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Freifunk Berlin

This is the repository for the website of the Freifunk Community Berlin.

The website is built using the static website generator Hugo.


  • Clone this repository
  • Load submodule with git submodule init and git submodule update
  • Install Hugo

Run for development

hugo server -w

You can change the base address -b and the bind address --bind if your run it on a remote machine.

hugo server -w -b http://localhost:1313/ --bind

You can set the environment variables HUGO_MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN, HUGO_MATRIX_HOME_SERVER and HUGO_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN to get real activity informations. Else some dummy data is used.


Build for production

hugo build --minify -b <baseURL>


├── .github/workflows           # Config for pipelines to test and deploy
├── archetypes                  # Template for new content
├── content                     # Pages as markdown files
├── layouts/partials            # Reusable elements
├── static                      # Images and videos
├── themes                      # Theme, integrated via submodule
└── apache                      # Server configs


The website is deployed automatically via GitHub actions. The main branch is at The other branches could be accessed via<BRANCH_NAME>/.

The actions are defined in .github/workflows and could be configured with GitHub variables and secrets. The configurations for the production and development webserver are in the apache directory.

Data fetching

To display up to date information, we fetch and generate some data during the build process. These informations are available as shortcodes for the content and as partials for the templates. They are used at various places of the website.

  • map-nodecount (ff-community api)
  • community-lastchange (ff-community api)
  • activities-mailinglist (activities section)
  • activities-matrix (activities section)
  • activities-github (activities section)