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xiangshuo1992 committed May 28, 2019
2 parents 9889201 + 6c89cc5 commit 636fd46
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@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
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# Front-end interview **3+1** per day(Three questions per day)

[Chinese]( | [English](

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<a href=""><img src="" alt="skill"></a>
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## Four goals:diligent thinking,more hands-on,good summary,can adhere to

> "The Confucian Analects", Master Zeng said, Every day I do self-inspection on three aspects. (I reflect on myself many times every day)。
> Front-end interview 3+1 per day,Driven by interview questions, make progress every day!
> Let hard work become a habit, let struggle become a kind of enjoyment!
Expand All @@ -14,72 +26,75 @@
- Welcome to **Issues**, encourage **PR**, and thank **Star**.,What good suggestions do you have for us to share and discuss with me via Wechat!
> I hope you can study and think everyday, so that you can come here!!! (Don't come for anyone, come for yourself!)

## Origin
> The story originated from an interview question sent by a departing colleague, and then exploded in a group of micro-letters from departments and enterprises. After answering the question, people thought it would be better if they came to ask one question every day. Face-to-face training, suddenly want to do what they want to say, so there is this open source warehouse, only for the benefit of others!
![origin picture](

## Today's Interview Question (2019.05.14) —— 28 days
- [html] [说说你对`<meta>`标签的理解](
- [css] [rgba()和opacity这两个的透明效果有什么区别呢?](
- [js] [解释下这段代码的意思!](
- [软技能] [在浏览器中输入url到页面显示出来的过程发生了什么?](
## Today's Interview Question (2019.05.28) —— 42 days
- [html] [解释下什么是ISISO8859-2字符集?](
- [css] [重置(初始化)css的作用是什么?](
- [js] [window对象和document对象有干什么区别?](
- [skill] [你现在在团队是什么角色,有起到了什么显著的作用吗?](

> Welcome to [**Issues**]( and friends to discuss learning!
## Classification
- [html](category/
- [css](category/
- [js](category/
- [Skill](category/软技能.md)

## Topics(Please look forward to and welcome PR)
- [ES6](category/
- [jQuery](lib/
- [Vue](lib/
- [React](lib/
- [AngularJs](lib/
- [wxapp](lib/

## Summary
- [week](category/
- class(3+1)
[html](category/ | [css](category/ | [js](category/ | [Skill](category/

- Topics(Please look forward to and welcome PR)
[ES6](category/ | [jQuery](lib/ | [Vue](lib/ | [React](lib/ | [AngularJs](lib/ | [小程序](lib/

- Summary

## History
- **[All](category/**

- 27 days (2019.05.13)
- [html] [说说你对影子(Shadow)DOM的了解](
- [css] [怎样修改chrome记住密码后自动填充表单的黄色背景](
- [js] [说说你对arguments的理解,它是数组吗?](
- [软技能] [你为什么离职呢?](

- 26 days (2019.05.12)
- [html] [解释下你对GBK和UTF-8的理解?并说说页面上产生乱码的可能原因](
- [css] [说说你对z-index的理解](
- [js] [说说bind、call、apply的区别?并手写实现一个bind的方法](
- [软技能] [你对Git的branch及工作流的理解是什么?](

- 25 days (2019.05.11)
- [html] [请说说`<script>``<script async>``<script defer>`的区别](
- [css] [在页面中的应该使用奇数还是偶数的字体?为什么呢?](
- [js] [写一个判断设备来源的方法](
- [Skill] [说说你工作中遇到过比较难的技术问题是什么?是如何解决的?](

- 24 days (2019.05.10)
- [html] [说说你对属性data-的理解](
- [css] [你有用过CSS预处理器吗?喜欢用哪个?原理是什么?](
- [js] [如何快速让一个数组乱序,写出来](
- [Skill] [你经历过老板要求兼容IE吗?IE几?有什么感悟?](

- 23 days (2019.05.09)
- [html] [关于`<form>`标签的enctype属性你有哪些了解?](
- [css] [说说CSS的优先级是如何计算的?](
- [js] [0.1 + 0.2、0.1 + 0.3和0.1 * 0.2分别等于多少?并解释下为什么?](
- [Skill] [说说一件或几件(介绍下除了工作外)你觉得能为你面试加分的事](
- 41 days (2019.05.27)
- [html] [webSocket怎么做兼容处理?](
- [css] [怎么让英文单词的首字母大写](
- [js] [说说你对IIFE的理解](
- [skill] [你有自己的博客吗?平时自己有写一些技术文章吗?](

