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Releases: erkin/ponysay

Happy MLP Movie release... the one with only ponies.

06 Oct 04:23
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version 3.0.3

New ponies: auntorange, caballeron, cocopommel, coloratura, coriander, 
	    doublediamond, ember, flurryheart, fluttershybat, 
	    fluttershybathang, freshcoat, goldiedelicious, grace, greta, 
	    kevin, kingthorax, lovemelody, moondancer, pharynx, plaidstripes, 
	    princepharynx, rara, saffron, starlightglimmer, stellareclipse, 
	    stormyflare, sunburst, sunburstcape, svengallop, thesmooze, 
	    thorax, tirek, treehugger, troubleshoes, twilightbreezie, 
	    whoanelly, zephyrbreeze, zipporwhill, zipporwhillsfather
New extraponies: cocoachill, riverbeauty, velvetremedy

Pony symlink added: cookiecrumbles → raritysmom (official name)
		    bettyboufant → raritysmom (Gameloft name)
		    hondoflanks → raritysdad (official name)
		    royalpin → pockeypierce (Gamelft name)
		    cloudyquartz → sue (Gameloft name)
		    cocopommel → misscoco (changed in serie)
		    horsemd → doctop (official mame)
		    fleurdelis → fleurdislee (Gameloft name)
		    blinkie → limestone (Official name)
		    inky → marble (Official name)
		    clyde → igneousrock (Official name)
		    hughjelly → hughbertjellius (Official name)
		    drcaballeron → caballeron (Official spelling)
		    countess → rara (Real name)
		    stormyflare → spitfiresmom (family relationship)
		    airheart → jetstream (official name on merchandise)
		    raindrops → sunshowerraindros (official name on merchandise)
		    lovemelody → venus (resemblance)
		    grace → manewitz (part of the official name on merchandice)

Special pony cases:
* orange was renamed to uncleorange to not conflict with auntorange.
* cocopommel was renamed to misspommel in the serie and merchandise
  a symlink was provided pointing to the old name
* maudepie was renamed to maudpie since that her real name, we 
  just misswrite it

Changed all the references from griffin to griffon, that the apropiate
canon in-universe name for this creature.

Code is cleaned and improved.

Initial fullwidth CJK characters support added.

New Release include bugfixes and ponies.

02 Jul 02:15
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    New ponies: ahuizotl, brucemane, cheesesandwich, coldheart, 
	    creampuff, cremebrulee, deepblue, filmreel, 
	    flashsentry, fleetfoot, hairytipper, ironwill, 
	    mane-iac, mantishy, maudepie, maybelle, misty, mule, 
    	    nightmarerarity, peachbottom, poundfly, pumpkincake, 
    	    rainbowdashcrystal, rainbowdrop, rainbowfim, 
    	    seabreeze, shoeshine, shortround, strawberrycream, 
    	    sunsetshimmer, tealove, theoldenpony, unclewing, 
    	    yearling, wildflower.

    New extraponies: archlinux, aurora, aquarius, aries, barbara, buttonmon,
		 calamity, cancer, capricorn, childrenofthenight, chrome,
		 coffeetalk, coffeewalk, drizzle, firefox, gemini, gnupony, 
		 fluffle, freckles, fyreflyready, kingsley, kingsleybanner, 
		 internetexplorer, leo, libra, lilmissrarity, litlepip, milky, 
		 milkylay, opera, oscura, pisces, princeartemis, reddit, 
		 robodash, sagittarius, scorpio, seabreeze, snowdrop-crew, 
		 solaris, starstruck, sweetiebot, taurus, twibrain, virgo, 

    Pony symlink added: walter → waltercoltchack
                        barbra → barbara (In extraponies)
                        buttonmash → highscore
                        brad → flashsentry (Was used on EQD)
                        mabel → maybelle (Believe or not is canon for both sides)
                        ie → internetexplorer
                        dancefever → hairytipper
                        snowheart → coldheart
                        bulkbiceps → snowflake
                        manticore → mannyroar (Official name)

    Default value for -W has been changed from 40 to 65.

    Special pony cases:
    * nightmare was renamed to nightmaremoon for consistency with
    the comic.
    * ironwill (3.0.1 and lower) has been renamed to ironwillwalk
    because now we have a ironwill in a non walk pose as they master.
    * doctor has ben reintegrated to ponies thanks to official comic
    issue #8 where is sit alongside drhooves.
    * pipsqueak from ponies has been renamed to pipsqueakpirate and
    pipsqueak from extraponies moved to ponies has now is canon.

    Turkish manual page added.

    Swedish manual page added.

+h (++help, --help-colour) added.

auto-auto-completion now is no more part of ponysay, therefor you
need install them and rebuild to get auto-completions, otherwise
these auto-completion files aren't installed.

Mostly small bugfixes

02 Jul 02:17
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    New ponies: harshwhinny.

    All ponies has been reviewed and improved when needed.

    The ponysay-tool command is now installed.

Rewrite and new variables added.

02 Jul 02:18
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    New ponies: applesplit, amira, babseed, bear, beautybrass, bigmacsleep,
                billneigh, cadancecrystal, cadancescruffy, cloudchaser,
                descent, featherweight, fiddlesticks, flitter, gingersnap,
                haakim, hayseed, lighningdust, jubileena, midnightstrike,
                mrbreezy, orangebird, orangefrog, pansyshy, pinkiecrazyface,
                poundcake, princesserroria, raccoon, rainbowblitz,
                rarityelite, ravenearth, ravenunicorn, royalunicornguard,
                rumble, shiningarmorcrystal, sombra, spikecrystal, squirrel,
                sweetcream (comic), trixieamulet, twilacorn, twilightcrystal,
	    twilightfly, twilightprincess, twilightwings, twinkleshine.

