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##Solo cooking with chef-solo##

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Unlike the Server driven cookbook intro I wrote a while back, I came across a need of using solo, I must admit it's been quite while hacking @ Chef and it's come a long way ... BTW, if you dont have a mac - don't try this ... ;) => this was tested on Mountin Lion

Cut the bulls**t

If you are saying to your self I want to get my hands dirty - cut the bulls**t so just:

git clone
cd laptop && soloist

Wait for magic to happen ...

What we are going todo ?

Install some stuff on my laptop for this example: Sublime text 2 (version 2.0.2), Vagrant (version 1.2.2), Hombrew latest ...

Let's do some OSX settings on our mac - for example 1. Hide the dock [auto-hide the doc], 2. Finder: show hidden files by default 3, maybe more ...

Yeah, Yeah I know there are three ton of this kind of solutions like pivotal_workstation, kitchenplan - which is based on pivotal & others. All of them where / are overwhelming in the amount of stuff they bring in, the majority of them have proprietary / comercial packages like 1password and others which I didn't want. So instead of "ripping them off" let's build our own and learn something whilst were @ it ...

**The good news is 90%** are already out there so let's get it on ...

Getting started (sharpen you knife .... / the tool set)

  1. git [ of you plan on sharing ]
  2. ruby - duah !? :)
  3. bundler
  4. librarian-chef [ Like bundler but for chef recipes ... ]
  5. we could also use soloist which is a gem which represents our node as yaml instead of json - kind handy see example below of such a file

I assume you have ruby and gems install so I can continue from here ...

Create a project folder

mkdir laptop 

Create a git repo

cd laptop && git init .

Create a git ignore file [ We do not want cookbooks & cookbook cache to make way into our repository ]

cat > .gitignore << EOF

Create Gemfile with deps ...

cat > Gemfile <<EOF
source :rubygems
gem 'chef'
gem 'soloist'

Let's get those gems ...


Long list (see the deps librarian & libraian-chef ... by running gem list )

Using chef (11.4.4) 
Installing hashie (1.2.0) 
Using thor (0.18.1) 
Using librarian (0.1.0) 
Using librarian-chef (0.0.1) 
Installing soloist (1.0.1) 
Using bundler (1.3.5) 

My dmg's & Cookbook deps ...

Sublime Text2 - link: Vagrant - link:

And I will need the dmg cookbook in order to install then [ put a pin in that when we get to librarian / soloist ... ] In order to set mac osx stuff like I mentioned I can use the mac_os_x cookbook by opscode

Optional but recommended - get the shasum of the dmg's so the download is validated before installation for example:

shasum -a 256 ~/Downloads/Sublime\ Text\ 2.0.2.dmg 
906e71e19ae5321f80e7cf42eab8355146d8f2c3fd55be1f7fe5c62c57165add  /Users/c5191707/Downloads/Sublime Text 2.0.2.dmg

Write your own cookbook ... [ reuse others in your cookbook]

mkdir -p ./site-cookbooks/cookbase/{attributes,files,recipes}
*vim ./site-cookbooks/cookbase/attributes/default.rb 	*

Tell our recipe where to get the dmg's from, and these can be changed to fit your local artifact server / repo.

default[:cookbase][:st_pkg_url] = ""
default[:cookbase][:vagrant_pkg_url] = ""

vim ./site-cookbooks/cookbase/recipes/default.rb Let's use the dmg cookbook for our packadges:

dmg_package 'Sublime Text 2' do
  source "#{node[:cookbase][:st_pkg_url]}"
  checksum "906e71e19ae5321f80e7cf42eab8355146d8f2c3fd55be1f7fe5c62c57165add"
link "/usr/local/bin/subl" do
  to '/Applications/Sublime Text'

And the same kind of chunk for Vagrant ...

dmg_package 'Vagrant' do
  source "#{node[:cookbase][:vagrant_pkg_url]}"
  checksum "1581552841e076043308f330a5b1130b455c604846116c54b5330bb17240c7ee"
  type 'pkg'
  package_id 'com.vagrant.vagrant'

And the OSX tweaks are achived by appending the following to the default.rb:

include_recipe 'cookbase::osx_hacks'	

And of course creating the osx_hacks.rb file [ in thre recipes directory ] I put the first one as an example you can see the full file in the repository ...

mac_os_x_userdefaults 'Finder: show hidden files by default' do
  domain ''
  key 'AppleShowAllFiles'
  value 'true'
  type 'bool'

Create a Cheffile

cat > Cheffile << EOF
cookbook 'mac_os_x'
cookbook 'dmg'	
cookbook 'homebrew'
cookbook 'ruby_build'
cookbook 'zip_app'

Create Soloist file

cat > recipes: << EOF
  - mac_os_x
  - homebrew
  - dmg
  - zip_app
  - cookbase

Alternatively a json file [ before the soloist option ... ] would look like:

    "run_list": [

But we don't need one in our case ... Just to note what happens behind the scenes

Let's execute soloist and see how much clutter it saves us ...

$ soloist 
Installing dmg (1.1.0)
Installing homebrew (1.3.2)
Installing mac_os_x (1.4.2)
Installing zip_app (0.2.2)

So, in the background soloist runs librarian chef and pulls down all the cookbooks [ defaults to: ].