- 40 days (2019.05.26)
- [html] [html5都有哪些新的特性?移除了哪些元素?](
- [css] [怎么才能让图文不可复制?](
- [js] [为什么会有跨域问题?怎么解决跨域?](
- [skill] [说说你对NodeJs的理解及用途](

- 39 days (2019.05.25)
- [html] [title与h1、b与strong、i与em的区别分别是什么?](
- [css] [写出你知道的CSS水平和垂直居中的方法](
- [js] [说说你对模块化的理解](
- [skill] [公钥加密和私钥加密是什么?](

- 38 days (2019.05.24)
- [html] [说说你对cookie和session的理解](
- [css] [实现单行文本居中和多行文本左对齐并超出显示"..."](
- [js] [说说你对eval的理解](
- [skill] [你知道网页三剑客指的是什么吗?你有用过Dreamwear吗?](

- 37 days (2019.05.23)
- [html] [html5哪些标签可以优化SEO?](
- [css] [不使用border画出1px高的线,在不同浏览器的标准和怪异模式下都能保持效果一样](
- [js] [找到字符串中最长的单词,并返回它的长度](
- [skill] [如果让你快速使用一门你不熟悉的新技术,你该怎么办?](

- **[All](category/**

## How to learn
- Whether you understand the topic or not, you have to think first and then Baidu. After thinking, you must write it out.
- If it's a native JS question, don't rely on third-party libraries, such as jquery, etc.
- Every day's questions are independent and do not need to be sequenced, but it is suggested that each question should be answered. If you will or will not, the answer will be known.
- After you don't understand Baidu's title, don't copy a large paragraph directly, you should summarize it in your own words concisely.

## Origin
> The story originated from an interview question sent by a departing colleague, and then exploded in a group of micro-letters from departments and enterprises. After answering the question, people thought it would be better if they came to ask one question every day. Face-to-face training, suddenly want to do what they want to say, so there is this open source warehouse, only for the benefit of others!
![origin picture](

## Exchange
Welcome to discuss, if you think it is helpful for your study, please order [**Star**](, and welcome to join the **"front-end interview daily 3 + 1"** Wechat group (sweep personal micro-signal invitation group) to communicate with each other.

![wechat qrcode](

## Thanks(No ranking)
- [qq674785876](
- [undefinedYu](
Expand All @@ -101,6 +116,9 @@
- 2019.05.12 — 与国际接轨,代码与学习无国界,所以添加了英文版本,后续会继续优化,先解决有的问题!
- 2019.05.13 — star数突破300!
- 2019.05.14 — issues题目数量突破100!继续努力前行!
- 2019.05.15 — 加了技能图标,让README更美观,看着更舒服!
- 2019.05.16 — 看到很多朋友直接复制一大段出来文字放到issues里,其实这样是不好的,看后也要用自己的话总结根据出来,所有添加了怎样学习的方法
- 2019.05.23 — 发现很多朋友都好奇这个开源项目,所以特加了本开源项目的四大宗旨。

## Source
- [juejin]( Synchronized Updates)
Expand All @@ -109,11 +127,6 @@
- [kancloud]( Synchronized Updates)
- 「qianduanjianjie」 wechat(Scan QR code,Daily Synchronized Updates)

## Exchange
Welcome to discuss, if you think it is helpful for your study, please order [**Star**](, and welcome to join the **"front-end interview daily 3 + 1"** Wechat group (sweep personal micro-signal invitation group) to communicate with each other.

![wechat qrcode](

## Reprint
> Recently, many friends on the Internet abused links, packaged and charged, so that needy friends can not find the latest test questions, contrary to my original intention, added some statements:
Expand All @@ -123,4 +136,4 @@ Welcome to discuss, if you think it is helpful for your study, please order [**S
3. You do not need to crawl this warehouse, if you need any format, you can chat with me, such as local reading PDF, I have time to make PDF, for your convenience!

## License

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