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[1.5.97] Gele - Elementrem CLI

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@elementrem elementrem released this 24 Apr 21:04
· 46 commits to master since this release

The Elementrem network will be undergoing a hard fork at block number 1,900,000
Based on GETH 1.5.9

EIP 150 Hard Fork

Long-term gas cost changes for IO-heavy operations to mitigate transaction spam attacks.
This will reprice certain operations to correspond better to the underlying computational complexity.

  • Increase the gas cost of EXTCODESIZE to 700
  • Increase the base gas cost of EXTCODECOPY to 700
  • Increase the gas cost of BALANCE to 400
  • Increase the gas cost of SLOAD to 200
  • Increase the gas cost of CALL, DELEGATECALL, CALLCODE to 700
  • Increase the gas cost of SUICIDE to 5000
  • Increase the recommended gas limit target to 5.5 million
  • If a call asks for more gas than the maximum allowed amount, do not return an OOG error; instead, call with the maximum allowed amount of gas

Spurious Dragon Hard Fork

  • EIP 155: Replay attack protection : prevents transactions from one Elementrem chain from being rebroadcasted on an alternative chain.
  • EIP 160: EXP cost increase : adjusts the price of EXP opcode so it balances the price of EXP with the computational complexity of the operation, essentially making it more difficult to slow down the network via computationally expensive contract operations.
  • EIP 161: State trie clearing
  • EIP 170: Contract code size limit : changes the maximum code size that a contract on the blockchain can have. This update prevents an attack scenario where large pieces of account code can be accessed repeatedly at a fixed gas cost.

Tron Recursive Hard Fork

Block mining reward is reduced to 1/5 and BlockTaget(13sec) does not change.
BlockReward = 5 ELE -> 1 ELE

Changes to the RPC API

  • ele_sign prepends a known string to the input and hashes the message on the server side.
  • Added personal_sign and personal_recover.
  • Block responses now include the mixDigest.
  • Transaction responses include v, r and s values.
  • In receipt responses, the root field is now prefixed with 0x.
  • personal_importRawKey makes it possible to import an unencrypted private key via RPC.
  • ele_getRawTransaction returns the RLP encoding of a transaction.
  • debug_traceTransaction can filter the EVM through an arbitrary JavaScript map/reduce
  • function on the server side.

As a general rule, Do not lose your password and keystore file. In any case, recovery is impossible. And it doesn't collect any personally identifiable information.


You must _download or Build(master branch)_ a Gele from the official Github. Check the integrity :

$ certutil -hashfile <Gele Zip file name> SHA1
3f 89 56 6d 32 d8 43 d7 34 0b a8 19 2e 83 44 ba 06 28 1b df
aa 3c 40 cd 23 f6 b1 29 50 48 fe b2 3e ce 20 76 14 84 7d 99
12 81 aa cb d0 d7 80 93 f5 92 fd 37 a3 8c d5 45 70 f9 53 38