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oilcan is a Python job manager for Gearman. It is intended as an alternative for Celery, when your queuing system of choice is Gearman, and you want something simple.


  1. You use a decorator to mark which python functions can be called as a task.
  2. You start oilcan, pointing it at a file cointaining tasks. It forks worker sub-processes.
  3. You send a message to Gearman to trigger one of the jobs.

oilcan is alpha software, not quite ready yet.


To define some tasks you do this (by convention in a file):

from oilcan import task

def example_task(self, workload):

    # Workload is whatever string the client sent

To call that task:

# Setup
from gearman.libgearman import Client
client = Client()
for host, port in [("", 4730), ("", 4730)]:
    client.add_server(host, port)

# Call
# Workload ('42') must be a string. 
client.do_background('example_task', '42')

If do or do_background return a response code, it's an index into a gearman_return_t enum. To find out what it means, count into this list, starting from 0:


  1. Get the dependencies

    Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) and later

     sudo apt-get install gearman-job-server python-gearman.libgearman

    Other Linuxes

    Make sure you have the dependencies:

     sudo apt-get install libevent-dev uuid-dev

    The python-gearman.libgearman package isn't in earlier version of Ubuntu, and the PyPI version relies on a recent Gearman, so install both:

     tar xvzf gearmand-0.14.tar.gz
     cd gearmand-0.14
     ./configure --disable-libmemcached
     sudo make install
     sudo pip install python-libgearman

    You might not need to disable libmemcached, but I got three of this type of error if I didn't: gearmand-0.14/gearmand/gearmand.c:193: undefined reference to `gearman_server_queue_libmemcached_conf'.

    You might also need to: sudo apt-get install libgearman2 ; sudo ldconfig, but don't ask me why.

  2. If you're running Python 2.6 or earlier you need the argparse package. It's in the standard library for 2.7+:

     sudo pip install argparse
  3. Get oilcan (cd into a temporary directory first):

     git clone git://
  4. Copy onto your python path:

     sudo cp /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
  5. Link it from /usr/local/bin/:

     sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ /usr/local/bin/oilcan
  6. Copy the upstart startup script into /etc/init/:

     sudo cp oilcan.conf /etc/init/
  7. Edit /etc/init/oilcan.conf and make it work for you.

     vim /etc/init/oilcan.conf   # Or your editor of choice

    For help on this run:

     /usr/local/bin/oilcan --help
  8. Start the worker (Gearman must already be running):

     sudo start oilcan


Oilcan ships with some unit tests in the tests file. To run them you need:

  • Nose: python-nose in Ubuntu, or nose in PyPI.
  • Coverage: python-coverage in Ubuntu, or coverage in PyPI.

Run like this, from the directory that contains and

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=oilcan


If there is an error in your oilcan will die as soon as it starts. To see what's going on, run oilcan in non-forked debug mode:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings  # Only needed if using Django
/usr/local/bin/oilcan myapp.tasks --add-path /usr/local/myproj/ --no-fork --debug

Using supervisord, or any other process manager

If you prefer something other than upstart, simply copy the command from /etc/init/oilcan.conf. Oilcan doesn't daemonize itself, so it should play nicely with any process manager you care to use.

MySQL binlog error

If you are using MySQL InnoDB, you might get this error:

OperationalError: (1598, "Binary logging not possible. Message: Transaction level 'READ-COMMITTED' in InnoDB is not safe for binlog mode 'STATEMENT'")

Because oilcan runs for a long time, it changes MySQL's transaction isolation mode to READ-COMMITTED, so that it sees changes. InnoDB's binary log needs to be in ROW mode to support this. In /etc/mysql/my.cnf add or edit this row:

binlog-format = ROW


Python job manager for Gearman






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