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Viewport from gruntmonkey LLC. (Public Beta 1)

Give your portfolio mobility.

With Viewport on your iPad and Android Tablet, you can present your portfolio at any time, showing process, revisions, and notes that led to the final solution. A compartmented presentation model, coupled with subtle design elements, puts your work front and center.

We know you spent time crafting and organizing your portfolio of work, and we believe that presenting physical work to a potential client or employer is an important part of the hiring process, but sometimes carrying around your portfolio just isn't feasible. With Viewport, if the topic of your work comes up, you can present your portfolio instantly, even if you're offline.

Web based for all.

Viewport is a web based framework built using a healthy dose of HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript optimized for the iPad and Android as a progressive web app (PWA).


Download the kit or clone this repository and build on what is included in the app directory.

Be sure to look over the installation docs to verify your environment is prepared to run Viewport. Once you have verified that your system can run Viewport, check out the commands available to get started.

Viewport is built on top of Web Starter Kit.