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wzelazo edited this page Jul 13, 2018 · 12 revisions




Example on basic usage and initial steps

  1. First download newest pankus code at:
  2. Find out where the file has been downloaded.
  3. Unpack files from It should create pankus-master folder
  4. Go to python console (anywhere where You have access to python command) Ex. Start > Anaconda > Anaconda prompt
  5. Enter directory cd pankus-master
  6. Type python install and hit 'ENTER'. That tells Python to run with additional parameter install. This installs newest pankus to system
  7. The newest pankus library is installed
  8. Each time you want to update the installed library you have to repeat steps from 1 to 7.

Running Jupyter and setting up the first experiment

  1. Go to python console (anywhere where You have access to python command) Ex. Start > Anaconda > Anaconda prompt
  2. Go to directory (by using cd command) where Your workspace is.
  3. Type in jupyter notebook
  4. This opens up the new window in the default browser
  5. You will see your workspace directory layout. You can browse further to the desired location. You can create directories as well.
  6. Create new notebook. Go to New > Python3
  7. The browser will open a new tab with an Untitled notebook
  8. You should rename Notebook to easily find it and manage it. Click Untitled1 name

Example data preparation

You should prepare sd.geojson and net.geojson file.

  • The sd.geojson file must contain point layer geometry with at least sd_id, src an dst fields.
  • The net.geojson file must contain line layer geometry with at least weight field.

Writing first experiment

from taurus import Taurus
# this enables Taurus class; we can use Taurus class since now 
# the newly created T object represents our workspace and data management