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A Framework for Equilibrium Learning in Sealed-Bid Auctions

bnelearn is a framework for equilibrium learning in sealed-bid auctions and other markets that can be modeled as Bayesian Games. The documentation can be found at Documentation. Please bear in mind that the documentation is still a work in progress and may not be complete or up-to-date in all respects. We're working on improving it.

Maintainers: Stefan Heidekrüger (@heidekrueger), Nils Kohring (@kohring), Markus Ewert (@Markus-Ewert).

Original Authors: Stefan Heidekrüger, Paul Sutterer (@PaulR-S), Nils Kohring, Martin Bichler.

Further Contributors: Gleb Kilichenko (@kilichenko), Carina Fröhlich, Anne Christopher (@annechris13), Iheb Belgacem (@belgacemi).

Suggested Citation

If you find bnelearn helpful and use it in your work, please consider using the following citation:

  author = {Heidekr\"uger, Stefan and Kohring, Nils and Sutterer, Paul and Bichler, Martin},
  title = {{bnelearn}: A Framework for Equilibrium Learning in Sealed-Bid Auctions},
  year = {2021},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}}

What's Implemented?

Running experiments for $n$-player matrix and sealed-bid auction games with either

Auctions and Other Games

  • Single-item, multi-unit, LLG combinatorial auction, LLLLGG combinatorial auction.
  • Priors and correlations: Uniform and normal priors that are either independent or Bernoulli or constant weight dependent. (Independent private values (IPV) and non-PV, e.g., common values.)
  • Utility functions: Quasi-linear utility, either risk neutral, risk averse, or risk seeking.
  • For combinatorial auctions: custom batched, cuda-enabled QP solver for quadratic auction rules + gurobi/cvxpy integration for arbitrary auctions stated as a MIP.
  • Single-item auctions with first-, second-, and third-price rules, with known-BNE support for a wide range of settings.
  • Local-Global combinatorial auctions, in particular LLG and LLLLGG
    • For LLG we support bne for independent and correlated local bidders for several core-selecting payment rules
  • Split-award and mineral-rights auctions
  • Tullock contest and crowd sourcing contest


  • Fictitious play, stochastic fictitious play, mixed fictitious play in matrix games.
  • Neural self-play with directly computed policy gradients from (Heinrich and Silver, 2016), which is called PGLearner.
  • Neural pseudogradient ascent (NPGA), called ESPGLearner, from (Bichler et al., 2021).
  • Particle swarm optimization (PSO), called PSOLearner, from (Kohring et al., 2022).
  • A smoothing technique that allows for the calculation of first-order gradient estimates (via PGLearner) from (Kohring et al., 2023).

Where to Start?

  • You can find the installation instructions at Installation.
  • A quickstart guide is provided at Quickstart.
  • Background information can be found under Background.

Contribute: Before Your First Commit

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