	Starting Chef Client, version 11.4.4
	[2013-07-16T00:21:18+03:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.4.4 ***
	[2013-07-16T00:21:19+03:00] INFO: Setting the run_list to ["mac_os_x", "homebrew", "dmg", "zip_app", "cookbase"] from JSON
	[2013-07-16T00:21:19+03:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[mac_os_x], recipe[homebrew], recipe[dmg], recipe[zip_app], recipe[cookbase]]
	[2013-07-16T00:21:19+03:00] INFO: Run List expands to [mac_os_x, homebrew, dmg, zip_app, cookbase]
	[2013-07-16T00:21:19+03:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for TLVM60232271A
	[2013-07-16T00:21:19+03:00] INFO: Running start handlers
	[2013-07-16T00:21:19+03:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
	Compiling Cookbooks...
	Converging 12 resources
	Recipe: homebrew::default
	  * remote_file[/var/chef/cache/homebrew_go] action create[2013-07-16T00:21:19+03:00] INFO: Processing remote_file[/var/chef/cache/homebrew_go] action create (homebrew::default line 3)
	 (up to date)
	  * execute[/var/chef/cache/homebrew_go] action run[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing execute[/var/chef/cache/homebrew_go] action run (homebrew::default line 8)
	 (skipped due to not_if)
	  * package[git] action install[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing package[git] action install (homebrew::default line 12)
	 (skipped due to not_if)
	  * execute[update homebrew from github] action run[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing execute[update homebrew from github] action run (homebrew::default line 16)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: execute[update homebrew from github] ran successfully

	    - execute /usr/local/bin/brew update || true

	Recipe: cookbase::default
	  * dmg_package[Sublime Text 2] action install[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing dmg_package[Sublime Text 2] action install (cookbase::default line 3)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Already installed; to upgrade, remove "/Applications/Sublime Text"
	 (up to date)
	  * link[/usr/local/bin/subl] action create[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing link[/usr/local/bin/subl] action create (cookbase::default line 7)
	 (up to date)
	  * dmg_package[Vagrant] action install[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing dmg_package[Vagrant] action install (cookbase::default line 13)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Already installed; to upgrade, try "sudo pkgutil --forget com.vagrant.vagrant"
	 (up to date)
	Recipe: cookbase::osx_hacks
	  * mac_os_x_userdefaults[Finder: show hidden files by default] action write[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing mac_os_x_userdefaults[Finder: show hidden files by default] action write (cookbase::osx_hacks line 3)

	Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
	  * execute[defaults write 'AppleShowAllFiles' -bool 'true'] action run[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing execute[defaults write 'AppleShowAllFiles' -bool 'true'] action run (/Users/c5191707/Projects/cookbase/laptop2/cookbooks/mac_os_x/providers/userdefaults.rb line 70)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: execute[defaults write 'AppleShowAllFiles' -bool 'true'] ran successfully

	    - execute defaults write 'AppleShowAllFiles' -bool 'true'

	Recipe: cookbase::osx_hacks
	  * mac_os_x_userdefaults[Finder: show all filename extensions] action write[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing mac_os_x_userdefaults[Finder: show all filename extensions] action write (cookbase::osx_hacks line 10)

	Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
	  * execute[defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'AppleShowAllExtensions' -bool 'true'] action run[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing execute[defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'AppleShowAllExtensions' -bool 'true'] action run (/Users/c5191707/Projects/cookbase/laptop2/cookbooks/mac_os_x/providers/userdefaults.rb line 70)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: execute[defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'AppleShowAllExtensions' -bool 'true'] ran successfully

	    - execute defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'AppleShowAllExtensions' -bool 'true'

	Recipe: cookbase::osx_hacks
	  * mac_os_x_userdefaults[Remove the auto-hiding Dock delay] action write[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing mac_os_x_userdefaults[Remove the auto-hiding Dock delay] action write (cookbase::osx_hacks line 17)

	Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
	  * execute[defaults write 'autohide-delay' -float '0'] action run[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing execute[defaults write 'autohide-delay' -float '0'] action run (/Users/c5191707/Projects/cookbase/laptop2/cookbooks/mac_os_x/providers/userdefaults.rb line 70)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: execute[defaults write 'autohide-delay' -float '0'] ran successfully

	    - execute defaults write 'autohide-delay' -float '0'

	Recipe: cookbase::osx_hacks
	  * mac_os_x_userdefaults[Remove the animation when hiding/showing the Dock] action write[2013-07-16T00:21:20+03:00] INFO: Processing mac_os_x_userdefaults[Remove the animation when hiding/showing the Dock] action write (cookbase::osx_hacks line 24)

	Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
	  * execute[defaults write 'autohide-time-modifier' -float '0'] action run[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: Processing execute[defaults write 'autohide-time-modifier' -float '0'] action run (/Users/c5191707/Projects/cookbase/laptop2/cookbooks/mac_os_x/providers/userdefaults.rb line 70)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: execute[defaults write 'autohide-time-modifier' -float '0'] ran successfully

	    - execute defaults write 'autohide-time-modifier' -float '0'

	Recipe: cookbase::osx_hacks
	  * mac_os_x_userdefaults[Automatically hide and show the Dock] action write[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: Processing mac_os_x_userdefaults[Automatically hide and show the Dock] action write (cookbase::osx_hacks line 31)

	Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
	  * execute[defaults write 'autohide' -bool 'true'] action run[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: Processing execute[defaults write 'autohide' -bool 'true'] action run (/Users/c5191707/Projects/cookbase/laptop2/cookbooks/mac_os_x/providers/userdefaults.rb line 70)
	[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: execute[defaults write 'autohide' -bool 'true'] ran successfully

	    - execute defaults write 'autohide' -bool 'true'

	[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 1.473199 seconds
	[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: Running report handlers
	[2013-07-16T00:21:21+03:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
	Chef Client finished, 11 resources updated

Great bottom line ** Chef Client finished, 11 resources updated** ...


  1. Sololist repository see the
  2. Another awesome tool out there is: solowizard - mix 'n' match, generate a script which uses chef-solo to bootstrap your laptop.


An intorduction to chef, solo and soloist






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