap (/10) . Const . (*10)) 5

(*10) 5

over (iso (*10) (/10)) (+1) 5

(Based on pre-3.8, 2012-12-26)

over (iso (*10) (/10)) (+1) 5

-- over l f = runIdentity . l (Identity . f)
runIdentity $ iso (*10) (/10) (Identity . (+1)) 5

-- iso sa bt = lmap sa . rmap (fmap bt)
runIdentity $ (lmap (*10) . rmap (fmap (/10))) (Identity . (+1)) 5

runIdentity $ lmap (*10) (rmap (fmap (/10)) (Identity . (+1))) 5

-- lmap f sa = sa . f
-- rmap f bt = f . bt
runIdentity $ (fmap (/10) . Identity . (+1) . (*10)) 5

(/10) . (+1) . (*10) $ 5

from (iso (*10) (/10))

(Based on pre-3.8, 2012-12-26)

from (iso (*10) (/10))

-- from k = case runIso k of (sa, bt) -> iso bt sa
case runIso (iso (*10) (/10)) of
  (sa, bt) -> iso bt sa

-- newtype Exchange a b s t = Exchange { runExchange :: (s -> a, b -> t) }

-- runIso ai = case runExchange (ai (Exchange (id, Identity))) of
--   (sa, bt) -> (sa, runIdentity . bt)
case runExchange (iso (*10) (/10) (Exchange (id, Identity))) of
  (sa, bt) -> iso (runIdentity . bt) sa

-- iso sa bt = lmap sa . rmap (fmap bt)
case runExchange ((lmap (*10) . rmap (fmap (/10))) (Exchange (id, Identity))) of
  (sa, bt) -> iso (runIdentity . bt) sa

case runExchange (lmap (*10) (rmap (fmap (/10)) (Exchange (id, Identity)))) of
  (sa, bt) -> iso (runIdentity . bt) sa

-- rmap f (Exchange (sa, bt)) = Exchange (sa, f . bt)
case runExchange (lmap (*10) (Exchange (id, fmap (/10) . Identity))) of
  (sa, bt) -> iso (runIdentity . bt) sa

-- lmap f (Exchange (sa, bt)) = Exchange (sa . f, bt)
case runExchange (Exchange (id . (*10), fmap (/10) . Identity)) of
  (sa, bt) -> iso (runIdentity . bt) sa

case (id . (*10), fmap (/10) . Identity) of
  (sa, bt) -> iso (runIdentity . bt) sa

iso (runIdentity . fmap (/10) . Identity) (id . (*10))

iso (/10) (*10)


both sell ("foo","bar")

(Based on pre-3.8, 2012-12-26)

both sell ("foo","bar")

-- both f (a,b) = (,) <$> f a <*> f b
(\f -> (,) <$> f "foo" <*> f "bar") sell

(,) <$> sell "foo" <*> sell "bar"

-- sell a = Bazaar (\f -> f a)  -- (See note 1)
(,) <$> Bazaar (\f -> f "foo") <*> Bazaar (\f -> f "bar")

-- fmap f (Bazaar k) = Bazaar (fmap f . k)
Bazaar (fmap (,) . (\f -> f "foo")) <*> Bazaar (\f -> f "bar")

Bazaar (\f -> (,) <$> f "foo") <*> Bazaar (\f -> f "bar")

-- Bazaar mf <*> Bazaar ma = Bazaar $ \k -> mf k <*> ma k
Bazaar (\f -> (,) <$> f "foo" <*> f "bar")

Bazaar (\f -> both f ("foo","bar"))

partsOf' (both . both)

See above for evaluations of both . both and l sell s.

(Based on pre-3.8, 2012-12-26)

partsOf' (both . both) f ((3,4),(5,6))

-- partsOf' l f s = outs b <$> f (ins b) where b = l sell s
let b = (both . both) sell ((3,4),(5,6))
in  outs b <$> f (ins b)

-- l sell s = Bazaar $ \g -> l g s
let b = Bazaar $ \g -> (both . both) g ((3,4),(5,6))
in  outs b <$> f (ins b)

-- ins = toListOf (flip runBazaar)
let b = Bazaar $ \g -> (both . both) g ((3,4),(5,6))
    inned = toListOf (flip runBazaar) b
in  outs b <$> f inned

-- toListOf l = getConst . l (\x -> Const [x])  -- (See note 1)
let b = Bazaar $ \g -> (both . both) g ((3,4),(5,6))
    inned = getConst $ flip runBazaar (\x -> Const [x]) b
in  outs b <$> f inned

let b = Bazaar $ \g -> (both . both) g ((3,4),(5,6))
    inned = getConst $ runBazaar b (\x -> Const [x])
in  outs b <$> f inned

let b = Bazaar $ \g -> (both . both) g ((3,4),(5,6))
    inned = getConst $ (,) <$> ((,) <$> Const [3] <*> Const [4])
                           <*> ((,) <$> Const [5] <*> Const [6])
in  outs b <$> f inned

let b = Bazaar $ \g -> (both . both) g ((3,4),(5,6))
    inned = [3,4,5,6]
in  outs b <$> f inned

let b = Bazaar $ \g -> (both . both) g ((3,4),(5,6))
    outed = evalState (runBazaar b st)
    st _oldX = state (\(x:xs) -> (x, xs))
in  outed <$> f [3,4,5,6]

let outed = evalState $ (,) <$> ((,) <$> st 3 <*> st 4)
                            <*> ((,) <$> st 5 <*> st 6)
    st _oldX = state (\(x:xs) -> (x,xs))
in  outed <$> f [3,4,5,6]
view (partsOf' (both . both)) ((3,4),(5,6))

getConst $ outed <$> Const [3,4,5,6]

-- Better: over (partsOf' (both . both) . mapped) (*10) ((3,4),(5,6))
over (partsOf' (both . both)) (map (*10)) ((3,4),(5,6))

runIdentity $ outed <$> (Identity . map (*10)) [3,4,5,6]
