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A CUDA implementation of keypoint detection and descriptor extraction


This project implements keypoint detection and descriptor extraction in CUDA,
motivated by iago-suarez/efficient-descriptors and provides the following features.

Keypoint Detection

  • Provides CUDA implementation of multi-scale FAST corner detection based on OpenCV's cv::ORB::detect
  • Added functionality for controlling distribution of keypoints

The figure below shows a comparison of keypoint detection results between OpenCV's implementation and this project's one.

Left: Even though OpenCV's implementation detected about 20,000 keypoints, most of them were concentrated in the leaves of trees. Right: With this project's nonmaxRadius setting of 15, the keypoints are detected evenly throughout the image.

Descriptor Extraction

  • Provides CUDA implementation of BAD and HashSIFT descriptors proposed by Suarez et al. [1][2]


  • Provides APIs in the same format as OpenCV's cv::Feature2D
    • detect,compute,detectAndCompute
  • Also provides asynchronous APIs for concurrent execution
    • detectAsync,computeAsync,detectAndComputeAsync



Using sample_benchmark, We measured the processing time for each API below.

  • detect: keypoint detection only
  • compute: descriptor extraction only
  • detectAndCompute: keypoint detection and descriptor extraction

Each processing time below is an average of 11 images obtained from SceauxCastle. The unit of time is milliseconds.


With the default parameters, we measured the processing time of keypoint detection while changing the image size to FHD(1920x1080), 4K(3840x2160), and 8K(7680x4320).

Device FHD 4K 8K
RTX 3060 Ti 1.6 2.9 5.5
Jetson Xavier 5.6 12.1 27.5


For each descriptor, we measured the processing time of descriptor extraction for 40,000 keypoints.

Device BAD256 BAD512 HashSIFT256 HashSIFT512
RTX 3060 Ti 1.5 2.7 3.5 3.9
Jetson Xavier 19.1 28.2 21.9 24.8


For each descriptor, we measured the processing time when executing both keypoint detection and descriptor extraction for 40,000 keypoints.

Device BAD256 BAD512 HashSIFT256 HashSIFT512
RTX 3060 Ti 7.2 8.2 8.5 8.9
Jetson Xavier 41.7 48.8 46.2 49.2


Package Name Minimum Requirements Note
CMake version >= 3.18
CUDA Toolkit compute capability >= 6.0
OpenCV version >= 4.6.0
OpenCV CUDA module version >= 4.6.0 included in opencv/opencv_contrib

How to build

$ git clone
$ cd cuda-efficient-features
$ git submodule update --init  # needed if BUILD_TESTS is ON
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../  # Several options available (e.g. -DBUILD_TESTS=ON -DCUDA_ARCHS=86)
$ make

CMake options

Option Description Default
BUILD_SAMPLES Build samples ON
CUDA_ARCHS List of architectures to generate device code for 52;61;72;75;86

How to run


Command Description
./samples/sample_feature_extraction input-image [options] Feature detection and description
./samples/sample_feature_matching first-image second-image [options] Feature matching on an image pair
./samples/sample_image_sequence image-format [options] Feature matching on an image sequence
./samples/sample_benchmark input-image [options] Performance benchmarking
./samples/hpatches_description hpatchs-dir [options] Feature description on HPatches dataset
for hpatches-benchmark

Use the --help or -h option for detailed information.

./samples/sample_feature_extraction -h


Run the following command.



The "adaskit Team"

The adaskit is an open-source project created by Fixstars Corporation and its subsidiary companies including Fixstars Autonomous Technologies, aimed at contributing to the ADAS industry by developing high-performance implementations for algorithms with high computational cost.


Apache License 2.0