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Add HCAL analyser for GPU vs CPU comparison (cms-sw#567)
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mariadalfonso authored and fwyzard committed Nov 16, 2020
1 parent b77f4d6 commit 4b0cb83
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Showing 5 changed files with 554 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions ComparisonPlots/HCALGPUAnalyzer/plugins/BuildFile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<use name="FWCore/Framework"/>
<use name="FWCore/PluginManager"/>
<use name="FWCore/ParameterSet"/>
<use name="FWCore/ServiceRegistry"/>
<use name="DataFormats/HcalRecHit"/>
<use name="DataFormats/HcalDetId"/>
<use name="CommonTools/UtilAlgos"/>
<use name="SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos"/>
<use name="SimCalorimetry/CaloSimAlgos"/>
<use name="Geometry/CaloGeometry"/>
<flags EDM_PLUGIN="1"/>
312 changes: 312 additions & 0 deletions ComparisonPlots/HCALGPUAnalyzer/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// Package: ComparisonPlots/HCALGPUAnalyzer
// Class: HCALGPUAnalyzer
/**\class HCALGPUAnalyzer ComparisonPlots/HCALGPUAnalyzer/plugins/
Description: [one line class summary]
[Notes on implementation]
// Original Author: Mariarosaria D'Alfonso
// Created: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 16:22:58 GMT

// system include files
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// user include files
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"

#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
#include "CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/TFileService.h"

#include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HBHERecHit.h"
#include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HcalRecHitCollections.h"
#include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"

#include "SimDataFormats/CaloHit/interface/PCaloHit.h"
#include "SimDataFormats/CaloHit/interface/PCaloHitContainer.h"

#include "SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos/interface/HcalSimParameterMap.h"

#include "TH2F.h"

// class declaration

class HCALGPUAnalyzer : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<edm::one::SharedResources> {
explicit HCALGPUAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &);

static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);

virtual void beginJob() override;
virtual void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override;
virtual void endJob() override;

// ----------member data ---------------------------
// void ClearVariables();

// some variables for storing information
double Method0Energy, Method0EnergyGPU;
double RecHitEnergy, RecHitEnergyGPU;
double RecHitTime, RecHitTimeGPU;
double iEta, iEtaGPU;
double iPhi, iPhiGPU;
int depth, depthGPU;

TH2F *hEnergy_2dMahi;
TH2F *hEnergy_2dM0;
TH2F *hTime_2dMahi;

TH2F *Unmatched;
TH2F *Matched;
TH1F *hEnergy_cpu;
TH1F *hEnergy_gpu;
TH1F *hEnergy_cpugpu;
TH1F *hEnergy_cpugpu_rel;
TH1F *hEnergyM0_cpu;
TH1F *hEnergyM0_gpu;
TH1F *hTime_cpu;
TH1F *hTime_gpu;

// create the output file
edm::Service<TFileService> FileService;
// create the token to retrieve hit information
edm::EDGetTokenT<HBHERecHitCollection> hRhToken;
edm::EDGetTokenT<HBHERecHitCollection> hRhTokenGPU;

// constants, enums and typedefs

// static data member definitions

// constructors and destructor
HCALGPUAnalyzer::HCALGPUAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig) {

hRhToken = consumes<HBHERecHitCollection>(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("HBHERecHits", "hbheprereco"));
hRhTokenGPU = consumes<HBHERecHitCollection>(
iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("HBHERecHits", "hcalCPURecHitsProducer:recHitsLegacyHBHE"));


hEnergy_2dM0 = FileService->make<TH2F>("hEnergy_2dM0", "hEnergy_2dM0", 1000, 0., 100., 1000, 0., 100.);
hEnergy_2dM0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cpu M0 Energy");
hEnergy_2dM0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("GPU M0 Energy");

hEnergy_2dMahi = FileService->make<TH2F>("hEnergy_2dMahi", "hEnergy_2dMahi", 1000, 0., 100., 1000, 0., 100.);
hEnergy_2dMahi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CPU Energy");
hEnergy_2dMahi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("GPU Energy");

