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improve a support of sending direct messages.
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yata committed Mar 27, 2010
1 parent f99e44b commit 9f922cb
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Showing 2 changed files with 129 additions and 51 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions ChangeLog
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,30 @@

2010-03-13 Satoshi Yatagawa <>

* twittering-mode.el: Improve a support of sending direct

* twittering-mode.el (twittering-update-status-from-pop-up-buffer):
Use twitter API which is related of direct_messages if necessary.
(twittering-update-status-from-minibuffer): Likewise.
(twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p): New defun.
(twittering-reply-recipient): Rename from
(twittering-update-status-from-pop-up-buffer): Adjust callers.
(twittering-render-timeline): Add a text property `belongs-spec'.
(twittering-update-status-from-pop-up-buffer): Add optional
arguments `username' and `spec'.
(twittering-update-status-from-minibuffer): Likewise.
(twittering-enter): Adjust callers.

* twittering-mode.el (twittering-edit-setup-help): Add optional
arguments `username' and `spec'.
(twittering-update-status-from-pop-up-buffer): Call it here.
(twittering-edit-mode): Don't call it here.

* twittering-mode.el (twittering-direct-message): Call

* twittering-mode.el (twittering-make-display-spec-for-icon): Use
`create-animated-image' if present (on Emacs24 or later).

Expand Down
156 changes: 105 additions & 51 deletions twittering-mode.el
Expand Up @@ -931,6 +931,12 @@ Return nil if SPEC-STR is invalid as a timeline spec."
(type (car spec)))
(memq type primary-spec-types)))

(defun twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p (spec)
"Return non-nil if SPEC is a timeline spec which is related of
(and spec
(memq (car spec) '(direct_messages direct_messages_sent))))

(defun twittering-equal-string-as-timeline (spec-str1 spec-str2)
"Return non-nil if SPEC-STR1 equals SPEC-STR2 as a timeline spec."
(if (and (stringp spec-str1) (stringp spec-str2))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1466,7 +1472,6 @@ The alist consists of pairs of field-name and field-value, such as

(make-local-variable 'twittering-help-overlay)
(setq twittering-help-overlay nil)
(make-local-variable 'twittering-warning-overlay)
(setq twittering-warning-overlay (make-overlay 1 1 nil nil nil))
(overlay-put twittering-warning-overlay 'face 'font-lock-warning-face)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1498,30 +1503,29 @@ The alist consists of pairs of field-name and field-value, such as
(format "twmode-status-edit[%d/%d/140]" length maxlen))
(if (< maxlen length)
(move-overlay twittering-warning-overlay
(1+ maxlen) (1+ length))
(move-overlay twittering-warning-overlay
1 1))
(move-overlay twittering-warning-overlay (1+ maxlen) (1+ length))
(move-overlay twittering-warning-overlay 1 1))))

(defun twittering-edit-extract-status ()
(if (eq major-mode 'twittering-edit-mode)

(defun twittering-edit-setup-help ()
(let ((help-str "Keymap:
C-c C-c: post a tweet
C-c C-k: cancel a tweet
(defun twittering-edit-setup-help (&optional username spec)
(let* ((item (if (twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(format "a direct message to %s" username)
"a tweet"))
(help-str (format "Keymap:
C-c C-c: send %s
C-c C-k: cancel %s
M-n : next history element
M-p : previous history element
---- text above this line is ignored ----
(or twittering-help-overlay
(make-overlay 1 1 nil nil nil))))

" item item))
(or twittering-help-overlay
(make-overlay 1 1 nil nil nil))))
(add-text-properties 0 (length help-str) '(face font-lock-comment-face)
(overlay-put help-overlay 'before-string help-str)
Expand All @@ -1533,28 +1537,34 @@ The alist consists of pairs of field-name and field-value, such as
(set-window-configuration twittering-pre-edit-window-configuration)
(setq twittering-pre-edit-window-configuration nil)))

(defvar twittering-reply-to-id nil)
(defvar twittering-reply-recipient nil)

(defun twittering-update-status-from-pop-up-buffer (&optional init-str reply-to-id)
(defun twittering-update-status-from-pop-up-buffer (&optional init-str reply-to-id username spec)
(when (and (null init-str)
(setq init-str (format " #%s " twittering-current-hashtag)))
(let ((buf (generate-new-buffer twittering-edit-buffer)))
(setq twittering-pre-edit-window-configuration
(pop-to-buffer buf)
(twittering-edit-setup-help username spec)
(if (twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(message "C-c C-c to send, C-c C-k to cancel")
(and (null init-str)
(setq init-str (format " #%s " twittering-current-hashtag)))
(message "C-c C-c to post, C-c C-k to cancel"))
(when init-str
(insert init-str)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))
(make-local-variable 'twittering-reply-to-id)
(setq twittering-reply-to-id reply-to-id)
(message "C-c C-c to post, C-c C-k to cancel")))
(make-local-variable 'twittering-reply-recipient)
(setq twittering-reply-recipient `(,reply-to-id ,username ,spec))))

