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Spring boot RabbitMQ example

To test it:

Clone the project


Start rabbitMQ: docker-compose up

Import the project as Gradle Project in you IDE

Start the Application class as Java Application

Open the RabbitMq management Interface at: http://localhost:15672 (user: admin, password: admin)

Select exchanges --> mydomain.KPIS

Expand Publish message

Insert as routing key: /

Insert as payload:


Click on Publish message

In the console of you IDE you can see the following logs:

2018-10-17 16:10:46.436  INFO 4416 --- [containerKpis-1] Application                              : ---> kpisEvent RECEIVED
2018-10-17 16:10:46.442  INFO 4416 --- [containerKpis-1] Application                              : ---> kpisEvent DECODED, windowId: 1522751098000-1522752198000

Select exchanges --> myevent.ALERT

Expand Publish message

Insert as routing key: /

Insert as payload:

  "code": "USER_LOGGED_IN",
  "severity": "AUDIT",
  "message": "user1"

Click on Publish message

In the console of you IDE you can see the following logs:

2018-10-17 16:11:31.636  INFO 4416 --- [ontainerReset-1] Application                              : ---> kpisAlert RECEIVED
2018-10-17 16:11:31.638 ERROR 4416 --- [ontainerReset-1] Application                              : ---> Message: user1

Until now everything worked as expected. Now I would like to publish an Alert event (check the class BrokerExceptionHandler) if an exception occurs in the Application.kpisEvent method.

To test it:

Open the RabbitMq management Interface at: http://localhost:15672

Select exchanges --> mydomain.KPIS

Expand Publish message

Insert as routing key: /

Insert as payload:


Click on Publish message

In the console of you IDE you can see the following logs:

2018-10-17 16:13:41.926  INFO 4416 --- [containerKpis-1] Application                              : ---> kpisEvent RECEIVED
2018-10-17 16:13:41.926 ERROR 4416 --- [containerKpis-1] BrokerExceptionHandler                   : Exception Detected. Publishing error alert
---> Before publishing Alert event
2018-10-17 16:13:41.931  INFO 4416 --- [containerKpis-1] o.s.a.r.l.SimpleMessageListenerContainer : Restarting Consumer@328d044f: tags=[{amq.ctag-RW0c7mfZD5m7V_tBmD6h_w=myapp.mydomain.KPIS}], channel=Cached Rabbit Channel: AMQChannel(amqp://admin@,1), conn: Proxy@717fba3f Shared Rabbit Connection: SimpleConnection@4c657904 [delegate=amqp://admin@, localPort= 55877], acknowledgeMode=AUTO local queue size=0
2018-10-17 16:13:41.948  INFO 4416 --- [containerKpis-2] o.s.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitAdmin         : Auto-declaring a non-durable, auto-delete, or exclusive Queue (myapp.mydomain.KPIS) durable:false, auto-delete:true, exclusive:true. It will be redeclared if the broker stops and is restarted while the connection factory is alive, but all messages will be lost.
2018-10-17 16:13:41.948  INFO 4416 --- [containerKpis-2] o.s.amqp.rabbit.core.RabbitAdmin         : Auto-declaring a non-durable, auto-delete, or exclusive Queue (myapp.myevent.ALERT) durable:false, auto-delete:true, exclusive:true. It will be redeclared if the broker stops and is restarted while the connection factory is alive, but all messages will be lost.

As you can see in the above logs the Alert event has not been published.


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