hTime_2dMahi = FileService->make<TH2F>("hTime_2dMahi", "hTime_2dMahi", 250, -12.5, 12.5, 250, -12.5, 12.5);
hTime_2dMahi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Mahi Time CPU");
hTime_2dMahi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mahi Time GPU");


hEnergyM0_cpu = FileService->make<TH1F>("hEnergyM0_cpu", "hEnergyM0_cpu", 100, 0., 100.);
hEnergyM0_cpu->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CPU Energy");

hEnergy_cpu = FileService->make<TH1F>("hEnergy_cpu", "hEnergy_cpu", 50, 0., 50.);
hEnergy_cpu->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CPU Energy");

hEnergy_gpu = FileService->make<TH1F>("hEnergy_gpu", "hEnergy_gpu", 50, 0., 50.);
hEnergy_gpu->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("GPU Energy");


hEnergy_cpugpu = FileService->make<TH1F>("hEnergy_cpugpu", "hEnergy_cpugpu", 500, -2.5, 2.5);
hEnergy_cpugpu->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("GPU Energy - CPU Energy [GeV]");
hEnergy_cpugpu->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# RecHits");

hEnergy_cpugpu_rel =
FileService->make<TH1F>("hEnergy_cpugpu_rel", "hEnergy_cpugpu_rel ( E > 0.005 GeV)", 500, -2.5, 2.5);
hEnergy_cpugpu_rel->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(GPU Energy - CPU Energy) / CPU energy");
hEnergy_cpugpu_rel->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# RecHits");


hTime_cpu = FileService->make<TH1F>("hTime_cpu", "hTime_cpu", 50, -25., 25.);
hTime_cpu->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("CPU Time");

hTime_gpu = FileService->make<TH1F>("hTime_gpu", "hTime_gpu", 50, -25., 25.);
hTime_gpu->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("GPU Time");

Unmatched = FileService->make<TH2F>("Unmatched", "Unmatched (eta,phi)", 100, -50., 50., 85, 0., 85.);
Matched = FileService->make<TH2F>("Matched", "Matched (eta,phi)", 100, -50., 50., 85, 0., 85.);

//now do what ever initialization is needed

HCALGPUAnalyzer::~HCALGPUAnalyzer() {
// do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
// (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)

// member functions

// ------------ method called for each event ------------
void HCALGPUAnalyzer::analyze(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) {
using namespace edm;

// Read events
Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hRecHits;
iEvent.getByToken(hRhToken, hRecHits);

Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hRecHitsGPU;
iEvent.getByToken(hRhTokenGPU, hRecHitsGPU);

// Loop over all rechits in one event
for (int i = 0; i < (int)hRecHits->size(); i++) {
// get ID information for the reconstructed hit
HcalDetId detID_rh = (*hRecHits)[i].id().rawId();

// ID information can get us detector coordinates
depth = (*hRecHits)[i].id().depth();
iEta = detID_rh.ieta();
iPhi = detID_rh.iphi();

// get some variables
Method0Energy = (*hRecHits)[i].eraw();
RecHitEnergy = (*hRecHits)[i].energy();
RecHitTime = (*hRecHits)[i].time();


cout << "Run " << i << ": ";
cout << "Method0Energy: " << Method0Energy;
cout << "RecHitEnergy: " << RecHitEnergy;
cout << "depth: " << depth;
cout << "iEta: " << iEta;
cout << "iPhi: " << iPhi;
cout << "RecHitTime" << RecHitTime;

for (int i = 0; i < (int)hRecHitsGPU->size(); i++) {
// get ID information for the reconstructed hit
HcalDetId detID_rh = (*hRecHitsGPU)[i].id().rawId();

// ID information can get us detector coordinates
depthGPU = (*hRecHitsGPU)[i].id().depth();
iEtaGPU = detID_rh.ieta();
iPhiGPU = detID_rh.iphi();

