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A random collection of extra or alternative programs used in the code clubs.

  • orbits
  • any-orbit

Each program introduces a specific concept.

Unless otherwise stated, the programs are incomplete and will not work until the pupils complete them.

  • orbits - calculates the speed of ISS, Hubble Space Telescope, the Astra 1KR satellite and a GPS satellite in orbit. It is used to introduce number variables and maths go.

  • any-orbit - a generalised version of the orbit program. It calculates the speed in orbit of any satellite.

  • worldtemperature - compares the temperature the user types in to a number of cities around the world. Used to introduce if statements.

  • rune-counter - Counts the number of runes in a message then prints a different message depending on the number of runes. Used to introduce is-else statements.

  • rune-printer - Introduces the concept of runes. It shows how to convert a string to a slice of runes, how to access an individual rune and how to convert a rune back to a string for easy printing.

  • reverse-message - Introduces the concept of repetition. It reads a string that the user types, and prints out the strign in reverse order.

  • pong-v1 - a skeleton to be used as a starting point for Pong. The functions for the main game loop need to be added.

  • pong-v2 - Revised Pong skeleton, using the toolbox package. This version uses the package to move the nitty gritty of the graphics key and window handling from the main code. This results is much simpler code skeleton, which can then be filled with the game logic.

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A random collection of alternative and extra programs used in the code clubs.







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