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graphicore Bitmap Font Building, graphicoreBMFB

This program builds fonts from a custom format "Bitmap Font" (BMF) into
ready to use OpenType format, or anything the used generator is capable of.
By using different parameters varying fonts are generated. Attached to
the program is the source data of graphicore Bitmap Font in the BMF format
licensed under the SIL Open Font License (OFL).

There is a blog post telling more:

graphicore Bitmap Font Building, this program builds bitmap fonts
Copyright (c) 2010, Lasse Fister,

graphicore Bitmap Font Building is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

additional Disclaimer
English is not my mother tongue, it's German. I'm sorry for inconveniences caused by that.

What You'll Need:
* Linux -- I use Linux and didn't try anything else with the code. Help for other systems will find a place here if you provide it.

* I have Python 2.6.5 on my box
    I import from the Python Standard Library:
        from __future__ import with_statement #backward compatibility
        import sys, os, re, codecs, math, json, random
        from optparse import OptionParser #in ./

* fontforge (The Python bindings of fontforge)
    On Debian and Ubuntu the package is called python-fontforge
    $ sudo apt-get install python-fontforge

    if you can type in python:
    >>> import fontforge
    without bad things happening (like: ImportError: No module named fontforge) you should be fine

    on my machine, the fontforge version is 20100429, that works:
    >>> fontforge.version()

Quickstart (on Linux):
# go to the rootdir (of the extracted contents of the archive)
$ cd /the/dir/where/this/README/is/located

# build one font
$ ./ ./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/BitmapFont0Medium.jsn

now, in ./generated should be
* graphicoreBitmapFont0-Medium.sfd #that's the fileformat of FontForge
* graphicoreBitmapFont0-Medium.otf #the OpenType font

# if that worked you can build all fonts from all .jsn files in ./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/ That will take a while
$ ./

Commandline Options
All actions make files in the ./generated folder, the source file should not be touched (if its not in the ./generated folder and named like the output of the action)

#to get some more help
$ ./ -h takes as last argument always the path to the json file that defines the font
$ ./ ./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/BitmapFont0Medium.jsn

#any other thing goes inbetween:
./ -a classes -l 1 -r 1 -v 3 ./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/BitmapFont0Medium.jsn

#if action is "dist" there is an argument for the name of the kerning class, that is second to last.
./ -a dist -v 1 @_1R_1_2Y2N3Y5N -R 1 ./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/BitmapFont0Medium.jsn

Full Contact
If you haven't already you propably want to learn python:

I'll not give you a step by step instruction because there is one -- the code.
Read it, it's not so complex and there are some docstrings and comments.
Apropos docstrings, they are useful:
$ python
>>> import graphicoreBMFB
>>> help(graphicoreBMFB)

Jump into the code at ./ -- that's how i use the graphicoreBMFB module
All the classes are yet in the ./graphicoreBMFB/ file. That fact will change one day i think.

There is a FontForge-Python documentation:
In general the FontForge people do a great job at
If you feel lost in the Python docs get an idea of the matter from the gui docs and by using
fontforge itself.

All other documentations of imported modules are available here:

The Folder and File Structure of this Package:
./BMFonts/ #there are the BMFs stored, some files in a folder, that's totally optional
./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/# the graphicore Bitmap Font BMF, more to that is beyond
./generated/ #the output goes there, files in this folder are NOT save, initially empty
./graphicoreBMFB/ #here are the module files. One at the moment, more as soon as needed ...
./graphicoreBMFB/ #all the important stuff
./ #the command line tool
./LICENSE #the GNU Affero General Public License
./README #this file
./ #build all fonts from all .jsn files in ./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/ That will take a seccond

The Bitmap Font (BMF) Format:
Uually it's a Folder named after the typeface it contains
There are two things currently: options and glyphs

Glyphs are in a folder called "glyphs" that name can be overwritten by the options
(you should rather not do that, but you can) in that folder are glyphs stored in
simple files like that capital A:
$ more ./BMFonts/graphicoreBitmapFont/glyphs/aCap.txt
.. #######.
A glyph has no sidebearing, that information is stored class based in the features.distances table of the options

Everything not beeing a glyph and ends with .jsn is an options-file, these are stored as JSON

Options can inherit from each other, the last defined json file is the strongest.
They must specify their ancestors in their root object like that:
    "inherit": ["glyphs.jsn", "kerning.jsn", "ligatures.jsn"]
This will load ligatures.json first and all its ancestors, then kerning.jsn and all its ancestors, and so on.
If an option is already set, it will not be overwritten by ancestors.
Options are only set in the root element and in its direct children if these are dicts, there is no deeper copying.
The graphicoreBitmapFont shows how to use BMF options.
The defaults dict in ./graphicoreBMFB/ has some comments and the default values

Im afraid that there is not more documentation right now. You'll have to study the sources.

Enjoy! Lasse


graphicore Bitmap Font Building, this program builds bitmap fonts







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