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WP Base Theme Description

(for a more visually appealing description see:

WP Base Theme is a simple Framework being written to simplify the creation of WordPress powered Themes, handling some functionality semi-automatically.

It doesn't include any kind of HTML or CSS. This is solely a PHP project. I wanted to provide a good base for developers, reducing the amount of markup removal.

The main idea is to run everything from a single destination, provided a config array.

(actually this is Weston Ruter's idea, see but I incorporated it in my own way, having seen the same among different repos here and there :))

Moreover it contains most common files that are usually included in most projects involving WP.

The main thing is the base-config directory in which there are two important files:

  • base_theme_config.php
  • config.php

The former is a PHP class responsible for automatic handling of provided configuration The latter is the configuration array of config files, which has the following form:


return array(
	'key1' => array(
	'key2' => array(
	'key3' => array(
	// etc.

Using config.php file

Full, sample config file can be found within the theme's root directory.

Currently there are automatic handlers for:

  • scripts
  • theme options
  • custom post types creation
  • auto sidebar registration
  • navigation menus registration
  • content filling
  • adding image sizes
  • file inclusions (so that it'd be easy to find out what files were loaded and easily turn them of to debug the code)


WordPress will auto load scripts based on the config array, starting with scripts key. These should reside within _ui/js/ directory (Base Theme will throw an error in case the file didn't exist)

'scripts' => array(
		'main' => array(
			'handle' => 'main',
			'file' => 'main.js',
			'enqueue' => true,
			'deps' => array(

The above would include and enqueue main.js, giving it main handle.

Since no in_footer parameter was specified it would get loaded in the footer by default Why?

Theme Options

Base Theme supports semi-automatic of Appearance -> Theme Options page, for example

'settings' => array(
		'opt1' => array(
			'type' => 'text',
			'name' => 'input-text-1',
			'desc' => 'Input type text test',
		'opt2' => array(
			'type' => 'text',
			'name' => 'input-text-2',
			'desc' => 'Input type text test 2',
		'opt3' => array(
			'type' => 'dropdown_pages',
			'name' => 'dropdown-pages',
			'desc' => 'Testing dropdown pages',
		'opt4' => array(
			'type' => 'wp_editor',
			'name' => 'wp-editor',
			'desc' => 'Testing WP Editor',

Would create 4 options:

  • 2 input text fields
  • 1 dropdown pages field
  • 1 wp editor field

In case custom Theme Options were to be added Base Theme Supports custom callback functionality, for example:

'settings' => array(
		'custom' => array(
			'generate_field_callback' => 'custom_generate_field',
			'validate_field_callback' => 'custom_validate_field',
			'name' => 'custom',
			'desc' => 'Custom Field with callback functions',

Where custom callback functions could be of the following form:

function custom_generate_field() {
	$options = get_option( 'base_options' );
	if ( !empty( $options['custom'] ) ) {
		echo "<input id='custom' name='base_options[custom]' size='80' type='text' value='{$options['custom']}' />";
		echo "<input id='custom' name='base_options[custom]' size='80' type='text' value='' />";

function custom_validate_field($input) {
	$valid = $input['custom'];
	return $valid;

They could be placed in an included file or at the bottom of the config.php.

Custom Post Types Creation

Base Theme can also handle auto posts creation, for example:

'post_types' => array(
		'base_slider' => array(
			'labels' => array(
				'singular' => 'Slider',
				'plural' => 'Slider entries',
			'args' => array(
				'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'author', 'custom-fields', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt' ),

Would create a slider post type supporting title, editor, author, custom-fields and a thumbnail

Note: This shortcut makes usage of

Note: it is wise to always prefix CPT with some word, like base above

Custom Taxonomies Creation

Base Theme facilitates creation of custom taxonomies

 'tax' => array(
		// taxonomy like category
		'wp-base-tax' => array(
			'singular' => 'WP Base Tax',
			'plural' => 'WP Base Taxes',
			'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'wp-base-tax', 'with_front' => false ),
			'posts' => array( 'slider' ), 
		// taxonomy like tag
		'wp-base-tag' => array(
			'singular' => 'WP Base Tag',
			'plural' => 'WP Base Tags',
			'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'wp-base-tag', 'with_front' => false ),
			'posts' => array( 'base_slider' ),
			'hierarchical' => false,

Would create two new taxonomies: one hierarhical like category and the other one non hierarchical like tag, both of these would be assigned to the base_slider post type:

Note: This shortcut makes usage of:

Auto Sidebar Registration

Provided config values of the following form:

'sidebars' => array(
		'sidebar-1' => array( ),
		'sidebar-2' => array(
			'name' =>  __( "Sidebar Rafal", WP_BASE_DOMAIN ),
			'id' => "sidebar-rafal",

Two sidebars will be created:

  • sidebar-1 with default values, that is:
		'name' => __( 'Sidebar', 'wpized_light' ),
		'id' => 'sidebar-1',
		'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s"class="sidebar-widget-menu %2$s">',
		'after_widget' => "</section>",
		'before_title' => '<h3>',
		'after_title' => '</h3>',
  • sidebar-2 with custom name and id arguments.

This approach provides some flexibility and allows simple sidebar creation, without the need of code repetition.

Navigation Menus Registration


'nav-menus' => array(
		'navigation-top' => __( 'Top Navigation Menu' ),
		'navigation-foot' => __( 'Footer Navigation Menu' ),

In the same way as above navigation menus can be created. WP Base Theme is making usage of WP built in register_nav_menus() method. It's just here to provide functionality from one place

Content Filling

In case any content was to be added, the 'posts' key should be added to the config array. It should contain an array of arrays (with post types (post, page, etc.) as each array's key) Each such post would then contain arguments similar to: Tag / Category addition is based on their names in the background

Adding Image Sizes

Specyfing the 'image' key will enable post thumbnails and also add specific image sizes making usage of the

File Inclusions

In case any extra files were supposed to be added, with some custom functionality this can be done via

'includes' => array(
		'shortcodes' => true,

Base Theme would include the shortcodes.php file from the includes directory.


For sake of popularity of shortcodes I've added sample shortcodes.php file to the /includes directory, which gets loaded by default.

See its contents to find the working examples.


WP Base Theme is licensed under the GPL v2 or later.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA


WP Base Theme used to simplify the development process.






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