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swirl is the Erlang port of whiskers.js template library. Its primary focus on template readability by limiting template logic. The library uses partial application to express template as functions and compile them to beam code.


The template is blob, it defines a data binding rules and responsible to format and visualize it. The data is applied separately, and it is modeled as nested native / json structure. The library support both native Erlang maps and key-value pairs. The library transforms template to partial application.

The template uses dot-bind notation to declare data mapping (e.g. a.b.c). The renderer engine uses this notation to iterate data structure along the path to specified value.

The library provides swirl:f() api. It take template as input and returns partial application. The partial application takes two parameters using curring: scope and data structure. The scope is used to prefix each mapping declared in template (expand the binding path with prefix). The data structure is nested map key-value pairs. There is an utility function swirl:apply() that does curring-and-apply automatically for any given template...

Fun0 = swirl:f("I am {name}!").  %% define template
Fun1 = Fun0(undefined).          %% define template scope (undefined corresponds to root)
Fun1(#{name => "Erlang"}).       %% evaluate template

swirl:apply("I am {name}!", #{name => "Erlang"}).


The scope allow to re-use template and data structures by switching context at runtime. This feature is required to apply single template to multiple data instances...

Fun0 = swirl:f("I am {name}!").
Fun1 = Fun0(lang).
   lang => #{name => "Erlang"}, 
   host => #{name => ""}

swirl:apply("I am {name}!", lang, 
      lang => #{name => "Erlang"}, 
      host => #{name => ""}

swirl:apply("I am {name}!", host, 
      lang => #{name => "Erlang"}, 
      host => #{name => ""}


The language is the smallest mustachioed template system limited to 4 statements:

  • variable {a}
  • condition {if a} ... {else} ... {/if}
  • foreach {for x in a} ... {/for}
  • partial {>a}

see template

see data structure


The variable statement binds data from context using dot notation. The given path shall be evaluated to scalar data type.



The if statements displays section only if variable is truth. The statements supports if not flavor as well.

   {if a.b.c}
      <p>No variable!</p>


The for statements iterates over variables in lists.

   {for x in a.b.c}

The loop context defines special variable @head and @tail to check the element position

   {for x in a.b.c}
      {if @head.x}<h4>***</h4>{/if}

There is a syntax sugar to merge if and for statements to render template if list is not defined.

{for x in text}
   <p>Nothing to show</p>


The partial tag renders any template assigned to that variable using current context.

   swirl:apply("I am {>title}", #{title => "{name}!", name => "Erlang"}).



The collection of independent templates can be grouped into modules using maps. The map defines template name (key) and partial application (value). The application is automatically scoped to its name.

   Fun = swirl:f(
         a => swirl:f("I am {name}!"), 
         b => swirl:f("I am from {country}!")

   swirl:apply(Fun, a, 
         a => #{name => "Erlang"}, 
         b => #{country => "Sweden"}

   swirl:apply(Fun, b, 
         a => #{name => "Erlang"}, 
         b => #{country => "Sweden"}

Modules helps to build complex data-driven rendering using reusable templates via partial.

   Fun = swirl:f(#{
      main => swirl:f("{>title} {>country}"), 
      a    => swirl:f("I am {name}!"), 
      b    => swirl:f("I am from {name}!")

   swirl:apply(Fun, main, #{
      main => #{title => a, country => b},
      a    => #{name => "Erlang"},
      b    => #{name => "Sweden"}

byte code compilation

The library implements a template compilation to byte code using module concept. See example below.

   {ok, _, Code} = swirl:c(hw, 
         a => "I am {name}!", 
         b => "I am from {country}!"
   code:load_binary(hw, [], Code).

   hw:a(#{a => #{name => "Erlang"}, b => #{country => "Sweden"}}).
   hw:b(#{a => #{name => "Erlang"}, b => #{country => "Sweden"}}).

Compiled code support partial for dynamic template rendering.

   {ok, _, Code} = swirl:c(hw, #{
      main => "{>title} {>country}", 
      a    => "I am {name}!", 
      b    => "I am from {name}!"
   code:load_binary(hw, [], Code).

      main => #{title => {hw, a}, country => {hw, b}},
      a    => #{name => "Erlang"},
      b    => #{name => "Sweden"}

The library implement a command line tool for beam-file compilation

   ./swirl -o ebin/ test/article.swirl
   article:f(#{tags => ["a", "b", "c"], content => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"}).

evil eval

The library extends the whiskers.js with evil evaluation function {. .}. The scope of evaluation is restricted to allowed functions defined by context.

            [{list_to_binary, true}]


swirl is the Erlang port of whiskers.js template library.






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