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A padrino gem, showing seminars for the ecovillage Sieben Linden homepage. On the way to a real "GUestSYstem". Except for a twist in registration creation (where data also is pushed to a legacy system using a CouchDB) the gusy solution should be rather general. If you want to abstract from this, send us a line, it should not be too difficult to sort it out.


Add the following to your Gemfile:

  gem 'gusy'

and mount the app in your apps.rb:



For development, this gem can be run as a standalone Padrino application as you would expect from a normal one:

$ bundle exec padrino start

The Rakefile also works like the normal Padrino one and supports all standard components.

For Spec/Testing, a test db has to be set up and seeded. This is done via

  rm db/gusy_test.db
  padrino rake -e test sq:migrate
  padrino rake -e test db:seed

You can also use that seed data during development, with

  rm db/gusy_development.db
  padrino rake -e development sq:migrate
  padrino rake -e development db:seed


Like any other standard sinatra/padrino/rack app.

Here I will sketch an involved example for a debian system with apache and phusion passenger and a user with restricted rights (say, 'gusy').

  • Install rvm.
  • Configure passenger.conf to point to the rvm ruby, like PassengerDefaultRuby /home/gusy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p481/wrappers/ruby
  • Checkout gusy (the much cleaner gem install path is not yet walked upon), e.g. to /home/gusy/production)
  • Create a VirtualHost in apache config files, point DocumentRoot /home/gusy/production ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/gusy.production.error.log
  • Also specify the (/public) directory and Allow from all Options -MultiViews
  • Ensure that the database is populated.


Ecovillage Sieben Linden Guest System Prototype written in Padrino (ruby)







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