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Added support for sorting buckets based on sub aggregations
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 Supports sorting on sub-aggs down the current hierarchy. This is supported as long as the aggregation in the specified order path are of a single-bucket type, where the last aggregation in the path points to either a single-bucket aggregation or a metrics one. If it's a single-bucket aggregation, the sort will be applied on the document count in the bucket (i.e. doc_count), and if it is a metrics type, the sort will be applied on the pointed out metric (in case of a single-metric aggregations, such as avg, the sort will be applied on the single metric value)

 NOTE: this commit adds a constraint on what should be considered a valid aggregation name. Aggregations names must be alpha-numeric and may contain '-' and '_'.

 Closes #5253
  • Loading branch information
uboness committed Mar 5, 2014
1 parent b723ee0 commit 9d0fc76
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Expand Up @@ -175,6 +175,48 @@ If the histogram aggregation has a direct metrics sub-aggregation, the latter ca

<2> There is no need to configure the `price` field for the `price_stats` aggregation as it will inherit it by default from its parent histogram aggregation.

It is also possible to order the buckets based on a "deeper" aggregation in the hierarchy. This is supported as long
as the aggregations path are of a single-bucket type, where the last aggregation in the path may either by a single-bucket
one or a metrics one. If it's a single-bucket type, the order will be defined by the number of docs in the bucket (i.e. `doc_count`),
in case it's a metrics one, the same rules as above apply (where the path must indicate the metric name to sort by in case of
a multi-value metrics aggregation, and in case of a single-value metrics aggregation the sort will be applied on that value).

The path must be defined in the following form:

AGG_NAME := <the name of the aggregation>
METRIC := <the name of the metric (in case of multi-value metrics aggregation)>

"aggs" : {
"prices" : {
"histogram" : {
"field" : "price",
"interval" : 50,
"order" : { "promoted_products>rating_stats.avg" : "desc" } <1>
"aggs" : {
"promoted_products" : {
"filter" : { "term" : { "promoted" : true }},
"aggs" : {
"rating_stats" : { "stats" : { "field" : "rating" }}

The above will sort the buckets based on the avg rating among the promoted products

==== Minimum document count

It is possible to only return buckets that have a document count that is greater than or equal to a configured
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -144,6 +144,46 @@ Ordering the buckets by multi value metrics sub-aggregation (identified by the a

It is also possible to order the buckets based on a "deeper" aggregation in the hierarchy. This is supported as long
as the aggregations path are of a single-bucket type, where the last aggregation in the path may either by a single-bucket
one or a metrics one. If it's a single-bucket type, the order will be defined by the number of docs in the bucket (i.e. `doc_count`),
in case it's a metrics one, the same rules as above apply (where the path must indicate the metric name to sort by in case of
a multi-value metrics aggregation, and in case of a single-value metrics aggregation the sort will be applied on that value).

The path must be defined in the following form:

AGG_NAME := <the name of the aggregation>
METRIC := <the name of the metric (in case of multi-value metrics aggregation)>

"aggs" : {
"countries" : {
"terms" : {
"field" : "",
"order" : { "females>height_stats.avg" : "desc" }
"aggs" : {
"females" : {
"filter" : { "term" : { "gender" : { "female" }}},
"aggs" : {
"height_stats" : { "stats" : { "field" : "height" }}

The above will sort the countries buckets based on the average height among the female population.

==== Minimum document count

It is possible to only return terms that match more than a configured number of hits using the `min_doc_count` option:
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Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static long nextSlot(long curSlot, long mask) {

* Get the id associated with key at <code>0 &lte; index &lte; capacity()</code> or -1 if this slot is unused.
* Get the id associated with key at <code>0 &lt;= index &lt;= capacity()</code> or -1 if this slot is unused.
public long id(long index) {
return ids.get(index) - 1;
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Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,9 @@

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public abstract class Aggregator implements Releasable, ReaderContextAware {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ public static enum BucketAggregationMode {
protected final AggregatorFactories factories;
protected final Aggregator[] subAggregators;

private Map<String, Aggregator> subAggregatorbyName;

* Constructs a new Aggregator.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +117,16 @@ public Aggregator[] subAggregators() {
return subAggregators;

public Aggregator subAggregator(String aggName) {
if (subAggregatorbyName == null) {
subAggregatorbyName = new HashMap<String, Aggregator>(subAggregators.length);
for (int i = 0; i < subAggregators.length; i++) {
subAggregatorbyName.put(subAggregators[i].name, subAggregators[i]);
return subAggregatorbyName.get(aggName);

* @return The current aggregation context.
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Expand Up @@ -27,14 +27,18 @@

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* A registry for all the aggregator parser, also servers as the main parser for the aggregations module
public class AggregatorParsers {

public static final Pattern VALID_AGG_NAME = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+");
private final ImmutableMap<String, Aggregator.Parser> parsers;

* Constructs the AggregatorParsers out of all the given parsers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +82,8 @@ private AggregatorFactories parseAggregators(XContentParser parser, SearchContex
XContentParser.Token token = null;
String currentFieldName = null;

Matcher validAggMatcher = VALID_AGG_NAME.matcher("");

AggregatorFactories.Builder factories = new AggregatorFactories.Builder();

