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This module is no more actively maintained and will hardly be updated.

Please find an alternative module from other authors or consider Tiny Puppet as replacement.

If you want to maintain this module, contact Alessandro Franceschi

####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Operating Systems Support
  6. Development


This module installs, manages and configures haproxy.

##Module Description

The module is based on stdmod naming standards version 0.9.0.

Refer to for complete documentation on the common parameters.


###Resources managed by haproxy module

  • This module installs the haproxy package
  • Enables the haproxy service
  • Can manage all the configuration files (by default no file is changed)

###Setup Requirements

###Beginning with module haproxy

To install the package provided by the module just include it:

    include haproxy

The main class arguments can be provided either via Hiera (from Puppet 3.x) or direct parameters:

    class { 'haproxy':
      parameter => value,

The module provides also a generic define to manage any haproxy configuration file:

    haproxy::conf { 'sample.conf':
      content => '# Test',


  • A common way to use this module involves the management of the main configuration file via a custom template (provided in a custom site module):

      class { 'haproxy':
        config_file_template => 'site/haproxy/haproxy.conf.erb',
  • You can write custom templates that use setting provided but the config_file_options_hash paramenter

      class { 'haproxy':
        config_file_template      => 'site/haproxy/haproxy.conf.erb',
        config_file_options_hash  => {
          opt  => 'value',
          opt2 => 'value2',
  • Use custom source (here an array) for main configuration file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.

      class { 'haproxy':
        config_file_source => [ "puppet:///modules/site/haproxy/haproxy.conf-${hostname}" ,
                                "puppet:///modules/site/haproxy/haproxy.conf" ],
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration directory, where present.

      class { 'haproxy':
        config_dir_source  => 'puppet:///modules/site/haproxy/conf/',
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration directory and purge all the local files that are not on the dir. Note: This option can be used to be sure that the content of a directory is exactly the same you expect, but it is desctructive and may remove files.

      class { 'haproxy':
        config_dir_source => 'puppet:///modules/site/haproxy/conf/',
        config_dir_purge  => true, # Default: false.
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir and define recursing policy.

      class { 'haproxy':
        config_dir_source    => 'puppet:///modules/site/haproxy/conf/',
        config_dir_recursion => false, # Default: true.
  • Provide an hash of files resources to be created with haproxy::conf.

      class { 'haproxy':
        conf_hash => {
          'haproxy.conf' => {
            template => 'site/haproxy/haproxy.conf',
          'haproxy.other.conf' => {
            template => 'site/haproxy/haproxy.other.conf',
  • Do not trigger a service restart when a config file changes.

      class { 'haproxy':
        config_file_notify => '', # Default: Service[haproxy]

##Operating Systems Support

This is tested on these OS:

  • RedHat osfamily 5 and 6
  • Debian 6 and 7
  • Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04


Pull requests (PR) and bug reports via GitHub are welcomed.

When submitting PR please follow these quidelines:

  • Provide puppet-lint compliant code
  • If possible provide rspec tests
  • Follow the module style and stdmod naming standards

When submitting bug report please include or link:

  • The Puppet code that triggers the error
  • The output of facter on the system where you try it
  • All the relevant error logs
  • Any other information useful to undestand the context