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Jason Fesler edited this page Apr 6, 2014 · 2 revisions

Mirror configuration is done via a pair of JSON config files. These are pretty simple; and allow you to configure such things as the domain name to use, the IP addresses, and to enable/disable some features.

Additionally, there is a place to put your company name or logo (Keep it classy, please!) into the configuration, which will appear at the bottom once a given test is finished.


Two new files are required for your site, at a minimum; and placed into your /site/ directory of where your content will be served from.


Used by: the main javascript client.

You'll see an example in the content bundle, called config.js.example.

Note, while this looks like JavaScript, this is really JSON - with a variable name of MirrorConfig in front. Don't do fancy JavaScript tricks with this; as the various scripts (written in php, perl) won't handle it.

MirrorConfig = 

  "site": {
    "name": "",
    "contact": "Jason Fesler",
    "mailto": ""
  "load": {
    "domain": "",
    "ipv4": "",
    "ipv6": "2001:db8::1"
  "footer": {
    "#logo": "/site/logo.png",         
    "#operator": "Jason Fesler",       
    "#link": "", 
    "#html": "/site/footer.html"
  "options": {
    "show_stats": "/stats.html",
    "survey": "/survey.php",
    "comment": "/comment.php",
    "ip": "/ip/"
  "facebook": {
    "enable": 0
  "twitter": {
    "enable": 0,
    "name": "testipv6com"


  • name : the name to show on the web page.
  • contact: name of the contact point (such as the ACME Company NOC)
  • mailto: email address for the above contact. used by the comment form; and remote audits.

load: This defines where the URLs will test.

  • domain: this is the base DNS name that should be used for [InstallDNS]. Often the same as the site name.
  • ipv4: your IPv4 address for this mirror site (if using load balancers, then the VIP)
  • ipv6: same as above, but IPv6


  • logo - if set, shows a logo at the bottom of the test.
  • operator - if set, gives a note about the operator at the bottom of the test.
  • link - if set, hyperlinks the operator name.
  • html - if set to a url such as /site/footer.html, attempts to load that instead. Note this must be on the same virtualhost.

Please keep things classy.


  • show_stats - comment out to hide the stats tab. Alternately, set it to a differnt link.
  • survey - comment out if you don't plan on keeping stats.
  • comment - set to the comment form where you want feedback sent.
  • ip - where mod_ip answers.


Used by: PHP scripts, charting scripts.

Note, while this looks like JavaScript, this is really JSON - with a variable name of MirrorConfig in front. Don't do fancy JavaScript tricks with this; as the various scripts (written in php, perl) won't handle it.

PrivateConfig = 
  "db": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "db": "testipv6",
    "username": "sampleusername",
    "password": "samplepassword"
  "paths": {
    "rrd": "/usr/local/var/testipv6/rrd",
    "png": "/usr/local/www/data/virt/"
  "google_translate": { // Google translate for comments.php
     "enable": 0,
     "language": "en",
     "key": "get_your_own_key"

db - Used by survey.php, and charting. If you don't plan on doing survey.php (And showing charts of your testers), then you can (in config.js, comment out the survey line). See also: InstallCharts

  • host: where the mysql instance is
  • db: the name of the database
  • username: the username that has been granted r/w access
  • password: the password for the above username

paths - Used by charting. Ignore if you're not charting.

  • rrd: Location to store RRD files.
  • png: Location to write image files; should map to /site/charts/ in the browser.

google_translate - if enabled and set with a key, then comment.php will do automatic translation. Note that Google charges for the service. This is particularly handy where a large number of comments come in each day, from all parts of the world. Translation: really for

  • enable - set to 1 to enable translation
  • language - target language. must be a valid-to-google target name.
  • key - the key used (get this from google).

Optional Files

If, in your config files, you refer to either a logo or a footer, you can put those in /site/ as well. All files in /site/ will be considered "site local"; and any instructions we have for updating the site will avoid overwriting or deleting that subdirectory.