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Edgar Gonzalez edited this page Jun 3, 2013 · 10 revisions

This is the list of methods that you can call on the jQuery Rambling Slider.

Any of the methods can be called as follows:

  • If you want to get a value or a call a routine: ``` javascript $('#slider').ramblingSlider('method') ```
  • If you want to set a value: ``` javascript $('#slider').ramblingSlider('method', value) ```
  • If you want to set the value for an option: ``` javascript $('#slider').ramblingSlider('option', optionName, value) ```

Take into account that if the slider is not initialized or does not exist, it will throw an error with a Tried to call method 'method' on element without slider message. Also, if the method is not valid, it will throw an error with a Method 'method' not found message.

The available methods are:

Method Description
stop Stop the slider.
start Start/continue the slider.
option Get the value for an option. Set the value for an option or a group of options.
effect Changes the slider effects to run. See Options for the list of possible values.
theme Changes the slider's theme, adding a class like theme-[name], where [name] is the theme name passed.
previousSlide Goes to the previous slide using any of the available transitions.
nextSlide Goes to the next slide using any of the available transitions.
slide Goes to the specified slide, which is expected to be a Number, using any of the available transitions.
destroy Destroys the rambling slider.
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