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grammarware committed Jan 17, 2013
1 parent 2153d8e commit 17f20b5
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Showing 2 changed files with 119 additions and 3 deletions.
73 changes: 70 additions & 3 deletions shared/rascal/src/export/XBNF.rsc
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@contributor{Vadim Zaytsev - - SWAT, CWI}
module export::XBNF

import lib::Rascalware;
Expand All @@ -8,6 +9,72 @@ import export::BNF;

// TODO this is only a first sketchy setup, need to generate the whole thing!
public str ppxs(XBGFSequence xs) = mapjoin(ppx,xs,"\n");
public str ppx(renameN(a,b)) = "renameN(<a>,<b>);";
public str ppx(extract(p,globally())) = "extract(<pp(p)>);";
public default str ppx(XBGFCommand s) = "??<s>??";

public str ppx(XBGFCommand::abridge(BGFProduction p)) = "abridge(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::abstractize(BGFProduction p)) = "abstractize(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::addH(BGFProduction p)) = "addH(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::addV(BGFProduction p)) = "addV(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::anonymize(BGFProduction p)) = "anonymize(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::appear(BGFProduction p)) = "appear(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::bypass()) = "bypass()";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::chain(BGFProduction p)) = "chain(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::clone(str x, str y, XBGFScope w)) = "clone(<x>,<y>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::concatT(list[str] xs, str y, XBGFScope w)) = "concatT(<pp(xs)>,<y>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::concretize(BGFProduction p)) = "concretize(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::deanonymize(BGFProduction p)) = "deanonymize(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::define(list[BGFProduction] ps)) = "define(<pp(ps)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::designate(BGFProduction p)) = "designate(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::detour(BGFProduction p)) = "detour(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::deyaccify(str x)) = "deyaccify(<x>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::disappear(BGFProduction p)) = "disappear(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::distribute(XBGFScope w)) = "distribute(<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::downgrade(BGFProduction p1, BGFProduction p2)) = "downgrade(<pp(p1)>,<pp(p2)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::eliminate(str x)) = "eliminate(<x>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::equate(str x, str y)) = "equate(<x>,<y>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::extract(BGFProduction p, XBGFScope w)) = "extract(<pp(p)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::factor(BGFExpression e1, BGFExpression e2, XBGFScope w)) = "factor(<pp(e1)>,<pp(e2)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::fold(str x, XBGFScope w)) = "fold(<x>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::horizontal(XBGFScope w)) = "horizontal(<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::importG(list[BGFProduction] ps)) = "importG(<pp(ps)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::inject(BGFProduction p)) = "inject(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::inline(str x)) = "inline(<x>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::introduce(list[BGFProduction] ps)) = "introduce(<pp(ps)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::iterate(BGFProduction p)) = "iterate(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::lassoc(BGFProduction p)) = "lassoc(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::massage(BGFExpression e1, BGFExpression e2, XBGFScope w)) = "massage(<pp(e1)>,<pp(e2)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::narrow(BGFExpression e1, BGFExpression e2, XBGFScope w)) = "narrow(<pp(e1)>,<pp(e2)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::permute(BGFProduction p)) = "permute(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::project(BGFProduction p)) = "project(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::rassoc(BGFProduction p)) = "rassoc(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::redefine(list[BGFProduction] ps)) = "redefine(<pp(ps)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::removeH(BGFProduction p)) = "removeH(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::removeV(BGFProduction p)) = "removeV(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::renameL(str x, str y)) = "renameL(<x>,<y>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::renameN(str x, str y)) = "renameN(<x>,<y>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::renameS(str x, str y, XBGFScope w)) = "renameS(<x>,<y>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::renameT(str x, str y)) = "renameT(<x>,<y>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::replace(BGFExpression e1, BGFExpression e2, XBGFScope w)) = "replace(<pp(e1)>,<pp(e2)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::reroot(list[str] xs)) = "reroot(<pp(xs)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::splitN(str x, list[BGFProduction] ps, XBGFScope w)) = "splitN(<x>,<pp(ps)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::splitT(str x, list[str] ys, XBGFScope w)) = "splitT(<x>,<pp(ys)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::unchain(BGFProduction p)) = "unchain(<pp(p)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::undefine(list[str] xs)) = "undefine(<pp(xs)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::unfold(str x, XBGFScope w)) = "unfold(<x>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::unite(str x, str y)) = "unite(<x>,<y>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::unlabel(str x)) = "unlabel(<x>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::upgrade(BGFProduction p1, BGFProduction p2)) = "upgrade(<pp(p1)>,<pp(p2)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::vertical(XBGFScope w)) = "vertical(<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::widen(BGFExpression e1, BGFExpression e2, XBGFScope w)) = "widen(<pp(e1)>,<pp(e2)>,<pp(w)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::yaccify(list[BGFProduction] ps)) = "yaccify(<pp(ps)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::atomic(list[XBGFCommand] steps)) = "atomic(<pp(steps)>)";
public str ppx(XBGFCommand::strip(str a)) = "strip(<a>)";
public default str ppx(XBGFCommand smth) = "??<smth>??";

str pp(XBGFScope::globally()) = "globally()";
str pp(XBGFScope::nowhere()) = "nowhere()";
str pp(XBGFScope::inlabel(str l)) = "inlabel(<l>)";
str pp(XBGFScope::notinlabel(str l)) = "notinlabel(<l>)";
str pp(XBGFScope::innt(str x)) = "innt(<x>)";
str pp(XBGFScope::notinnt(str x)) = "notinnt(<x>)";
str pp(XBGFScope::comboscope(XBGFScope w1, XBGFScope w2)) = "comboscope(<pp(w1)>,<pp(w2)>)";
default str pp(XBGFScope smth) = "??<smth>??";
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions shared/rascal/src/metarascal/ADT2PP.rsc
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
@contributor{Vadim Zaytsev - - SWAT, CWI}
@doc{This tool takes an Abstract Data Type defined in Rascal, and generates a minimal
pretty-printer for it, relying on pattern-driven dispatch and the presence of pp() functions
for all inner types}
module metarascal::ADT2PP

import lib::Rascalware;
import IO;
import syntax::BGF;
import extract::RascalADT2BGF;

public void main(list[str] args) = main(|cwd:///|+args[0], |cwd:///|+args[1]);

public void main(loc rsc1, loc rsc2)
BGFGrammar g = extract::RascalADT2BGF::process(rsc1);
'module PrettyPrinter // feel free to change that after moving the file
'// put relevant imports here: ADT definitions and all necessary pp() functions!
'<for (production(_, str n, choice(rhs)) <- g.prods){><for (selectable(s,e) <- rhs){>
'public str ppx(<n>::<s>(<showargs(e)>)) = \"<s>(<showppd(e)>)\";<}>
'public default str ppx(<n> smth) = \"??\<smth\>??\";

str showargs(epsilon()) = "";
str showargs(selectable(s,e)) = "<showtype(e)> <s>";
str showargs(sequence(es)) = mapjoin(showargs,es,", ");
default str showargs(BGFExpression e) = "<e>";

str showppd(epsilon()) = "";
str showppd(selectable(s,val(e))) = "\<<s>\>";
str showppd(selectable(s,e)) = "\<pp(<s>)\>";
str showppd(sequence(es)) = mapjoin(showppd,es,",");
default str showppd(BGFExpression e) = "<e>";

str showtype(val(string())) = "str";
str showtype(val(integer())) = "int";
str showtype(star(e)) = "list[<showtype(e)>]";
str showtype(nonterminal(n)) = "<n>";
default str showtype(e) = ""; // silence is gold

public void tst2() = main(

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