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GSIP 201

Gabriel Roldan edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 15 revisions

GSIP 201 - Cloud Native GeoServer Project Donation


Camptocamp has developed a project called "Cloud Native GeoServer" that splits GeoServer functionalities into individually deployable components of a microservices-based architecture, and wants to donate it to the OsGeo Foundation under the umbrella of GeoServer's github organization.

Current project links:

Note: The developer's guide is a work in progress. Once finished it will provide enough documentation for a new developer with previous GeoServer experience to get started.

Proposed By

Adrien Van Hamme (Camptocamp), Gabriel Roldán

Assigned to Release



  • Under Discussion
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Rejected
  • Deferred


The project was intended to be donated to the community from its inception.

Camptocamp is going to keep using for the current and other customers, which in the short term will provide resourcing both for maintenance and continued development.

The donation comes in the spirit that it'll be useful to other parties and in the hope of establishing a healthy relationship with the community, feeding on GeoServer, and contributing back to the upstream project.

As it currently stands, version 0.2.1 has been released, and out-of-the-box allows to launch a local cluster with docker-compose as a simple way to get started up.

The project is being used in production since version 0.1.0. Past that prototyping phase, the project has been deemed feasible and hence the donation to the community gets the go-ahead from the original authors.

Note though, that doesn't mean Cloud Native GeoServer is production-ready for general availability just yet. It does mean, though, we're confident enough that further development will get it there and strengthen GeoServer codebase itself.


  1. Transfer ownership to OsGeo, via a Sofrware Grand and Corporate Contributor License Agreement
  2. Transfer ownership of the GitHub repository to the GeoServer GitHub organization
  3. Set up a geoserver-cloud organization in Docker Hub, and a CI build to push the docker images there.
  4. Set up the new repository's GitHub pages site to host the project's documentation, and update it accordingly.

Additionally, and for the record, albeit quite independently of this proposal's acceptance, a number of software components developed for the Cloud Native GeoServer project can/will be donated to the mainline GeoServer codebase, which will be subject of their own requests to be accepted as community modules or provide their own GSIP's. For instance:

  • Improvements to the Catalog/Config subsystem that simplifies the implementation of alternative configuration back-ends.
  • GeoServer and GeoTools Jackson bindings providing JSON representations of all GeoServer configuration objects.
  • Catalog and Config caching through String-Cache decorators.

Backwards Compatibility




Project Steering Committee:

  • Alessio Fabiani: +0
  • Andrea Aime: +1
  • Ian Turton: +1
  • Jody Garnett: +1
  • Jukka Rahkonen: +1
  • Kevin Smith:
  • Simone Giannecchini: +0
  • Torben Barsballe:
  • Nuno Oliveira:


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