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Include this in your Rails app to fix the 'undefined local variable expected_layout' error when you attempt to assert_template with a partial and layout. This is documented in lighthouse ticket 5247.

The problem

A test that attempts to check that a partial is rendered with a specific layout will fail.

def test_should_render_partial_with_layout
  get :test_action
  assert_template :partial => '_my_partial', :layout => 'my_layout'

The failure will be something like:

  1) Error:
test: test_should_render_partial_with_layout. (MyControllerTest):
NameError: undefined local variable or method `expected_layout' for #<MyControllerTest:0x106425368>
    actionpack (3.0.1) lib/action_dispatch/testing/assertions/routing.rb:177:in `method_missing'
    actionpack (3.0.1) lib/action_controller/test_case.rb:95:in `assert_template'
    test/functional/my_controller_test.rb:47:in `__bind_1288026294_459314'

The fix

Include this gem in your rails app by adding this to your Gemfile.

gem 'action_controller_template_assertions_ticket_5247', :git => 'git://'