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Install packages necessary to compile the .tex files:

make install

To compile the cv in PDF format just run:

make build

build command works based on the latexmk tool, which will not recompile .tex files if nothing has changed.

To recompile everything from scratch, do:

make update

To clean everything up, do:

make clean


latex has to be already installed on your machine, otherwise you will not be able to build the project. I am using macOS (guess you either).

The best way to install latex within tlmgr and other required tools is to download MacTeX distribution. I prefer the BasicTeX instead, as the off. documentation says:

BasicTeX is a much smaller alternate TeX Distribution for users who do not want to download the full TeX Live, or have unreliable internet connections. It contains all of the standard tools needed to write TeX documents, including TeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX, MetaFont, dvips, MetaPost, and XeTeX. BasicTeX does not overwrite the full distribution; it is installed in /usr/local/texlive/2023basic


If you have the issue tlmgr: action not allowed in system mode: update and use Brew, please follow the Prerequisites section an official distribution supported by the group directly.

Unfortunately, available distributions on the are not working properly (UPD: macOS Sonoma 14.0), tlmgr does not allow to use any write op., eg. install or update --self. My guess a Brew distribution has issues with setting the right PATH variables. I found the answer for this issue, but in order to resolve the issue I need to fix up tlmgr config file.

Official BasicTeX (from the does not have any of these problems. If you want to dive into installation details of the distribution, check out eg. 6. Configuring PATH and MANPATH section.

Code Structure

Custom design for my CV defined in the nk-resume.cls "class" file.

For more details about supplementary files check out What are .cls and .sty files? How are they different?
