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PFENet Code

  1. The code is based on mmdetection at Documents provided by mmdetection can guide to understand and run our code.
  2. PFENet base on resnet are implemented in "ppcn-mmdet\mmdet\models\backbones\"
  3. Our dataset is in PASCAL VOC format. Data IO files are under "ppcn-mmdet\mmdet\datasets".
    "" is for raw polarization images(I0, I45, I90, I135) which stored in a 4-channel .tiff file ;
    "npz_xml" is for traditional polarization parameter images such as DoLP, AoP and S0 which stored in .npz file;
    "bgr_xml" is for RGB images.
  4. mmdetection config files for PFENet is in “\configs\PPCN”


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