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Python Files

  • scrapes Yelp for businesses
  • builds a matrix of time and distance between all businesses for easy lookup in algorithms
  • implements the simulated annealing to select the best bars for the crawl
  • implements the TSP solving algorithms to find the distance of a given knapsack
  • contains scripts to import list of bars and other miscellaneous necessities to run algorithms
  • build a bar crawl, explained below
  • builds multiple bar crawls for comparison of TSP solvers, explained below

Data Files

  • biz_list.csv: list of businesses with name, address, stars, and price
  • distance_matrix.csv: distance between each business, in meters, with the origin on the vertical axis and destination on the horizontal axis. Note: index is equivalent to index in biz_list.csv (e.g. the distance between Business 1 and Business 3 will be Row 1, Column 3)
  • time_matrix.csv: travel time between each business, in seconds, with the origin on the x axis and the destination on the y axis. Note: index is equivalent to index in biz_list.csv (e.g. the time between Business 1 and Business 3 will be Row 1, Column 3)

Building the Ultimate Bar Crawl

Run the file to create a single crawl with the following options:

  • --distance DISTANCE: replace DISTANCE with the maximum distance you want for the bar crawl, default is 10,000
  • --tsp TSP ALGORITHM: replace TSP ALGORITHM with the TSP solver you wish to use (options: random, greedy, two-opt, sa), default is greedy, sa stands for simulated annealing
  • --print-url: add this option if you want a URL to Google Maps with the bar crawl
  • --graphs: add this option if you want to print some informational graphs about the crawl
  • --temp TEMPERATURE FUNCTION: replace TEMPERATURE FUNCTION with the name of a temperature function for the simulated annealing (options: simple, kirkpatrick)
  • --length LENGTH: replace LENGTH with the maximum number of bars you want in the crawl, default is infinite

Example: python --distance 10000 --tsp two-opt --print-url --graphs --temp kirkpatrick

Run the file to see more data on comparing TSP solvers with the following options:

  • --distance DISTANCE: replace DISTANCE with the maximum distance you want for the bar crawl, default is 10,000
  • --iterations ITERATIONS: replace ITERATIONS with the number of times you would like to run the crawl generator for each TSP solver, default is 3
  • --graphs: add this option if you want to print some informational graphs about the crawl
  • --temp TEMPERATURE FUNCTION: replace TEMPERATURE FUNCTION with the name of a temperature function for the simulated annealing (options: simple, kirkpatrick)
  • --length LENGTH: replace LENGTH with the maximum number of bars you want in the crawl, default is infinite

Example: python --distance 10000 --iterations 4 --graphs --temp kirkpatrick

Note: this may take several minutes to run


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