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Upskill 23 DevOps Repository

Welcome to the Upskill 23 DevOps repository, your gateway to innovation and development excellence. This directory houses the source code and files for our exciting project. Below, we provide a curated tour of the directory structure to get you started on this journey of discovery and collaboration.

Directory Structure

  • .github

    • Dive into the '.github' directory to unlock a world of GitHub magic. Here, you'll find everything from finely-tuned GitHub Actions workflows to templates for filing issues and other repository-specific configurations.
  • app

    • The 'app' directory is the beating heart of our project. It houses the core application code that powers our vision. Explore this realm to uncover the source code and assets that drive our innovation.
  • .gitignore

    • This small yet powerful '.gitignore' file defines what should remain hidden from Git's watchful eye. It's your guardian for maintaining a clean and focused repository, protecting only the most critical source code and configuration files.
  • .python-version

    • Our project's lifeline relies on a specific Python version, and it's clearly documented in the '.python-version' file. Ensuring compatibility and harmony across different environments is our top priority.
  • Dockerfile

    • The 'Dockerfile' is the gateway to the containerized future. It outlines the path to building a Docker container for our project, encapsulating the application and its dependencies within a harmonious ecosystem.

    • The 'LICENSE' file houses the rules of engagement. It defines the terms under which the project's source code and assets can be embraced and shared. Please respect and honor these terms as you embark on your journey.
  • ansible/playbook.yml

    • The 'ansible' directory is where we orchestrate our operations. 'playbook.yml' is the conductor of resource configuration and provisioning. It may guide deployment, infrastructure setup, or other operational tasks, creating symphonies of functionality.

    • You're currently immersed in the '' file, your compass for navigating this project. It offers a warm introduction to our mission, providing insights into the directory structure and essential files.
  • requirements.txt

    • The 'requirements.txt' file is your recipe book for culinary success. It lists the Python packages and their versions required to concoct the project. Use it to install the necessary project dependencies.
  • kubernetes/

    • deployment.yml: This file orchestrates the deployment of our application, ensuring that the desired number of containers is always running.
    • service.yml: The 'service.yml' file defines how network traffic is routed to our application within the Kubernetes cluster, allowing it to be accessible from the outside world.
    • configMap.yml: In 'configmap.yml', we centralize the configuration data for our application, making it easier to manage and update settings.
    • secrets.yml: 'secrets.yml' securely stores sensitive information, such as API keys or database passwords, ensuring they remain confidential.

Your Contribution

Feel free to explore and collaborate with us on this exciting project. If you have questions or need guidance, our documentation is your guidebook. Alternatively, reach out to the project maintainers for assistance. We appreciate your interest and welcome you to our community of innovators and creators.

For more details on our contribution process, please refer to the file.


Georgi Yanev
Iliyan Vutoff
Daniel Rankov


Georgi Yanev


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