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Simple (meaning not all implemented) and opinionated (meaning implemented only what I needed) LevelDB wrapper for Janet language.


Mid Alpha.


This library is mostly building block for my another project called mansion. But if you need just the wrapper around LevelDB C API, this is all you need.

As I have implemented functionality for my purposes, I am not planning any significant additions to library API, but I welcome any suggestions/PR. Biggest omission right now are Comparator and Filters facilities.



Just open test suite. If you ever used any key value store and know a little about Janet, you will be at home.

Basic database facilities

Opening the database

(tahani/open db-name &opt opts) opens the LevelDB database. db-name must be the string same as the directory name, where database resides on the disk. Optional opts can have value :eie for setting error_if_exists LevelDB option. Value :eim unsets implicit create_if_missing. Function returns Janet AbstractType tahani/db. This AbstractType instance is used as a parameter when calling most of the API.

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.

Closing the database

(tahani/close db) closes the LevelDB database. db must be an instance of tahani/db AbstractType returned from the tahani/open function mentioned above.

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.

Putting to the database

(tahani/record/put db key value) puts value under the key into the database. db must be an instance of tahani/db AbstractType returned from the tahani/open function mentioned above. key and value must be string and can contain \0 characters. Returns nil on success.

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.

You can call his function as a method on database AbstractType (:put db key value).

Getting from the database

(tahani/record/get db key) gets value under the key from the database. db must be an instance of tahani/db AbstractType returned from the tahani/open function mentioned above. key must be string and can contain \0 characters. Returns string value from the database.

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.

You can call his function as a method on database AbstractType (:get db key).

Deleting from the database

(tahani/record/delete db key) deletes value under the key from the database. key must be string and can contain \0 characters. Returns nil on success

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.

You can call his function as a method on database AbstractType (:delete db key).

Database management facilities

Repairing the database

(tahani/manage/repair db-name) repairs the database. db-name must be the string same as the directory name, where the database resides on the disk. The database cannot be open.

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.

Destroying the database

(tahani/manage/destroy db-name) destroys the database. db-name must be the string same as the directory name, where the database resides on the disk.

The database cannot be open.

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.


Batch facilities

LevelDB batches are the way for issuing multiple commands to the database, which it transacts as one atomic change. They are similar to relation database transactions.

Creating the batch

(tahani/batch/create) creates a new batch. It does not have any parameters as batch initialization is database independent. Returns Janet AbstractType tahani/batch.

Adding put into the batch

(tahani/batch/put key value) adds put values under the key into the batch. key and value must be string and can contain \0 characters. Returns the tahani/batch on success so that it can be easily chained.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/batch AbstractType (:put batch key value).

Adding delete into the batch

(tahani/batch/delete key) adds a delete command with the key into the batch. key must be string and can contain \0 characters. Returns the tahani/batch on success so that it can be easily chained.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/batch AbstractType (:delete batch key).

Writing batch to the database

(tahani/batch/write batch db) writes the batch to the database. db must be an instance of tahani/db AbstractType returned from the tahani/open function mentioned above. Returns the tahani/batch on success so that it can be easily chained.

Panics if any LevelDB error occurs.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/batch AbstractType (:write batch key).

Destroying the batch

(tahani/batch/destroy batch) destroys the batch. batch must be an instance of tahani/batch returned from create function, mentioned above.

Snapshot facilities

Snapshot is the temporary content of the database in time. It can be used instead of the db for get function mentioned above, or for the iterator mentioned bellow.

Creating the snapshot

(tahani/snapshot/create db) creates new snapshot of the database. db must be instance of tahani/db AbstractType returned from the tahani/open function mentioned above. Returns tahani/snapshot Janet AbstractType.

Snapshot can also be created with tahani/db AbstractType method (:snapshot db).

Releasing the snapshot

(tahani/snapshot/release snapshot) releases the snapshot. snapshot must be instance of tahani/snapshot AbstractType.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/snapshot AbstractType (:release snapshot).

Iterator facilities

Iterators are the primary tool for traversing snapshot of the database.

Creating the iterator

(tahani/iterator/create db &opt snapshot) creates the iterator. db must be an instance of tahani/db AbstractType returned from the tahani/open function mentioned above. Optional snapshot must be an instance of tahani/snapshot AbstractType, when you do not provide one, an implicit snapshot is created. Returns tahani/snapshot Janet AbstractType.

Iterator can also be created with tahani/db iteratormethod (:iterator db).

Checking the iterator validity

(tahani/iterator/valid? iterator) checks if the iterator is in the valid state. iterator must be an instance of tahani/iterator returned by the create method mentioned above. Returns true when the iterator is in the valid state.

You can call this function as a method on tahani/iterator AbstractType (:valid? iterator)

Getting current iterator position key

(tahani/iterator/key iterator) returns the key of the current iterator position. iterator must be an instance of tahani/iterator returned by the create method mentioned above. Returns string with the key of the current iterator record.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/iterator AbstractType (:key iterator)

Getting current iterator position value

(tahani/iterator/value iterator) returns the value of the current iterator position. iterator must be an instance of tahani/iterator returned by the create method mentioned above. Returns string with the value of the current iterator record.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/iterator AbstractType (:value iterator)

Moving to the next record in the iterator

(tahani/iterator/next iterator) moves the current position in the iterator to the next record. iterator must be an instance of tahani/iterator returned by the create method mentioned above. Returns iterator so it can be easily chained.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/iterator AbstractType (:next iterator)

Seeking the first record

(tahani/iterator/seek-first iterator) moves the current position in the iterator to the first one.iterator must be an instance of tahani/iterator returned by the create method mentioned above. Returns iterator so it can be easily chained.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/iterator AbstractType (:seek-first iterator)

Seeking last record

(tahani/iterator/seek-last iterator) moves the current position in the iterator to the last record. iterator must be an instance of tahani/iterator returned by the create method mentioned above. Returns iterator so it can be easily chained.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/iterator AbstractType (:seek-last iterator)

Seeking record

(tahani/iterator/seek iterator key) moves the current position in the iterator to the record with key. iterator must be an instance of tahani/iterator returned by the create method mentioned above. keymust be a string. Returns iterator so it can be easily chained.

You can call his function as a method on tahani/iterator AbstractType (:seek iterator key)


  • add open, read and write optional options
  • split store to mansion
  • add snapshot functionality
  • add iterator functions
  • add marshaling/unmarshaling store module
  • make batches chained
  • add batch functions
  • split to more modules
  • add delete function
  • add management functions
  • add error checks


Janet wrapper of the LevelDB C API






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