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Optimize selective receives in the presence of a large message queue
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If a gen_server process has many messages in its message queue and
calls another gen_server process, the selective receive in
gen_server:call() will have to go through the entire message queue.

Have the compiler generate the new mark_recv/1 and mark_recv/1
instructions that can avoid going through the entire message queue.
  • Loading branch information
bjorng committed May 11, 2010
1 parent d60f055 commit 1d3148a
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Showing 4 changed files with 396 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/compiler/src/Makefile
Expand Up @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ MODULES = \
beam_listing \
beam_opcodes \
beam_peep \
beam_receive \
beam_trim \
beam_type \
beam_utils \
Expand Down
388 changes: 388 additions & 0 deletions lib/compiler/src/beam_receive.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

-import(lists, [foldl/3,reverse/1,reverse/2]).

%%% In code such as:
%%% Ref = make_ref(), %Or erlang:monitor(process, Pid)
%%% .
%%% .
%%% .
%%% receive
%%% {Ref,Reply} -> Reply
%%% end.
%%% we know that none of the messages that exist in the message queue
%%% before the call to make_ref/0 can be matched out in the receive
%%% statement. Therefore we can avoid going through the entire message
%%% queue if we introduce two new instructions (here written as
%%% BIFs in pseudo-Erlang):
%%% recv_mark(SomeUniqInteger),
%%% Ref = make_ref(),
%%% .
%%% .
%%% .
%%% recv_set(SomeUniqInteger),
%%% receive
%%% {Ref,Reply} -> Reply
%%% end.
%%% The recv_mark/1 instruction will save the current position and
%%% SomeUniqInteger in the process context. The recv_set
%%% instruction will verify that SomeUniqInteger is still stored
%%% in the process context. If it is, it will set the current pointer
%%% for the message queue (the next message to be read out) to the
%%% position that was saved by recv_mark/1.
%%% The remove_message instruction must be modified to invalidate
%%% the information stored by the previous recv_mark/1, in case there
%%% is another receive executed between the calls to recv_mark/1 and
%%% recv_set/1.
%%% We use a reference to a label (i.e. a position in the loaded code)
%%% as the SomeUniqInteger.

module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,Lc}, _Opts) ->
Fs = [function(F) || F <- Fs0],
Code = {Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs,Lc},

%%% Local functions.

function({function,Name,Arity,Entry,Is}) ->
D = beam_utils:index_labels(Is),
{function,Name,Arity,Entry,opt(Is, D, [])}
Class:Error ->
Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
io:fwrite("Function: ~w/~w\n", [Name,Arity]),
erlang:raise(Class, Error, Stack)

opt([{call_ext,Arity,{extfunc,erlang,Name,Arity}}=I|Is0], D, Acc) ->
case creates_new_ref(Name, Arity) of
true ->
%% The call creates a brand new reference. Now
%% search for a receive statement in the same
%% function that will match against the reference.
case opt_recv(Is0, D) of
no ->
opt(Is0, D, [I|Acc]);
{yes,Is,Lbl} ->
opt(Is, D, [I,{recv_mark,{f,Lbl}}|Acc])
false ->
opt(Is0, D, [I|Acc])
opt([I|Is], D, Acc) ->
opt(Is, D, [I|Acc]);
opt([], _, Acc) ->

%% creates_new_ref(Name, Arity) -> true|false.
%% Return 'true' if the BIF Name/Arity will create a new reference.
creates_new_ref(monitor, 2) -> true;
creates_new_ref(make_ref, 0) -> true;
creates_new_ref(_, _) -> false.

%% opt_recv([Instruction], LabelIndex) -> no|{yes,[Instruction]}
%% Search for a receive statement that will only retrieve messages
%% that contain the newly created reference (which is currently in {x,0}).
opt_recv(Is, D) ->
R = regs_init_x0(),
L = gb_sets:empty(),
opt_recv(Is, D, R, L, []).

opt_recv([{label,L}=Lbl,{loop_rec,{f,Fail},_}=Loop|Is], D, R0, _, Acc) ->
R = regs_kill_not_live(0, R0),
case regs_to_list(R) of
[{y,_}=RefReg] ->
%% We now have the new reference in the Y register RefReg
%% and the current instruction is the beginning of a
%% receive statement. We must now verify that only messages
%% that contain the reference will be matched.
case opt_ref_used(Is, RefReg, Fail, D) of
false ->
true ->
RecvSet = {recv_set,{f,L}},
{yes,reverse(Acc, [RecvSet,Lbl,Loop|Is]),L}
[] ->
opt_recv([I|Is], D, R0, L0, Acc) ->
{R,L} = opt_update_regs(I, R0, L0),
case regs_empty(R) of
true ->
%% The reference is no longer alive. There is no
%% point in continuing the search.
false ->
opt_recv(Is, D, R, L, [I|Acc])

