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thvitt committed Jul 15, 2016
1 parent 06b6c59 commit 6a756fb
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 23 deletions.
70 changes: 47 additions & 23 deletions
@@ -1,38 +1,62 @@
# faust-gen
## Faust data generation

Generate static assets (diplomatic transcript SVGs, image tiles) for the Faust edition from XML sources and full-resolution images.
The Faust-Edition web application builds on data that is automatically pre-generated from the original XML files. This project integrates the various generation and upload processes (except for the images, actually).

## Installation
## Basic Usage

Download the source files. Node.js, Chrome / Chromium, Java, and a local web
server are required to run them.
Clone the project and all submodules and run `mvn clean package`.

## Usage
## Dependencies

### Diplomatic transcript SVGs
Maven ≥ 3.2 and Java ≥ 8 are required.

The scripts for generating the diplomatic transcripts are in the subfolder [svg_rendering](svg_rendering). To prepare
For the `deploy` step, you need a local rsync and make sure we can build a ssh connection to the target server (e.g., by providing an SSH agent with an unlocked key).

* put the Faust XML sources somewhere on the local hard disk
* configure a local web server such that it serves the [page](svg_rendering/page) subdirectory
* adapt the paths in <code>settings.json</code>
## Advanced usage

Then, execute the following steps (or conveniently run [svg_rendering/](svg_rendering/
The build uses _profiles_ to select the parts that should run. The profile `svg` (`mvn -Psvg package`) runs the SVG generation, the profile `xproc` the XProc stuff. Everything is on by default, so just running `mvn clean package` will generate the whole site (except images) in `target/www`

* start Chromium in background, using `9222` as debugging port:
## Components

Xvfb :1000 -screen 0 1920x1080x24 +extension RANDR &
DISPLAY=:1000 fluxbox &
DISPLAY=:1000 chromium --user-data-dir=/path/to/debug/instance/profile/dir --remote-debugging-port=9222 -start-maximized &
### Diplomatic transcripts: SVG generation

* Run <code>node preprocessing.js</code>
The diplomatic transcripts are rendered page by page using JavaScript in a simulated browser.

### Metadata generation
The code that does the actual rendering can be found in <svg_rendering/page>. This folder contains a simple web page, with font resources etc. pulled in from faust-web, plus the rendering code mainly developed by Moritz Wissenbach in <svg_rendering/page/js_gen>.

To generate metadata for the `data` subdirectory of faust-web, adapt the paths in [settings.json](metadata_generation/settings.json) and run
To create both the diplomatic transcript and the overlay transcript for a single page, <rendersvgs.js> is called using [PhantomJS](, which will load <svg_rendering/page> in its simulated browser, trigger the rendering scripts there, and then extract and store the rendered SVGs.

node generate_metadata.js
The JS does not directly work with the XML transcripts. Instead, each page needs to be transformed to a JSON representation, which is done using code from, which is pulled in as a Maven dependency. The Java program at <src/main/java/net/faustedition/gen/> is used to run the actual pipeline, i.e. iterate through the manuscripts and their pages, convert stuff to JSON, and run <rendersvgs.js> on each of these JSON files. Intermediate results (i.e. JSON files) and, if enabled, debugging data (e.g., PDFs) are written to the target directory.

## License
The process might well take 1.5h, it is bound to the `svg` profile.

### Textual transcripts, metadata, and overview data

Basically all other data that depends on the source data is generated using the project, which is cloned as a submodule to `src/main/xproc`. This includes:

* an emended XML version of all textual transcripts as TEI
* a reading version, and a line-wise apparatus out of this version
* an inline apparatus _(Einblendungsapparat)_ for all textual transcripts as HTML
* an HTML version of the metadata, and the project's bibliography
* the JSON basis for the genesis bar graph
* various other JSON data used by the web application

This process takes around 1/2h, it is bound to the xproc profile. You can run individual parts from within that project, look at its documentation. Intermediate and generated files are put in the `target` directory.

### Web application, and putting it all together

The web application, i.e. all non-generated code, is pulled in from as submodule `src/main/web`.

<pom.xml> contains code to actually run this all, and copy stuff around. Afterwards, the complete web site (except for the digitized manuscripts) can be found at `target/www`. If you run the `deploy` phase, it is rsynced to the server.

## Semiautomatical stuff

There are two steps that involve pulling in data from the internal wiki:

* The table of testimonies, generated using <> and saved to `src/main/web/archive_testimonies.php`
* The input file for the bibliography, see faust-gen-html

## Not integrated yet

* filling the eXist instance, see the scripts in faust-gen-html
* preparing the facsimiles, see

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