(defun twittering-edit-post-status ()
(let ((status (twittering-edit-extract-status)))
(let ((status (twittering-edit-extract-status))
(reply-to-id (nth 0 twittering-reply-recipient))
(username (nth 1 twittering-reply-recipient))
(spec (nth 2 twittering-reply-recipient)))
((not (twittering-status-not-blank-p status))
(message "Empty tweet!"))
Expand All @@ -1563,14 +1573,26 @@ The alist consists of pairs of field-name and field-value, such as
(setq twittering-edit-history
(cons status twittering-edit-history))
(let ((parameters `(("status" . ,status))))
(when (and twittering-reply-to-id
(string-match "^@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" status))
(add-to-list 'parameters
`("in_reply_to_status_id" .
,(format "%s" twittering-reply-to-id))))
(twittering-http-post "" "1/statuses/update" parameters)
((twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(if username
(let ((parameters `(("user" . ,username)
("text" . ,status))))
(twittering-http-post "" "1/direct_messages/new"
(message "No username specified")))
(let ((parameters `(("status" . ,status))))
;; Add in_reply_to_status_id only when a posting status
;; begins with @username.
(when (and reply-to-id
(string-match "^@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" status))
(add-to-list 'parameters
`("in_reply_to_status_id" .
,(format "%s" reply-to-id))))
(twittering-http-post "" "1/statuses/update"

(defun twittering-edit-cancel-status ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2625,6 +2647,9 @@ If INTERRUPT is non-nil, the iteration is stopped if FUNC returns nil."
(unless (twittering-status-id= id (get-text-property pos 'id))
(let ((formatted-status (twittering-format-status status))
(separator "\n"))
(add-text-properties 0 (length formatted-status)
`(belongs-spec ,spec)
(goto-char pos)
((eq pos (point-max))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3192,12 +3217,15 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'."
(re-search-forward "^[\n\r \t]*@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\([\n\r \t]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\)*" nil t)
(re-search-forward "[^\n\r \t]+" nil t)))

(defun twittering-update-status-from-minibuffer (&optional init-str reply-to-id)
(when (and (null init-str)
(setq init-str (format " #%s " twittering-current-hashtag)))
(defun twittering-update-status-from-minibuffer (&optional init-str reply-to-id username spec)
(and (not (twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec))
(null init-str)
(setq init-str (format " #%s " twittering-current-hashtag)))
(let ((status init-str)
(sign-str (twittering-sign-string))
(sign-str (if (twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(not-posted-p t)
(prompt "status: ")
(map minibuffer-local-map)
Expand All @@ -3214,14 +3242,24 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'."
(setq prompt "status (too long): ")
(setq prompt "status: ")
(when (twittering-status-not-blank-p status)
(let ((parameters `(("status" . ,status-with-sign))))
(when (and reply-to-id
(string-match "^@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" status))
(add-to-list 'parameters
`("in_reply_to_status_id" . ,reply-to-id)))
(twittering-http-post "" "1/statuses/update"
(setq not-posted-p nil)))
((twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(if username
(let ((parameters `(("user" . ,username)
("text" . ,status))))
(twittering-http-post ""
(message "No username specified")))
(let ((parameters `(("status" . ,status-with-sign))))
(when (and reply-to-id
(string-match "^@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+" status))
(add-to-list 'parameters
`("in_reply_to_status_id" . ,reply-to-id)))
(twittering-http-post "" "1/statuses/update"
(setq not-posted-p nil)))
;; unwindforms
(when (memq 'twittering-setup-minibuffer minibuffer-setup-hook)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3564,20 +3602,27 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'."
(let ((username (get-text-property (point) 'username))
(id (get-text-property (point) 'id))
(uri (get-text-property (point) 'uri))
(spec (get-text-property (point) 'belongs-spec))
(uri-in-text (get-text-property (point) 'uri-in-text))
(hashtag-in-text (get-text-property (point) 'hashtag-in-text))
(get-text-property (point) 'screen-name-in-text)))
(cond (screen-name-in-text
(funcall twittering-update-status-function
(concat "@" screen-name-in-text " ") id))
(if (twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(concat "@" screen-name-in-text " "))
id screen-name-in-text spec))
(twittering-search hashtag-in-text))
(browse-url uri-in-text))
(funcall twittering-update-status-function
(concat "@" username " ") id))
(if (twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(concat "@" username " "))
id username spec))
(browse-url uri)))))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3755,10 +3800,19 @@ variable `twittering-status-format'."

(defun twittering-direct-message ()
(let ((username (get-text-property (point) 'username)))
(if username
(funcall twittering-update-status-function (concat "d " username " "))
(message "No user selected"))))
(let ((username (twittering-read-username-with-completion
"who receive your message: "
(get-text-property (point) 'username)
(spec (or (get-text-property (point) 'belongs-spec)
(if (string= "" username)
(message "No user selected")
(funcall twittering-update-status-function
(if (twittering-timeline-spec-is-direct-messages-p spec)
(concat "d" username " "))
nil username spec))))

(defun twittering-reply-to-user ()
Expand Down

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