opt_update_regs({block,Bl}, R, L) ->
{opt_update_regs_bl(Bl, R),L};
opt_update_regs({call,_,_}, R, L) ->
{regs_kill_not_live(0, R),L};
opt_update_regs({call_ext,_,_}, R, L) ->
{regs_kill_not_live(0, R),L};
opt_update_regs({call_fun,_}, R, L) ->
{regs_kill_not_live(0, R),L};
opt_update_regs({kill,Y}, R, L) ->
{regs_kill([Y], R),L};
opt_update_regs(send, R, L) ->
{regs_kill_not_live(0, R),L};
opt_update_regs({'catch',_,{f,Lbl}}, R, L) ->
{R,gb_sets:add(Lbl, L)};
opt_update_regs({catch_end,_}, R, L) ->
opt_update_regs({label,Lbl}, R, L) ->
case gb_sets:is_member(Lbl, L) of
false ->
%% We can't allow arbitrary labels (since the receive
%% could be entered without first creating the reference).
true ->
%% A catch label for a previously seen catch instruction is OK.
opt_update_regs({try_end,_}, R, L) ->
opt_update_regs(_I, _R, L) ->
%% Unrecognized instruction. Abort the search.

opt_update_regs_bl([{set,Ds,_,{alloc,Live,_}}|Is], Regs0) ->
Regs1 = regs_kill_not_live(Live, Regs0),
Regs = regs_kill(Ds, Regs1),
opt_update_regs_bl(Is, Regs);
opt_update_regs_bl([{set,[Dst]=Ds,[Src],move}|Is], Regs0) ->
Regs1 = regs_kill(Ds, Regs0),
Regs = case regs_is_member(Src, Regs1) of
false -> Regs1;
true -> regs_add(Dst, Regs1)
opt_update_regs_bl(Is, Regs);
opt_update_regs_bl([{set,Ds,_,_}|Is], Regs0) ->
Regs = regs_kill(Ds, Regs0),
opt_update_regs_bl(Is, Regs);
opt_update_regs_bl([], Regs) -> Regs.

%% opt_ref_used([Instruction], RefRegister, FailLabel, LabelIndex) -> true|false
%% Return 'true' if it is certain that only messages that contain the same
%% reference as in RefRegister can be matched out. Otherwise return 'false'.
%% Basically, we follow all possible paths through the receive statement.
%% If all paths are safe, we return 'true'.
%% A branch to FailLabel is safe, because it exits the receive statement
%% and no further message may be matched out.
%% If a path hits an comparision between RefRegister and part of the message,
%% that path is safe (any messages that may be matched further down the
%% path is guaranteed to contain the reference).
%% Otherwise, if we hit a 'remove_message' instruction, we give up
%% and return 'false' (the optimization is definitely unsafe). If
%% we hit an unrecognized instruction, we also give up and return
%% 'false' (the optimization may be unsafe).

opt_ref_used(Is, RefReg, Fail, D) ->
Done = gb_sets:singleton(Fail),
Regs = regs_init_x0(),
opt_ref_used_1(Is, RefReg, D, Done, Regs),
throw:not_used ->

%% This functions only returns if all paths through the receive
%% statement are safe, and throws an 'not_used' term otherwise.
opt_ref_used_1([{block,Bl}|Is], RefReg, D, Done, Regs0) ->
Regs = opt_ref_used_bl(Bl, Regs0),
opt_ref_used_1(Is, RefReg, D, Done, Regs);
opt_ref_used_1([{test,is_eq_exact,{f,Fail},Args}|Is], RefReg, D, Done0, Regs) ->
Done = opt_ref_used_at(Fail, RefReg, D, Done0, Regs),
case is_ref_msg_comparison(Args, RefReg, Regs) of
false ->
opt_ref_used_1(Is, RefReg, D, Done, Regs);
true ->
%% The instructions that follow (Is) can only be executed
%% if the message contains the same reference as in RefReg.
opt_ref_used_1([{test,is_ne_exact,{f,Fail},Args}|Is], RefReg, D, Done0, Regs) ->
Done = opt_ref_used_1(Is, RefReg, D, Done0, Regs),
case is_ref_msg_comparison(Args, RefReg, Regs) of
false ->
opt_ref_used_at(Fail, RefReg, D, Done, Regs);
true ->
opt_ref_used_1([{test,_,{f,Fail},_}|Is], RefReg, D, Done0, Regs) ->
Done = opt_ref_used_at(Fail, RefReg, D, Done0, Regs),
opt_ref_used_1(Is, RefReg, D, Done, Regs);
opt_ref_used_1([{select_tuple_arity,_,{f,Fail},{list,List}}|_], RefReg, D, Done, Regs) ->
Lbls = [F || {f,F} <- List] ++ [Fail],
opt_ref_used_in_all(Lbls, RefReg, D, Done, Regs);
opt_ref_used_1([{select_val,_,{f,Fail},{list,List}}|_], RefReg, D, Done, Regs) ->
Lbls = [F || {f,F} <- List] ++ [Fail],
opt_ref_used_in_all(Lbls, RefReg, D, Done, Regs);
opt_ref_used_1([{label,Lbl}|Is], RefReg, D, Done, Regs) ->
case gb_sets:is_member(Lbl, Done) of
true -> Done;
false -> opt_ref_used_1(Is, RefReg, D, Done, Regs)
opt_ref_used_1([{loop_rec_end,_}|_], _, _, Done, _) ->
opt_ref_used_1([_I|_], _RefReg, _D, _Done, _Regs) ->
%% The optimization may be unsafe.

