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JQuery plugin (for designing tables/grids in C#/VB.NET ASP.NET pages) - will easily fill html tables with MS SQL data from Stored Procedures via AJAX. Options can be set to allow data-editing directly from the table. Tables will include basic sorting.



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PrinceGrid.JQuery.js Version 0.0.7 (2014)

See a live Demo here:

Created by Luis Valle

jquery-1.7.2.min.js (
jQuery UI 1.8.16 (
json2.js (for browsers that don't support json parsing) (
prncGrd.ashx (generic AJAX handler)
princeGrid.UI.css (for table style)

WHAT IS PrinceGrid.JQuery.js?
It is a JQuery plugin to create tables via AJAX in MS SQL back-ends by passing SQL StoredProcedures .
The table also gives Row-Editing functionality, sorting and basic filtering.

(1) Create an html table with no rows, with a unique ID, like:

        <table id="tblMyCustomers">

(2) Modify the included prncGrd.ashx namespace to work with your aspx page.

(3) Include PrinceGrid.JQuery.js (and dependencies) in your aspx page header.
        <script type="text/javascript" src='princeGrid.JQuery.js'></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"></script>
        <link href='princeGrid.UI.css' rel="stylesheet" />

(4) Initiate PrinceGrid in your javascript:

        // if no SQL params are needed you must pass 'null'
        var SQLparams = { "@parentName": "010200036" };

        // conn is the name of your connection from your web.config file
        var conn = 'PrinceSQLDataServer';

        $('#tblMyCustomers').populateFromStoredProc('spRetrieveFourthShiftUsersPmc', null, 'prncGrd.ashx', conn); 

    That's all! PrinceGrid will communicate with the SQL Server and populate your table.

    simply double-click desired Row to edit Row-Contents (see examples below)

    prncGrdOption constructor

    You can specify the following custom column 'prncGrdOption' constructor with the following parameters:

        (ex. "Customer Name")

        0 = NORMAL/DEFAULT
        1 = LINK BUTTON
        2 = BUTTON
        3 = HIDE COLUMN
        4 = CHECKBOX

        false = disabled
        true  = enabled

    PARAMETER 3 - LINK or BUTTON caption text
        (ex. "Click HERE")

    PARAMETER 4 - IF BUTTON, SPECIFY YOUR JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION (all Row-Data will be passed to your function; there you can do what ever you want with this data):
        function populateCustomersTable() {
            var SQLparams = { "@itemNumberDwg": "010200036" };
            var conn = 'EngineeringDataServer';

            var myHeader = new Array();
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Item Number", 0));
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Customer Name", 0));
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Item Status", 0));
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Item Revision", 0));
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Item UM", 0));
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Make Buy Code", 0));
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Customer ID", 0));
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Drawing Link", 1, false, "Show PDF"));  //<---------------- will create a LINK with the cell-data as the href
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Released To Production", 0)); 
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Volume Part", 2, false, "Show", "showCustomerName")); //<-- will create a button that triggers function showCustomerName()
            myHeader.push(new prncGrdOption("Date Entered", 3)); //<------------------------------------ this colum will be hidden

            $('#tblMyCustomers').populateFromStoredProc('spEngItemDrawing', SQLparams, 'prncGrd.ashx', conn, myHeader);
        function showCustomerName() {

            // all your Row-data can be accessed via arguments[?] (enter the desired coulumn index

    PARAMETER 5 - IF ANY COLUMN EDITING IS SET TO TRUE you must pass the name of your javascript function for calling the Save Method:
            function populateCustomersTable() {
                var conn = 'DivApplicationsDataServer';

                var tblHeader1 = new prncGrdOption("Entry ID", 3);
                var tblHeader2 = new prncGrdOption("Truck", 0);
                var tblHeader3 = new prncGrdOption("Dhm", 0, true); //<----------------- this column will be editable
                var tblHeader4 = new prncGrdOption("Hci", 0, true); //<----------------- this column will be editable
                var tblHeader5 = new prncGrdOption("Lch", 0, true); //<----------------- this column will be editable
                var tblHeader6 = new prncGrdOption("Ohc", 0, true); //<----------------- this column will be editable
                var tblHeader7 = new prncGrdOption("Phc", 0, true); //<----------------- this column will be editable
                var tblHeader8 = new prncGrdOption("Pds", 4, true); //<----------------- this column will be editable
                var tblHeader9 = new prncGrdOption("Other Destinations", 0, true); //<-- this column will be editable
                var tblHeader10 = new prncGrdOption("Last Update", 0);
                var myHeader = [tblHeader1, tblHeader2, tblHeader3, tblHeader4, tblHeader5, tblHeader6, tblHeader7, tblHeader8, tblHeader9, tblHeader10];
                $('#tblMyCustomers').populateFromStoredProc('spShipmentTruckRoute', null, 'prncGrd.ashx', conn, myHeader);

                // pass your javascript editing function

            function editSaveCustomerParts() {
                //var tblID = arguments[1]; this argument contains your table ID if you need it for something else                    
                //alert(inData.entry[1].value + ' --- ' + inData.entry[1].text + '\n\n' + JSON.stringify(inData)); // Peak inside incoming data to know what entries you need
                //return false;

                // all your editing and original Row-data is received in a JSON object inside arguments[0]
                var inData = arguments[0];


                if (confirm("Are you sure you want to SAVE these Changes?")) {
                    //----- IMPORTANT ------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // accessing your incoming data is done in three ways:
                    // inData.entry[0].column = contains the name of the column (should you need it)
                    // inData.entry[0].value = contains the original value of the cell (before editing)
                    // inData.entry[0].text = contains the changes you made in that given cell textbox
                    // NOTE: Checkboxes will return a .text result of 1 (if checked) or 0 (if unchecked)

                    // you must build your SQL Parameters this way:
                    var SQLparams = { "@EntryID": inData.entry[0].value, "@dmh": inData.entry[2].text, "@hci": inData.entry[3].text, "@lch": inData.entry[4].text, "@ohc": inData.entry[5].text, "@phc": inData.entry[6].text, "@pds": inData.entry[7].text, "@otherDestinations": inData.entry[8].text };
                    var conn = 'DivApplicationsDataServer';

                    // finally, you must call 'saveChangesToSQLdb' and pass your Stored Procedure and parameters this way:
                    $('#tblMyCustomers').saveChangesToSQLdb('spShipmentUpdateTruckRoute', SQLparams, 'prncGrd.ashx', conn);
                } else {
                    return false;


JQuery plugin (for designing tables/grids in C#/VB.NET ASP.NET pages) - will easily fill html tables with MS SQL data from Stored Procedures via AJAX. Options can be set to allow data-editing directly from the table. Tables will include basic sorting.







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