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enygma edited this page Oct 23, 2010 · 3 revisions

Here's the list of current assertions:

###AssertContains Checks the response body for a match against the given term

    ->assertContains('find this text')

Additionally, for those more technically minded, you can also use XPath expressions to check for values:

    ->assertContains("//*[@name='find this text']",TEST::TYPE_XPATH);

Just be sure to pass that TEST:TYPE_XPATH as a second parameter.

There's also a more specific kind of searching you can do on JSON results:

    ->assertContains('find this text','myresponse/messages/message1')

In this example, we tell the get() to handle the response it gets as a JSON object. In that object we have an object like $jsonObject->myresponse->messages->message. The second parameter on the assertContains allows us to specify the "path" to search on.

###AssertCookieIsSet Checks the response message to see if a specific cookie is set.


###AssertEquals Checks to ensure that the returned value is an exact match for the given term.

    ->assertEquals('must be exact');

###AssertPageTitle Checks the page title of the returned data (the HTML title) for an exact match.

    ->assertPageTitle('Page Title');

###AssertResponseCode Checks the HTTP return code for the response.