%% is_ref_msg_comparison(Args, RefReg, RegisterSet) -> true|false.
%% Return 'true' if Args denotes a comparison between the
%% reference and message or part of the message.
is_ref_msg_comparison([R,RefReg], RefReg, Regs) ->
regs_is_member(R, Regs);
is_ref_msg_comparison([RefReg,R], RefReg, Regs) ->
regs_is_member(R, Regs);
is_ref_msg_comparison([_,_], _, _) -> false.

opt_ref_used_in_all([L|Ls], RefReg, D, Done0, Regs) ->
Done = opt_ref_used_at(L, RefReg, D, Done0, Regs),
opt_ref_used_in_all(Ls, RefReg, D, Done, Regs);
opt_ref_used_in_all([], _, _, Done, _) -> Done.

opt_ref_used_at(Fail, RefReg, D, Done0, Regs) ->
case gb_sets:is_member(Fail, Done0) of
true ->
false ->
Is = beam_utils:code_at(Fail, D),
Done = opt_ref_used_1(Is, RefReg, D, Done0, Regs),
gb_sets:add(Fail, Done)

opt_ref_used_bl([{set,[],[],remove_message}|_], _) ->
%% We have proved that a message that does not depend on the
%% reference can be matched out.
opt_ref_used_bl([{set,Ds,Ss,_}|Is], Regs0) ->
case regs_all_members(Ss, Regs0) of
false ->
%% The destination registers may be assigned values that
%% are not dependent on the message being matched.
Regs = regs_kill(Ds, Regs0),
opt_ref_used_bl(Is, Regs);
true ->
%% All the sources depend on the message directly or
%% indirectly.
Regs = regs_add_list(Ds, Regs0),
opt_ref_used_bl(Is, Regs)
opt_ref_used_bl([], Regs) -> Regs.

%%% Functions for keeping track of a set of registers.

%% regs_init() -> RegisterSet
%% Return an empty set of registers.

regs_init() ->

%% regs_init_x0() -> RegisterSet
%% Return a set that only contains the {x,0} register.

regs_init_x0() ->
{1 bsl 0,0}.

%% regs_empty(Register) -> true|false
%% Test whether the register set is empty.

regs_empty(R) ->
R =:= {0,0}.

%% regs_kill_not_live(Live, RegisterSet) -> RegisterSet'
%% Kill all registers indicated not live by Live.

regs_kill_not_live(Live, {Xregs,Yregs}) ->
{Xregs band ((1 bsl Live)-1),Yregs}.

%% regs_kill([Register], RegisterSet) -> RegisterSet'
%% Kill all registers mentioned in the list of registers.

regs_kill([{x,N}|Rs], {Xregs,Yregs}) ->
regs_kill(Rs, {Xregs band (bnot (1 bsl N)),Yregs});
regs_kill([{y,N}|Rs], {Xregs,Yregs}) ->
regs_kill(Rs, {Xregs,Yregs band (bnot (1 bsl N))});
regs_kill([{fr,_}|Rs], Regs) ->
regs_kill(Rs, Regs);
regs_kill([], Regs) -> Regs.

regs_add_list(List, Regs) ->
foldl(fun(R, A) -> regs_add(R, A) end, Regs, List).

%% regs_add(Register, RegisterSet) -> RegisterSet'
%% Add a new register to the set of registers.

regs_add({x,N}, {Xregs,Yregs}) ->
{Xregs bor (1 bsl N),Yregs};
regs_add({y,N}, {Xregs,Yregs}) ->
{Xregs,Yregs bor (1 bsl N)}.

%% regs_all_members([Register], RegisterSet) -> true|false
%% Test whether all of the registers are part of the register set.

regs_all_members([R|Rs], Regs) ->
regs_is_member(R, Regs) andalso regs_all_members(Rs, Regs);
regs_all_members([], _) -> true.

%% regs_is_member(Register, RegisterSet) -> true|false
%% Test whether Register is part of the register set.

regs_is_member({x,N}, {Regs,_}) -> Regs band (1 bsl N) =/= 0;
regs_is_member({y,N}, {_,Regs}) -> Regs band (1 bsl N) =/= 0;
regs_is_member(_, _) -> false.

%% regs_to_list(RegisterSet) -> [Register]
%% Convert the register set to an explicit list of registers.
regs_to_list({Xregs,Yregs}) ->
regs_to_list_1(Xregs, 0, x, regs_to_list_1(Yregs, 0, y, [])).

regs_to_list_1(0, _, _, Acc) ->
regs_to_list_1(Regs, N, Tag, Acc) when (Regs band 1) =:= 1 ->
regs_to_list_1(Regs bsr 1, N+1, Tag, [{Tag,N}|Acc]);
regs_to_list_1(Regs, N, Tag, Acc) ->
regs_to_list_1(Regs bsr 1, N+1, Tag, Acc).

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