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This might at some point become a real plugin, right now it's just a little project to learn vimscript.

The idea is to have a set of functions that present similar functionality as ActiveSupport::Inflector and make it easier to go from something like 'some_var' to 'SOME_VAR' or 'SomeVar' to 'some_var', etc.

inflector.vim in action


Because it seemed simple enough for a first approach into vimscript and because available options require either python or ruby.


Probably any plugin manager will work.

With vim-plug:

Plug 'farfanoide/inflector.vim'

With Vundle:

Plugin 'farfanoide/inflector.vim'

With dein:

call dein#add('farfanoide/inflector.vim')


Inflector does not ship with any mappings so in order to use it you have to add some to your vimrc. To have the plugin create them for you, just set g:inflector_mapping, for example:

let g:inflector_mapping = 'gI'

Or if you want, set them manually:

nmap gI <Plug>(Inflect)
vmap gI <Plug>(Inflect)

Done, now you can gI some text (stands for go Inflect). With those mappings you can call the Inflect function in normal mode passing it a text object or a motion, IE: gIiW, or gI/searchsomething. Inflector will ask you for the type of conversion you want to apply.

Available inflections:

The idea behind the plugin is to have a sort of "Text Multiplexer" which can translate from any of the recognized patterns to any other, meaning: it should be the able to go from PascalCase to CONSTANT or camelCase and viceversa.

This is done by having a common representation which currently is based on a list so SomeText translates into ['some', 'text'] and from there it's trivial to convert to any other representation.

Inflection Alias Input Command Output
Dotify . someTextToWork gIiw.
Dasherize - some_text_to_work gIiw- some-text-to-work
Underscore _ some text to work gI$_ some_text_to_work
Camelize c Some Text To Work gI$c someTextToWork
Constantize C some text to work gI$C SOME_TEXT_TO_WORK
Pascalize P gIiWP SomeTextToWork
Titleize t some text to work gI$t Some Text To Work
Normalize n SOME_TEXT_TO_WORK gI$n some text to work
Slashify / SOME_TEXT_TO_WORK gIiw/ some/text/to/work
FreeBallIt f some text to work gI$f& some&text&to&work
Privatize p some_var gI$p _some_var

Special Inflections:

Privatize is handeled differently, it only check if the text being transformed already starts with an underscore.

FreeBallIt allows the user to specify any character to join the separated words.


So far, tests are ran via Vader, open inflector.vader and run :Vader


See the LICENSE.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • add repeat support
  • add vim help?


Simple vim plugin to apply common text transformations







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