    New extraponies: donutpony, gleamingshield, hestelle, johndelancie,
                     jristz, maandree, orion, pipsqueak (without pirate suit),
		 paradise, pizzapony, snowdrop, tempo, ticket.

    Ponies renamed: lotusbloosom → lotusblossom (typo)
                    maredowellgallop → maredowellgallop (need a version named as master)
                    ironwillwalk →  ironwillwalk (need a version named as master)
                    shadowbolts → nightingale (shadowbolts split)
                    lily → lilyvalley (official name)
                    sweatiesing → sweetiesing (name consistency)
                    carecake become carrotcake (official name)
                    peppermoon → papermoon (miswriting)
                    maria into danger (given by the author)
                    meliot → melilot (miswriting)

    Pony symlink added: lily → lilyvalley
                    sweetiedrops → bonbon
                    carecake → carrotcake
                    berrydreams → blueberry
                    raven → ravenunicorn (need a version named as master)

    Special pony cases:
    * fillycelestia and filliestia has been moved to extraponies.

    Renamed option -F to +f and option --F to ++f, -F and --F has new definitions.

    Environment variable 'PONYSAY_TYPO_LIMIT' has been added.

    Environment variable 'PONYSAY_WRAP_HYPHEN' has been added.

    Environment variable 'PONYSAY_WRAP_LIMIT' has been added.

    Environment variable 'PONYSAY_WRAP_EXCEED' has been added.

    Added support for ~/.ponysayrc with the alternatives: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/ponysay/ponysayrc
    and ~/.config/ponysay/ponysayrc as well as the global fallback /etc/ponysayrc.

    -f, +f and -q may be unargumented if that are at the end of the command line.

    ponysay-tool is introduced, it can be used to edit, remove and copy pony meta data, and more.

    ponysay-tool --kms generates all kmsponies for the current TTY palette.

    Pony metadata tags BALLOON TOP and BALLOON BOTTOM can be used to specify how
    much extra height the balloon causes at the top and at the bottom of the pony.

    ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/ponysay/* is allowed in favour of ${HOME}/.local/share/ponysay/*

    Balloons can be have and explicit minimum column span with placement justification.

    Only ponies that fit the terminal will be randomly selected (for directory with pony
    dimension files generated), however if no pony fits, any of the can be randomly selected.

    Setup option --sysconf-dir with default value /etc added.

    New manditory setup option --freedom.

    Pony metadata options added: --info, ++info and --restrict.

    The license has been changed to the GNU General Public License version 3+, WTFPL 2.

Pre-release beta for the upcoming 3.0

02 Jul 02:19
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Oh my Celestia, this is going to be a big release!

Pre-release Alpha for the upcoming 3.0

02 Jul 02:19
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Happy heart's warning eve +7

Just Bugfix

02 Jul 02:25
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    Bug fix: correction in the -W option broke the -o option.

Two ponies and bug fixes

02 Jul 02:25
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    New ponies: pinkieumbrelahatfear, twilighttime.

    New extraponies: molestia (Tumblr)

    The option -q works like -f and -F, it takes one argument, and may be used multiple
    times for more arguments.

    The old option -q is renamed to --q.

    The options --f and --F has been added.

    Weighted distance for autocorrection on pony names and boolean style name is set to 5, rather
    than unlimited. Currently this cannot be modified (without editing the source code.)

    If file descriptor 3 is definied when ponysay is executed, extra information is printed to it.

    Arguments starting with n or i is allowed for -W.

Someponies, some bugfixes and some options added

02 Jul 02:27
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    New ponies: airheart, bastionyorsets, gustavelegrand, milkyway,
                peppermoon, pinkacopter, pinkiefly, pinkieparade,
                pinkieumbrellahat, raritycomplaining, shiningarmorwedding,
                soarinofficer, starlight, sunnyrays, sweatiesing,
                tenderheart, tom, twilightspike, zecorabalance.

    New extraponies: applejack (Tumblr), applejack-63, artemis, blueberry,
                     butterscotch, drhoovesdiscorded (Tumblr), duskshine,
                     elusive, rainbowblitz.

    Pony symlink added: georgewachingtony → bastionyorsets

    Support for explicit hypthenation using soft hyphens had been added to the word wrapper.

    Support for explicit non-word wrapping using non-breaking space had been added to the word wrapper.

    The word wrapper colours the inserted hyphens in red.

    Support for terminal capabilities emulation with the flags -X, -V and -K.

    Support for printing just the pony, using the flag -o.

    Colouring option flags are added.

    Automatic correction of incorrectly spelled pony names and balloon style names added.

Just a bunch of ponies

02 Jul 02:28
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    New ponies: basil, cloudkicker, cerberus, cow, derpysad, flowertrio,
                frederickhorseshoepin, horsemd, jeffletroski, jesuspezuna,
                joe, joetuxedo, manticore, meadowsong, meliot,
                pinkiegummydisguise, seaswirl, theodoredonaldkerabatsos,
                turf, waltercoltchak.

    New extraponies: blueballblitz (Various fanfics, Shadowbolt),
                     drhooves1, drhooves2, drhooves3, drhooves4, drhooves5,
                     drhooves6, drhooves7, drhooves8, drhooves9, drhooves10,
                     drhooves11, nyx (Fanfic: Past Sins),
                     nyxdisguised (Fanfic: Past Sins),
                     pinkaminacupcake (Fanfic).

    Pony renamed: cracky → crackle