String aggregationName = null;
Expand All @@ -102,6 +108,9 @@ private AggregatorFactories parseAggregators(XContentParser parser, SearchContex
if (aggregatorParser == null) {
throw new SearchParseException(context, "Could not find aggregator type [" + currentFieldName + "]");
if (!validAggMatcher.reset(aggregationName).matches()) {
throw new SearchParseException(context, "Invalid aggregation name [" + aggregationName + "]. Aggregation names must be alpha-numeric and can only contain '_' and '-'");
factory = aggregatorParser.parse(aggregationName, parser, context);
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.


public interface HasAggregations {

Aggregations getAggregations();

Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ protected final void incrementBucketDocCount(int inc, long bucketOrd) throws IOE
* Utility method to return the number of documents that fell in the given bucket (identified by the bucket ordinal)
protected final long bucketDocCount(long bucketOrd) {
public final long bucketDocCount(long bucketOrd) {
if (bucketOrd >= docCounts.size()) {
// This may happen eg. if no document in the highest buckets is accepted by a sub aggregator.
// For example, if there is a long terms agg on 3 terms 1,2,3 with a sub filter aggregator and if no document with 3 as a value
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Expand Up @@ -19,12 +19,12 @@


import org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.text.Text;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.Comparators;

import java.util.Collection;

Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public interface MultiBucketsAggregation extends Aggregation {
* A bucket represents a criteria to which all documents that fall in it adhere to. It is also uniquely identified
* by a key, and can potentially hold sub-aggregations computed over all documents in it.
public interface Bucket {
public interface Bucket extends HasAggregations {

* @return The key associated with the bucket as a string
Expand All @@ -62,66 +62,28 @@ public interface Bucket {

static class SubAggregationComparator<B extends Bucket> implements java.util.Comparator<B> {

private final String aggName;
private final String valueName;
private final OrderPath path;
private final boolean asc;

public SubAggregationComparator(String expression, boolean asc) {
this.asc = asc;
int i = expression.indexOf('.');
if (i < 0) {
this.aggName = expression;
this.valueName = null;
} else {
this.aggName = expression.substring(0, i);
this.valueName = expression.substring(i+1);

public SubAggregationComparator(String aggName, String valueName, boolean asc) {
this.aggName = aggName;
this.valueName = valueName;
this.asc = asc;
this.path = OrderPath.parse(expression);

public boolean asc() {
return asc;

public String aggName() {
return aggName;

public String valueName() {
return valueName;
public OrderPath path() {
return path;

public int compare(B b1, B b2) {
double v1 = value(b1);
double v2 = value(b2);
double v1 = path.resolveValue(b1);
double v2 = path.resolveValue(b2);
return Comparators.compareDiscardNaN(v1, v2, asc);

private double value(B bucket) {
MetricsAggregation aggregation = bucket.getAggregations().get(aggName);
if (aggregation == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Unknown aggregation named [" + aggName + "]");
if (aggregation instanceof MetricsAggregation.SingleValue) {
//TODO should we throw an exception if the value name is specified?
return ((MetricsAggregation.SingleValue) aggregation).value();
if (aggregation instanceof MetricsAggregation.MultiValue) {
if (valueName == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Cannot sort on multi valued aggregation [" + aggName + "]. A value name is required");
return ((MetricsAggregation.MultiValue) aggregation).value(valueName);

throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("A mal attempt to sort terms by aggregation [" + aggregation.getName() +
"]. Terms can only be ordered by either standard order or direct calc aggregators of the terms");

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* A single bucket aggregation
public interface SingleBucketAggregation extends Aggregation {
public interface SingleBucketAggregation extends Aggregation, HasAggregations {

* @return The number of documents in this bucket
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -238,11 +238,7 @@ private static InternalOrder resolveOrder(String key, boolean asc) {
if ("_count".equals(key)) {
return (InternalOrder) (asc ? InternalOrder.COUNT_ASC : InternalOrder.COUNT_DESC);
int i = key.indexOf('.');
if (i < 0) {
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(key, null, asc);
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(key.substring(0, i), key.substring(i + 1), asc);
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(key, asc);

private long parseOffset(String offset) throws IOException {
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@

import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent;

import java.util.Collection;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,11 +109,11 @@ public int compare(InternalHistogram.Bucket b1, InternalHistogram.Bucket b2) {
* Creates a bucket ordering strategy that sorts buckets based on a single-valued calc sug-aggregation
* @param aggregationName the name of the aggregation
* @param path the name of the aggregation
* @param asc The direction of the order (ascending or descending)
public static Order aggregation(String aggregationName, boolean asc) {
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(aggregationName, null, asc);
public static Order aggregation(String path, boolean asc) {
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(path, asc);

Expand All @@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ public static Order aggregation(String aggregationName, boolean asc) {
* @param asc The direction of the order (ascending or descending)
public static Order aggregation(String aggregationName, String valueName, boolean asc) {
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(aggregationName, valueName, asc);
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(aggregationName + "." + valueName, asc);

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Expand Up @@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
import org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal.Nullable;
import org.elasticsearch.common.rounding.Rounding;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
import org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.LongValues;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.LongHash;
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Expand Up @@ -159,10 +159,6 @@ static InternalOrder resolveOrder(String key, boolean asc) {
if ("_count".equals(key)) {
return (InternalOrder) (asc ? InternalOrder.COUNT_ASC : InternalOrder.COUNT_DESC);
int i = key.indexOf('.');
if (i < 0) {
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(key, null, asc);
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(key.substring(0, i), key.substring(i + 1), asc);
return new InternalOrder.Aggregation(key, asc);

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