// get some variables
Method0EnergyGPU = (*hRecHitsGPU)[i].eraw();
RecHitEnergyGPU = (*hRecHitsGPU)[i].energy();
RecHitTimeGPU = (*hRecHitsGPU)[i].time();


cout << "Run " << i << ": ";
cout << "Method0Energy: " << Method0EnergyGPU;
cout << "RecHitEnergy: " << RecHitEnergyGPU;
cout << "depth: " << depthGPU;
cout << "iEta: " << iEtaGPU;
cout << "iPhi: " << iPhiGPU;
cout << "RecHitTime" << RecHitTimeGPU;

// Loop over all rechits in one event
for (int i = 0; i < (int)hRecHits->size(); i++) {
HcalDetId detID_rh = (*hRecHits)[i].id().rawId();

bool unmatched = true;
// cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

for (int j = 0; j < (int)hRecHitsGPU->size(); j++) {
HcalDetId detID_gpu = (*hRecHitsGPU)[j].id().rawId();

if ((detID_rh == detID_gpu)) {
cout << "Mtime(cpu)" << (*hRecHits)[i].time() << endl;
cout << " Mtime(gpu)" << (*hRecHitsGPU)[j].time() << endl;
cout << "M0E(cpu)" << (*hRecHits)[i].eraw() << endl;
cout << " M0E(gpu)" << (*hRecHitsGPU)[j].eraw() << endl;

auto relValue = ((*hRecHitsGPU)[j].energy() - (*hRecHits)[i].energy()) / (*hRecHits)[i].energy();

hEnergy_2dM0->Fill((*hRecHits)[i].eraw(), (*hRecHitsGPU)[j].eraw());
hEnergy_2dMahi->Fill((*hRecHits)[i].energy(), (*hRecHitsGPU)[j].energy());
hEnergy_cpugpu->Fill((*hRecHitsGPU)[j].energy() - (*hRecHits)[i].energy());
if ((*hRecHits)[i].energy() > 0.005)
hTime_2dMahi->Fill((*hRecHits)[i].time(), (*hRecHitsGPU)[j].time());

if((relValue < - 0.9) and ((*hRecHits)[i].energy()>0.005)) {
cout << "----------------------------------"<< endl;
cout << " detID = " << detID_rh.rawId() << endl;
cout << "ME(cpu)" << (*hRecHits)[i].energy() << endl;
cout << " ME(gpu)" << (*hRecHitsGPU)[j].energy() << endl;

Matched->Fill(detID_rh.ieta(), detID_rh.iphi());

unmatched = false;


if (unmatched) {
Unmatched->Fill(detID_rh.ieta(), detID_rh.iphi());
// cout << " recHit not matched =" << detID_rh << " E(raw)=" << (*hRecHits)[i].eraw() << " E=" << (*hRecHits)[i].energy() << endl;

// ------------ method called once each job just before starting event loop ------------
void HCALGPUAnalyzer::beginJob() {}

// ------------ method called once each job just after ending the event loop ------------
void HCALGPUAnalyzer::endJob() {}

// ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the module ------------
void HCALGPUAnalyzer::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) {
//The following says we do not know what parameters are allowed so do no validation
// Please change this to state exactly what you do use, even if it is no parameters
edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;

//define this as a plug-in
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions ComparisonPlots/HCALGPUAnalyzer/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

process = cms.Process("Demo")

process.options = cms.untracked.PSet (wantSummary = cms.untracked.bool(False))

#process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '101X_dataRun2_Prompt_v11'
process.GlobalTag.globaltag = '101X_dataRun2_HLT_frozen_v10'

process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(-1) )
process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 500

process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(


process.comparisonPlots = cms.EDAnalyzer('HCALGPUAnalyzer')

process.TFileService = cms.Service('TFileService', fileName = cms.string('test_both.root') )

process.p = cms.Path(process.comparisonPlots)

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