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@end2endzone end2endzone released this 20 Jan 22:53

Changes for 2.0.0:

  • New feature (issue #2): Update command line parameters syntax with the --name=value syntax
  • New feature: Command line --noheader to not display the application header in the console output.
  • New feature: Command line --quiet to not output any message to standard output.
  • New feature: Command line --baseclass to change the default name of the interface which is File
  • Fixed issue #5: Remove the concept of segment
  • Fixed issue #14: Allow generated code to only use octal representation for non-printable characters
  • Fixed issue #16: Implement a --namespace argument
  • Fixed issue #17: Implement a --help and --h
  • Fixed issue #19: Add NSIS as a prerequisite in README and INSTALL
  • Fixed issue #20: Modify how 'override' argument is implemented
  • Fixed issue #21: Add a reference to source code location in generated files.
  • Fixed issue #22: Modify IGenerator interface to use setters/getters.
  • Fixed issue #23: Create a new interface for abstracting the string literal encoding format

Latest successful AppVeyor CI builds of branch 'prerelease-v2.0.0', commit 22a2490